Motivational Factors in Human Resource Management (Hrm) in Construction Projects

– Motivational Factors in Human Resource Management (Hrm) in Construction Projects – 

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The primary objective of this study was to investigate the rank importance or most significant motivating factors on construction employees in South-South Nigeria.  The  research method  for the study included a literature review and field survey. A sample population was selected from the target location.

The findings indicated that the construction workers’ top five (5) motivation factors were: leadership, supervisor’s loyalty to employees, good salary, goal- setting, and good working conditions.

When compared with related research, it also indicated that what motivates workers the most to perform best on their job differs given the context in which they work.

Other findings indicated that the motivation programs organized by employers in South-South Nigeria were good, and employees are motivated to do well in the workplace.

Recommendations were given to increase the  overall  levels of motivation within the construction employees in South-South Nigeria.


Approval Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
Abstract ix

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction 1

1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Purpose/Objective of the Study 4
1.4 Research Questions 5
1.5 Research Assumptions 5
1.6 Significance of the Study 6
1.7 Scope of the Study 6

CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review 

2.1 Empirical Studies on knowledge and Practice of Human Resource Management 7
2.2 Review of Studies on Motivation and Productivity 10
2.2.1 Literature on Theories of Employee Motivation 10
2.2.2 Related Research on Significant Motivational Factors in the Workplace 18

CHAPTER THREE: Human Resource Management in Construction Projects 

3.1 Conceptual Framework of Human Resource Management 21
3.2 Meaning and Objectives of Human Resource Management 23
3.3 Components of Human Resource Management in Construction Projects 26
3.4 Motivation in Human Resource Management 27
3.4.1 Motivating Factors Identified 28

CHAPTER FOUR: Research Methodology 30

  • Research Design 30
  • Area of Study 30
  • Sampling and Population of the Study 31
  • Instrument for Data Collection 31
    • Validity of the Instrument 32
    • Reliability of the Instrument 33
  • Method of Data Collection 33

CHAPTER FIVE: Results and Discussion 

  • Data Analysis/Presentation 35
  • Results 42
  • Discussion of Findings 47

CHAPTER SIX: Conclusion and Recommendations

  • Summary of Findings 51
  • Conclusion 51
  • Recommendations 53
  • Limitations of the study 58
  • Suggestions for Further Study 58



Employee motivation in the construction industry is vital to the future success of construction companies. This is because if the motivational factors/elements are properly administered, top management could avoid the low work performances and productivity that often emerge when employees are less motivated.

Construction managers must realize that in order to motivate their employees they need to gain a better understanding of their employees and identify what motivates them.

It is important to realize that people have different needs, goals and objectives and will act differently toward obtaining or achieving their goals or satisfying their need deficiencies.

Care and motivation of human resources is one of the major problems in the construction industry. However, motivation must come from within the  individual  (Zacarelli,  1985;  Simons & Enz, 1995; Nicholson, 2003).

According to Mills, et al (2006), work motivation is one of the most researched yet misunderstood concepts. It is a subject  that  has  been  researched time without number, but still has far more questions yet to be answered.

Why do construction companies need motivated workers? The answer is survival  (Smith, 1994). Motivated workers help companies to survive especially where there is presence of competition.

For the continued success of a construction company, motivated employees are very important. The issue of motivating workers is a continuous journey that companies need  to undertake.

Low motivation levels of employees  reflect poorly on the overall  impression of  a company. Motivated employees on the other hand will ensure that the company flourishes. Increased motivation will result into a “feel good” factor spread throughout the company.


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