The Impact Of Accessibility On Residential Property Values In New Haven Enugu.

The Impact Of Accessibility On Residential Property Values In New Haven Enugu.


Background of the Study

At the foot of the Milliken Hill ridges lies Enugu, the then Capital of east-central state of Nigeria Enugu, which literally means ‘’hill top’, derives its name from its position among the Udi hills on an attitude of 689.8feet above sea level, area of 28.27 square meters with population of 722,664 according to 2006 census (Wikipedia, 2016) and close to two million according to 2015 estimates (Wikipedia, 2016).

According to ministry of information Enugu state (2002), Enugu owes its existence to the discovery of a rich seam of coal at east of Ngwo village in 1909 by a geological exploration team led by a British Mining Engineer W. J.Leck arrived in Enugu with a group of labourers from Onitsha led by Mr Alfred Inoma.W.J.Leck.

His white assistants made their first home in temporary mud house on top of the Milliken Hill ridge in what is now known as the Hilltop, while the indigenous labourers established their own settlement on a super 200feet up the ridge and was called Alfred Inoma.

From Enugu, the British Administration was able to spread its influence over the southern province of Nigeria. The Colonial past of Enugu is today evidenced by the Georgian building types and meandering narrow roads within the residential area originally reserved from the whites, an area which is today called the Government (GRA).

From being the Capital of the Southern provinces, Enugu became the Capital of the Eastern Region(divided into nine states), the Capital of now defunct Federal Republic of Biafra.

Thereafter, the Capital of East Central State, AnambraState(Old)Enugu State and now the Capital of the present Enugu State through a process of state creation and diffusion of administrative authority(Wikipendia,2016).

However the construction of railway line to link the Udi coal fields with the coast at Port Harcourt for the purpose of export started from 1914 and was completed in 1916.

The mine and the railway offered employment to thousands of people and attracted many petty traders who provided the need of the workers (Wikipedia, 2016).This gave rise to populations in the young town and the development of new layout became a pressing necessity.

Therefore, as the coal mine attracted more workers, the settlement on the southern side of Ogbete stream was established for indigenous workers and in 1923 the railway authorities began to build permanent quarters for their workers at China town.

Enugu has well defined pattern of growth. It comprises a number of residential layouts. Each new residential layout was developed as a solution to the problem of urban population growth (Ezenwa, 2003).

As Enugu grew in importance as an administrative, residential and commercial town, many people were attracted to the flourishing city. In 1960’s New Haven was one of the areas mapped out (Wikipedia, 2016).More so, New Haven was one of the areas that was mapped out.

Moreso, New Haven is characterised by infrastructural facilities which makes the area accessible and beautiful blocks of flats, modernconveniences and strong attractions for most civil servants and middle class families who preferred to live near their places of work.


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