Influence of Television Advertising on Consumer Choice of Beverages

Influence of Television Advertising on Consumer Choice of Beverages.


The world provides a competing for environment for firm competing for consumers’ chike of their product. yet consumers have the right to decide on what form of information they will respond to this research work is to examine critically influence of television advertising on consumers’ choice of beverage plc.

This research has the core objective of determining whether television advert has an influence on consumers choice, if there are factors, which can influence consumers choice and if advertising bring about brand loyalty in the course of this project, the researcher adopts survey research method with questionnaires as 600 used for this study.

The sampling technique used is sample random sampling among the findings of this project is that television advertising influence most consumers, choice of beverages like Carbury and also noted that television advertising alone could not perform all the task of influencing consumers in their choices of beverages.

However, the major recommendation put forth is that no television station should down play advertising of the products especially carbury and as much as possible the price of the product should be emphasized on during advertising to capture consumers interest

Table of Contents

Title                                                                                 i

Approval                                                                          ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgment iv

Table of content                                                               v

Abstract                                                                           vii

Chapter One

1.0   Introduction                                                             1

1.1   Background of the study                                          2

1.2   Statement of the Problem                                        5

1.3   Research Objective                                                  5

1.4   Research Question                                                   6

1.5   Significance of the Study                                         6

1.6   Scope of the Study                                                   7

1.7   Limitation of the Study                                            7

1.8   Operational Definition of terms                                        8

Chapter Two

Review of Literature                                                      9

2.1   Introduction                                                             9

2.2   Television Medium Per Se                                                10

2.3   Advertising and its types                                          11

2.4   Concepts of Advertising                                           16

2.5   Television Advertising                                              17

2.6   Consumers behaviour and brand royalty                 19

2.7   Theoretical framework                                             21

2.8   Summary of Literature Review                                        23

Chapter Three

Research Methodology                                                   25

3.1   Introduction                                                             25

3.2   Research Design/Method of Study                          25

3.3   Population of the Study                                           26

3.4   Sample Size                                                             26

3.5   Instrument for Data Collection                                26

3.6   Validity of Instrument                                              28

3.7   Methods of Data Analysis                                        28

Chapter Four

Data Analysis and Presentation                                    29

4.1   Introduction                                                             29

4.2   Data Presentation and Analysis                                       30

Chapter Five

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation              39

5.1   Introduction                                                             39

5.2   Summary of Findings                                              39

5.3   Conclusion                                                              40

5.4   Recommendation                                                     40

5.5   Recommendation for Further Studies                      41



The major purpose of advertising is to communicate, educate and market a product/ service, idea or cause, though a channel or media that is accessible to the target audience.

However, the marketing function recognizes the strategic value of advertising as an element of the promotional mix firm use in selling their goods and services according to Ozoh (1998, p.13).

Advertising is a distinct promotional element that serves as a bridge between the advertisers and the target market. Through advertising, the advertisers deliver his message to the target market.

Also in a mass market, where it is quite impossible to reach the multitude of prospects for a brand personally, advertising offers not only the cheapest means,

but an effective way of entering into the consciousness of the target to get them acquainted with the product with the product or services so there is need for advertisement in order to get the targets acquainted with the product or services.

Moreover, many organizations or industries believe that advertising their products will command or attract many consumer for such product.

The question now is, does television advertising on consumers choice of beverage using carbury as comparative study for this research.


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