Urban Flooding Problems | Download Via PDF Format

Urban Flooding Problems.


This study examined the problems of urban flooding in Uyo urban Akwa Ibom State with view to identifying the types of flood prevalent in the study area, anthropogenic causes of flood and impacts associated with urban flood in uyo.

To this end, two research hypotheses were formulated, stratified random sampling was used to stratify Uyo into six (6) zones and questionnaires were administered.  Taro Yamane method for finite population was computed that 400 copies of questionnaires were administered in the study area as well as used in the analysis.

The first hypothesis was tested using Chi-square (x2) at 0.05 level of significance in order to otherwise if anthropogenic activities are responsible for the occurrence of flooding menace in the study area.  Also, the second hypothesis was tested using regression analysis to test for the impacts of urban flood on people.

The analyses showed that anthropogenic activities account for the occurrence of urban flooding in the study area and urban flood do have significant impacts on people.

Based on these finding, it was recommended that among others that adequate drainage channels should be provided by government, good and adequate land-use should be encouraged.

Provision of adequate waste receptacles to discourage dumping of refuse in drainage channels and environmental education and awareness programms should be embarked upon at regular intervals to sensitize people on flood issues.


Title Page

Declaration      ii

Certification     iii

Dedication       iv

Acknowledgement            v

Abstract    vi

Table of Contents           vii

List of Table x

List of Figure       xi


1.1       Background to the Study        1

1.2       Statement of the Problem     5

1.3       Research Questions     7

1.4       Aims and Objectives of Study       7

1.5       Research Hypothesis      8

1.6       Significance of the Study     8

1.7       Scope of the Study  9

1.8       Limitation of the Study            9

1.9       The Study Area    11

1.9.1    Historical Background       11

1.9.2    Location and Size       14

1.9.3    Climate              14

1.9.4    Vegetation/Land-use       16

1.9.5    Geology and Soil          16

1.9.6    Relief and Drainage          17

1.9.7    Population and Settlement      18

1.9.8    Socio-Economic Activities       18

1.10     Definition of terms     19


2.1       Review of Related Literature         20

2.1.1    Meaning and Types of Flood      20

2.1.2    Causes of Urban Flood   24

2.1.3    Urban Flood Impacts and Vulnerability Status      29

2.1.4    Summary of Literature Review    31

2.2       Conceptual Framework         32

2.2.1    The Concept of Urban Catchment    32

2.2.2    The Concept of Vulnerability       33

2.2.3    The Concept of Resident Flood Risk Management    36


3.1       Research Design         38

3.2       Data Needs            38

3.3       Sources of Data    39

3.3.1    Primary Sources       39

3.3.2    Secondary Sources       39

3.4       Sampling Techniques        40

3.5       Sampled Population     40

3.6       Method of Data Analysis 41

3.7       Statistical Technique    42


4.1       Data Presentation and Analysis   43

4.1.1    Socio-Economic Analysis of Respondents     42

4.1.2    Analysis of Socio-Economic Attributes of Urban Flooding in the Study Area       45 Flood Experience    45 Types of Flood Experience in Uyo Urban     46 Impact of Flood in Uyo Urban     47 Forms of Flood Impact experience in Uyo Urban       47 Anthropogenic Causes of Flood          48

4.2       Testing of Hypotheses   49

4.3       Discussion of Findings        52


5.1       Summary of Findings     54

5.2       Conclusion     55

5.3       Recommendations       56

References    57

Appendices      64


Urban flood is one of the hazards that affect man since time immemorial (Sada, 2004). Throughout history, nature has shown little respect for man’s unwise occupancy of watershed in humid tropical lands and elsewhere (WRC, 2009).

Flooding dates back to the Biblical days of Noah and since the pre-historical times, man has been involved in an unending struggle with natural hazards such as flood, earthquake and volcanic eruption, among others (Blazkomac, 2014).

According to Askew (2001), flooding is the most common of all environmental hazards worldwide, either induced by nature or by anthropogenic actions in the environment which has left indelible make on the landscape.

Since early times, flood has been a major aspect of man’s interaction with his environment, and scores of flood disasters are found in the traditions and literatures of many ancient people (Redijk, 2004).

In recent time, urban flood are repeatedly reported in the head lines of local national and international media because of the adverse effect it has on infrastructures. Since 1970, the world has witnessed more than ten major urban flood disaster (Allt, 2005).

In the study of Berz (2000) floods contribute about 58% of total death and 33% of economic losses and that over the period of 1988 to 1997.  There was a trend of increasing number of flood events, as well as economic losses globally.

Urban flood is associated with some extreme natural events that happen on a geographical area and urban floods can have both area-wide and local origin, and are accompanied with serious environmental problems (Akintola, 2013).

Urban flood occurrence is not bound by local administrative boundaries as observed by Iyewson [2010) because storm water   drainage and protection facilities are part of an urban system to channel drains.

Sada (2004) opined that urban flood as an environmental hazard has caused much concern, not only to developing countries, but also to developed countries of the world.


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