The Geology of Azia And Environs In South-Eastern Nigeria

 – The Geology of Azia And Environs In South-Eastern Nigeria – 

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This Study investigated the Geology of the area which was achieved through  detailed Geological Mapping and various Laboratory Analysis.

The Geological Mapping done in the area shows Nanka Formation and Ogwashi-Asaba Formation are the dorminant sedimentary Formations of the area.

The study area Azia and Environs is located between Longitudes 06° 53′ 00″E to 06° 57′ 00″E and Latitude 005° 51′ 30″N to 005° 55′ 30″N in the South-Eastern  part of Nigeria.

The  Laboratory test shows that the clay of Ogwashi-Asaba Formation has low to high plasticity and this makes it unsuitable for engineering purpose such as land filling.

The water analysis of the stream samples in the study area reveals concentration in the value of magnesium which ranges from 25 to 40 which is above WHO standard permissible.

Therefore, pre-treatment of the water before consumption is recommended for health reasons. The study area is naturally endowed with economic deposits like laterite, sand, shale, ironstone, and kaolin.

The occurrence and prevalence of erosion is attributed to the combination of several factors like Geology, Topography and Human activities.


The study area covers an aerial extent of approximately 154km2, extending through Ukpor, Azia and Orsumoghu all within Anambra State in south Eastern Nigeria.

It is within Latitudes 0050 51. 30I N to 0050 55.30I N and Longitudes 060 53.00I E to 060 57.00I E.

The main accessibility to the area is by Road, the area has good road network that includes; Nnewi-Ekwulimili Road, Onitsha-Owerri Express Road, Azia-Lilu Road, Other roads are untarred Ukpor-Okija road, Ukpor-Ozubulu road as well as through tracks and footpaths that link the streets within the community.


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