Incidence and Consequences of Physical and Psycho-Social Abuse of the Girl Child Among Secondary Schools Students in Kaduna State

 – Incidence and Consequences of Physical and Psycho-Social Abuse of the Girl Child Among Secondary Schools Students in Kaduna State –

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The study investigated the incidence and consequences of physical and psycho-social abuse of girl child among secondary schools in Kaduna and Zaria. Five hypotheses were developed, to find out the spread, nature and extent to which abuse affects the girl child.

The study adopted descriptive survey method. 400 randomly selected girls’ in public secondary schools in Kaduna metropolis and Zaria participated in the study. They were drawn from 8 public girls’ secondary schools in Kaduna urban and Zaria.

They include 4 girls’ secondary schools from each area. Questionnaire was instrument used for data collection. T-test independent sample and Pearson moment correlation co-efficient were used to analyze the data. T-test was used to test significant difference between Kaduna and Zaria location in the spread of physical and psycho-social abuse.

T-test was also used in analyzing hypotheses 1-4. Pearson moment correlation co-efficient was used to test relationship between girl child and its component of psycho-social consequences. Based on the result of the study Kaduna location has more spread in the level of abuse than Zaria location.

Significant difference existed in hypotheses 1-4 and significant relationship existed in hypotheses 5a-5d. The study found that Kaduna urban metropolis location has higher magnitude of both incidences of physical, psycho-social and psycho- social consequences.

The study also found that Kaduna urban are more prone to abuse than Zaria dwellers. It was recommended that parent should try their possible best not to violate the child right and ensure equal access to education to all children given to them.


A lot has been said and written about child abuse in our society. Child abuse is not any single entity but a term used to describe a variety of acts by parents ranging from explosive assault, to over punitive discipline or irresponsible neglects. According,, to Yakasi in Sunday New Nigeria, 29 Oct, 1989.

Historical accounts suggest that child abuse has been in practice for long as records show, but it seems to have increased in frequency and severity with the onset of the industrial revolution. It is only fairly recently that the frequency of violence towards children within families became appreciated in the western world.

Various estimates of incidences have been made by World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), from which one might suggest a rate of 0.5 percent of children under 3 year. Kempe (1971) estimates 40,000 cases per annum in the USA; A Lancet editorial (1973) suggests 2000 cases per annum in UK.

In African and Nigeria in particular it is difficult to estimate the incidences of child abuse and neglect because of the ethno cultural differences and other intricacies, while a few of the abuse or harmful situations are deemed likely to occur in Africa, the whole issue of child abuse and neglect sound remote to most Africans Yakasai (1989).


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