The Impact of Television Advertising on Consumer Brand Preference for Soft Drink in a Competitive Market

The Impact of Television Advertising on Consumer Brand Preference for Soft Drink in a Competitive Market.


This research work is designed to examine the impact of television advertising on consumer brand preference for soft drink in a competitive market, with particular reference to 7up bottling company nig. Plc, 9th mile corner, enugu.

For the purpose of clarity, this project has been divided into five chapters and the information was gathered through both primary and secondary sources.

The introduction was done in chapter one where objective of the study, the statement of the problem, the hypothesis, scope and the significant of the study was done.

In chapter two, reviewed some related literature about the topic. In chapter three, the population of the study, the sample size, method of data collection and the data analysis is tool that was used in the research study were discussed.

In chapter four, the analysis of data collection by the use of questionnaires and unstructured personal interview was used. The data was analysed using simple percentages and tested hypothesis by the use of chi-square (x2) the summary of the research finding, conclusion and recommendation based on the findings were therefore effective tool in appealing the target market.


Title page                                                                i

Approval                                                                  ii

Certification                                                            iii

Dedication                                                               iv

Acknowledgements                                                 v

Table of contents                                                    vi

List of table                                                             x

Abstract                                                                  xi


  • Background of the study                      5
  • Statement of problem                           8
  • Purpose of the study                             9
  • Significance of the study                     10
  • Research questions                              11
  • Hypotheses                                            12
  • Scope of the study                                13
  • Definition of terms                              13


  • Review of related literature              15
  • A Brief introduction                           15
  • Review of current literature             16
  • Summary of literature review         29


3.0   Brief introduction                                           31

  • Design of the study                                        31
  • Area of the study                                            32
  • Population of the study                                32
  • Sample of the study                                       33
  • Instrument for data collection                    35
  • Validation of the instrument                       37
  • Distribution and retrieval of the instrument 38
  • Method of data analysis                              38




  • Presentation and interpretation of data according to research questions and hypothesis   40
  • Findings                                                    60
  • Discussion of findings                            62


5.0   Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation  64

  • Summary of findings                         64
  • Conclusion                                           67
  • Recommendations                             69
  • Limitations of the study                    71
  • Suggestion for further research       72

References                                                      73


The beginning of the twentieth Century witnessed an outburst of advertising efforts the bottling companies. This outburst was necessitated by the desire to outsell the other in the consumer market, since soft drinks are competitive products.

In order to maintain a stronghold of their various market segments, or even to widen an existing market, different advertising strategies erupted prominent among them are sales promotions, sales campaign, point of purchase displays, media advertising e.t.c.

This rampant use of various advertising strategies in eliciting consumers’ response has credited a stiff competition between the manufacturers of soft drinks of which 7up is one. Constant inundation of consumers with multifarious advertising slogans has even created confusion in the minds of helpless consumers on which products to buy or leave.

Pride and fewel in their book “marketing” explained that an advertisement may a times be informative, or entertaining yet it may fail to get the audience to purchase the product they were of the opinion that the ultimate effectiveness of advertisement is determined by its ability to cause product adoption and high purchases among the potential buyers.

The extent of patronage of any advertised product does not entirely depend on the effectiveness of the advertising strategies. It might sometimes, depend on extraneous factors like economic status of the prospects, belief system, culture, climate, level of education e.t.c.

For instance, it will be an exercise in facility to advertise liquor in a predominantly Moslem state of Kaduna and Zamfara. This is because the consumption of liquor is against their Islamic belief system.

Similarly, advertising of such luxury goods like vacuum, cleaner, TV set, electric cooker to a predominantly nomadic population will be a wasteful venture. In the above cases, values and economic status respectively play vital roles in changing the people’s behaviour towards accepting advertised product(s).

Advertising is a communication between sellers and buyers with the sole aim of changing the attitude of buyers. From the above definition, it could be deduced that advertising is communication especially from the producers to the target market about a product or organization with the hope of creating awareness, interest, desire and a patronage of the product.


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Dewitt, C. R. (1998); The Mass Media and the School Newspaper, California: Indsnorth Publishing.
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Normank, H. and James, C. Cornor (1997); The Practice of Advertising, London: Heinemann.
Nnokoye Nnoyeli G. (2000); Modern Marketing for Nigeria, Canada, John Wiley and Sons Inc. fourth Edition.
Wright Winter Zeighter (2001); Advertising; New Delli, Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co. 5th Edition.

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