The Challenges of Entrepreneurship In Home And Rural Economics Education

The Challenges of Entrepreneurship In Home And Rural Economics Education.


This study attempts to find out the challenges of entrepreneurship in Home and Rural Economics Education. The sample was a total of 60 respondents that comprises teachers and entrepreneurs in Home and Rural Economics from Federal Polytechnic, Oko in Anambra State Nigeria.

Five research questions were stated and acted as a guide for the study analyzed using simple percentage. The researcher found out the challenges of entrepreneurship in Home and Rural Economics Education.

On the basis of these findings, recommendations are made on how students should be equipped with knowledge and skill of Entrepreneurship in Home and Rural Economics Education for better living, being creative and resourceful women.


Title page                                                                   i

Approval page                                                          ii

Dedication                                                                iii

Acknowledgement                                                   iv

Table of contents                                                     v

Abstract                                                                   viii

Chapter One


1.1   Background of the study                                     1

1.2   Statement of problems                                       5

1.3  Purpose of the study                                            7

1.4  Significance of the study                                    8

1.5   Research question                                              8

1.6  Scope and Limitations of the study                  9

Chapter Two


2.1   Concept of entrepreneurship                                             11

2.2   characteristics of an entrepreneur                                   14

2.3  Challenges of entrepreneurship in home economics    19

2.4   The place of entrepreneur in Home Economic             27

Chapter Three

3.1  Population of the study                                    30

3.2   Sampling method                                            30

3.3   Sample method                                                31

3.4   Instrument for data collection                      31

3.5   Data collection techniques                             32

3.6  Data analysis                                                      32

Chapter Four

Data analysis and statement of result                  33

Chapter Five


5.1   Findings                                                          44

5.2   Summary                                                        46

5.3   Recommendations                                        46

References                                                               50

Appendix                                                                  53


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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