Traditional Marriage Among Ibiaku Clan in Mkpat Enin LGA

 – Traditional Marriage Among Ibiaku Clan in Mkpat Enin LGA –


Marriage is an important institution worldwide particularly in Africa. For its importance, marriage has been categorized differently; we have the traditional marriage which takes into consideration customs and norms, followed by Islamic and Christian marriages which are often regarded as modern marriages.

In this present dispensation the three marriages have borrowed a lot of things from one another that one hardly distinguished each one. Traditional marriage being the oldest though not abolished but is relegated to the background so much that in most places it remains a shadow of itself. So when people perform traditional marriage one finds out that it is only the name that remains.

This therefore raises the question of whether people still know what traditional marriage is. It is against this background that the researcher wish to study traditional marriage among Ibiaku clan in Mkpatenin Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom state to bring back into lime light the lost memory of the people’s traditional marriage.


Title Page      –           –           –           –            –           –           –           –           –

Certification –           –           –           –            –           –           –           –           –

Dedication    –           –           –           –            –           –           –           –           –

Acknowledgement –           –           –            –           –           –           –           –

Table of Contents    –           –           –            –           –           –           –           –


INTRODUCTION       –          –            –           –           –           –           –

  • 1 Background to the Study –            –           –           –           –           –
  • 2 Aims and objectives of the Study –           –           –           –           –
  • 3 Scope and Limitation of the Study – –           –           –
  • 4 Methodology –           –           –            –           –           –           –
  • 5 Literature Review –           –            –           –           –           –           –
  • 6 Notes and Reference –           –            –           –           –           –



2.1      The land and the people

2.2      The Socio-economic tradition

2.3      Political structure and activities

2.4      Religious beliefs

2.5      Notes and Reference



3.1      Forms and purpose of marriage

3.2      Procedure for engagement

3.3      Marriage preparation

3.4      Formal introduction of the bride to the groom

3.5      Presentation of the bride’s wealth to the bride’s  family

3.6      Preparation for womanhood

3.7      Notes and References



4.1      Impact of traditional marriage in Ibiaku community

4.2      Causes of changes in traditional marriage

4.3      Changes in fattening institution

4.4      Conclusion

4.5      Notes and references

4.6      Bibliography

4.7      Appendices


Okon, R.U.A. Akwa Ibom Cultural Heritage. Uyo: Abbny, 2005, p.20.

Interview with Chief Okon Ubeng of Atong Atan. Age: 65 on the 20th of August 2010.

Okon, R.U.A. Akwa Ibom Cultural Heritage. Uyo: Abbny, 2005, p.21

Ibid. p.22.

Edet, A.U. Who Are The Ibibio? Onitsha: Africana-fep, 1983, p.157.

Interview with madam Nene James Effiong of Usung Iton. Age: 55 on the 18th of August 2010.

Interview with chief Udo Bassey of Otun Ekim. Age: 70 on the 25th of August 2010.

I Interview with chief Udo Bassey of Otun Ekim. Age: 70 on the 25th of August 2010.

Okon,  Akwa Ibom Cultural Heritage. P.28

Interview with Okon Ikput of Ikot Idiong. Age: 54 on the 7th of September 2010.

Interview with Okon Ikput of Ikot Idiong. Age: 54 on the 7th of September 2010.

Interview with Okon Ikput of Ikot Idiong. Age: 54 on the 7th of September 2010.

Okon,  Akwa Ibom Cultural heritage. P.29

Interview with Pastor Etim Inyang of Ikot Akata. Age: 47 on the 10th of September 2010.

Okon,  Akwa Ibom Cultural Heritage. P.29

Ngwobia, Uka, Growing up in Nigerian culture. Ibadan , Longman: 1982, p. 103.

Interview with Edet Onyong of Usung Enehe Enehe. Age: 60 on the 26th of August 2010.

Edet, Who Are The Ibibio? P. 185.

Interview with Edet Onyong of Usung Enehe Enehe. Age: 60 on the 26th of August 2010.

Interview with madam Offing Ekanem of Ikot Obiokwa. Age: 54 on the 23th of September 2010.

Interview with Edet Onyong of Usung Enehe Enehe. Age: 60 on the 26th of August 2010.

Interview with Mr. Bassey Umoren of Ikot Obiokai. . Age: 75 on the 30th of September 2010.

Talbot, P.A. The people of Southern Nigeria. London: Epworth press, 1963. P.156.

Ekong, E.E. Sociology of the Ibibio. Calabar: Scholars press, 1983, p.17.

Akpan, N.U. The Wooden Gong. London: Longman; 1965, p.40.

Parrinder, E.G. African traditional religion. London: Sheldon press; 1974, p. 103.

Interview with Madam Afiaha Udo of Ukam. Age: 49 on the 23th of August 2010.

Interview with Chief Akpan Ebong of Esa Ekpo. Age 53 on the 12th of July 2010.

Okon, Akwa Ibom Cultural Heritage. P.44.

Ekong, sociology of the Ibibio. Pp. 19 – 20.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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