Knowledge of and Attitude to Tuberculosis Among Community Health Extension Workers in Abia State

Knowledge of and Attitude to Tuberculosis Among Community Health Extension Workers in Abia State.


The purpose of this study was to find out the knowledge of and attitude to TB among community health extension workers (CHEWs) in Abia State. A descriptive survey design was used for this study, and instrument for data collection was a twenty-eight item questionnaire.

One hundred and twenty-five (125) copies of the questionnaires were produced and distributed to 125 Community health extension workers (CHEWs) working in TB treatment centres in the seventeen (17) local government areas of the state. Total population sampling technique was used. This entailed using the entire population of one hundred and twenty-five CHEWs.

One hundred and four, out of one hundred and twenty-five questionnaires distributed to the respondents were duely completed and returned, giving a return rate of more than eighty per cent. The data were duly analysed.

Percentages were used to analyse responses on knowledge, while mean scores were used to analyse information on attitude of respondents to TB.

The hypotheses were tested using t-test for variables having two dimensions while analysis of variances (ANOVA) was used for variables having more than two dimensions.

Table of Contents

Title Page i
Approval Page ii
Dedication iii
Certification iv
Acknowledgements v
Abstract vi
Table of Contents vii

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
Background to the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 7
Purpose of the Study 8
Research Questions 8
Hypotheses 9
Significance of the Study 9
Scope of the Study 11

CHAPTER TWO: Review of Related Literature
Conceptual Framework
· Concepts of tuberculosis, knowledge, attitude and CHEW 12
· Measurement of knowledge and Attitude 16
· Demographic factors associated with knowledge and attitude to TB 19
Theoretical Framework
· Aristole’s epistemology theory knowledge 21
· Empiricism theory of knowledge 22
· Social judgment theory of attitude 23
· Consistency theory of attitude 24
Empirical Studies on Knowledge of and Attitude to Tuberculosis 24
Summary of Literature Review 27

Research Design 30
Area of Study 30
Population for the Study 31
Sample and Sampling Technique 31
Instrument for Data Collection 31
· Validity of the Instrument. 32
· Reliability of Instrument. 32
Method of Data Collection 32
Method of Data Analysis 33

CHAPTER FOUR: Results and Discussion
Presentation of findings 35
Summary of Findings 58
Discussion of Findings 59

CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
Summary 63
Conclusions 65
Recommendations 65
Suggestions for Further Research 66
Limitation of the Study 66
References 67


Background to the study

The disease called tuberculosis (TB) existed right from the ancient time and the cause of it was unknown until 1882 when Robert Koch confirmed its’ etiological agent to be tubercle bacillus.

TB is a specific infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which affects lungs, intestines, meninges, bones and joints, lymph glands, skin and tissues of the body (Park, 2007).

In a related definition, the Federal Ministry of Health, FMOH, (1997) stated that it is a communicable, systemic disease caused by tubercle bacillus called mycobacterium tuberculosis.

In this study, TB can be defined as a systemic chronic infectious disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, which affects the lungs, intestine, meninges, bone, and joints, lymph glands, skin and other tissues of the body. TB has signs and symptoms.

The signs and symptoms of TB which affects the lungs are persistent cough lasting two weeks or more, weight loss, coughing up blood, chest pain, fever, night sweats, tiredness, shortness of breath, and loss of appetite while the signs and symptoms of TB which affects other organs outside the lungs are back pain,

swelling of spine, loss of functions in lower limbs, long standing bone infection, painful joints, with swelling usually affecting one joint, painful urination, blood in urine, frequent urination,

hoarseness of voice, pain on swallowing, neck stiffness and long stand ulcer despite antibiotic treatment (AmericanThoracis Society ATS 1999; World Health Organization WHO1996; FMOH, 2010).

American Thoracis Society (ATS) (1999). Diagnosis standard and classification of tuberculosis in adults and children. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 161, (1376-1395).
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Busari, O. Adeyemi, A. And Busari, O. (2008) Knowledge of Tuberculosis and Medical In Terms In A resource-Poor Setting: Implications For Diseases Control in Sub-Saharan Africa. Internet Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2008. Volume 6 Number 2. 
Cannon, D. (1998). Theories of Knowledge. Western Oregon University (Online. Retrieved September 3, 2009, From: file// E:/ Knowledge Theories. Htm (Accessed 2009 September, 9).

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