The Impact of Leadership Style and Employees Performance in an Organization (PDF)

The Impact of Leadership Style and Employees Performance in an Organization.


This project is aimed at assessing the impact of leadership styles on employees’ performance with a particular reference to Uruan Local Government Council.

It has been observed that running a successful business and also to inspite your employees to pull together toward the achievement of shared goal, you must acquire certain leadership skills. The project highlights the impact, important and essence of leadership style on employees’ performance.

In due course this research study treats the following objectives: To assess the different leadership styles and their relationship with employee performance, to ascertain the effects of leadership styles on employee morale, and to examine the significance of leadership style on organization survival in order to get necessary data in the study,

both primary and secondary sources of data collection were used and questionnaires, were also administered, percentage were also used to analyze the data.

The instruments used are questionnaires, interviews and personal observations. Secondary data collection, were source through textbooks, journals and online periodicals.

The research design for this study was survey researches and chi-square was used for data analysis and testing of hypothesis in the cause of this project work. The population for the study was 395 employees and the sample size was 35 members.

The researcher put the following recommendations which will go a long way to help employees performance, which includes that, to be an effective leader one must be able to switch flexibility among the leadership styles as needed,

management must be willing to make the tough decisions to ensure the right persons are in the right leadership position, it is important to note that leadership style influence level of performance in the organization.



Title Page        …        …        …        …        i

Certification    …        …        …        …        ii

Dedication      …        …        …        …        iii

Acknowledgements    …        …        …        iv

Abstract          …        …        …        …        v

Table of Contents       …        …        …        vi

List of Tables  …        …        …        …        x


1.1       Background to the Study       …        …        …        …        …        …        1

1.2       Statement of the Problem       …        …        …        …        …        …        3

1.3       Objectives of the Study          …        …        …        …        …        …        5

1.4       Significance of the Study       …        …        …        …        …        …        5

1.5       Purpose of the Study  …        …        …        …        …        …        …        6

1.6       Research Questions     …        …        …        …        …        …        …        6

1.7       Research Hypothesis/Formulation of Hypothesis for the Study        …        7

1.8       Motivation for the Study        …        …        …        …        …        …        8

1.9       Scope of the Study     …        …        …        …        …        …        …        8

1.10     Limitation for the Study         …        …        …        …        …        …        8

1.11     Definition of Terms/Operationalization of the Key Concepts            …        9


2.1       Conceptual Framework           …        …        …        …        …        …        12

2.2       Ingredients of Leadership       …        …        …        …        …        …        13

2.3       Leadership Skills         …        …        …        …        …        …        …        14

2.4       Leadership Personality            …        …        …        …        …        …        14

2.5       The Trait Theory of Leadership          …        …        …        …        …        15

2.5.1    Rise of Alternative Theories   …        …        …        …        …        …        15

2.5.2    Reemergence of Trait Theory …        …        …        …        …        …        16

2.5.3    Attribute Pattern Approach    …        …        …        …        …        …        17

2.6       Behavioural and Style Theories          …        …        …        …        …        17

2.6.1    Positive Reinforcement           …        …        …        …        …        …        18

2.7       Leadership Style and Performance     …        …        …        …        …        19

2.8       Leadership and organizational Structure        …        …        …        …        22

2.9       Leadership Styles and Downward Influence Tactics             …        …        25

2.9.1    Transformational Leader         …        …        …        …        …        …        25

2.9.2    Downward Influence Tactics …        …        …        …        …        …        26

2.9.3    An Overview on Leadership Models  …        …        …        …        …        26

2.9.4    Contingent Reward and Management by Exception …        …        …        27

2.10     Theoretical Orientation           …        …        …        …        …        …        29

2.11     Functional Leadership Model            …        …        …        …        …        32

2.12     Leadership Behaviour Approach       …        …        …        …        …        34

2.13     Theoretical Framework           …        …        …        …        …        …        35


3.1       Research Design         …        …        …        …        …        …        …        38

3.2       Area of the Study       …        …        …        …        …        …        …        38

3.3       Population of the Study          …        …        …        …        …        …        38

3.4       Statistical Determination of Sample Size       …        …        …        …        39

3.5       Sources of Data          …        …        …        …        …        …        …        39

3.5.1    Primary Data   …        …        …        …        …        …        …        …        40

3.5.2    Questionnaires            …        …        …        …        …        …        …        …        40

3.5.3     Secondary Data         …        …        …        …        …        …        …        40

3.6       Method of Data Presentation …        …        …        …        …        …        40

3.7       Data Analysis  …        …        …        …        …        …        …        …        41


4.1       Questionnaires Distribution and Responses   …        …        …        …        42

4.2       Research Questions     …        …        …        …        …        …        …        44

4.3       Testing of Hypothesis …        …        …        …        …        …        …        47


5.1       Summary         …        …        …        …        …        …        …        …        53

5.2       Conclusion      …        …        …        …        …        …        …        …        54

5.3       Recommendations      …        …        …        …        …        …        …        55




This research work is on leader and employees performance. Leadership style is important in an organization, and leading a group is not easy because they can resist leadership style.

Leadership is a major element that sets successful and unsuccessful organizations and government apart. It plays central role in offering direction and purpose towards achieving goals of the organization.

It is also an important element in the social relationship of groups at work. Leadership is the main factor that determines and shape group behaviour. When it is correctly applied, each employee enjoys a feeling of strong commitment towards achieving organizational goals.

Regardless of equality of its members every group will tend to have a system in which it will have a leader. However, organizational goals can never be achieved without proper leadership style in play. It is importance to note that, the effective performance of an individual is a function of both his personal characteristics and the individual environment.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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