In the current business around the world, most of organizations tend to expand their market channels towards online market, aiming for increasing income, awareness and reliability. With capability of worldwide connection and convenient access, Internet is the most preferred media used by companies to serve this purpose. At present, the growth rate of E-commerce is high due to the expansion of businesses towards online market.

Electronic Commerce or e-commerce is the exchange of goods and services by means of the Internet or other computer networks. E-commerce offers buyers convenience. They can visit the World Wide Web sites of multiple vendors 24 hours a day and seven days a week to compare prices and make purchases, without having to leave their homes or offices. In some

cases, consumers can immediately obtain a product or service, such as an electronic book, a music file, or computer software, by downloading it over the Internet.

Building an online supermarket, one needs an auto responder because it’s very essential in Internet Marketing. Successful marketers, for example, would find it difficult to achieve many marketing tasks without them and, indeed, consider them a big part of their marketing strategy. This is a system that helps you deliver sales messages to customers on your opt-in list. You can send out reminders, follow-ups, or deliver newsletters. Auto-responders inspire many creative ways to increase sales and build relationships.

Technology helps make our life, jobs and day-to-day tasks easier. Calculators help automate our mathematical tasks, computers help automate our organizational tasks, and email auto-responders help automate our communication tasks. Can technology and automation ever do business harm? Absolutely when misused, email auto-responder technology can wreak havoc on your business. But this cannot be compared to the numerous benefits we derive from using an auto-responder in our online supermarket and we cannot afford the task of sending an email to our customers manually. There is a common adage in e-commerce that says “the money is in the list” The reason behind this is that with your list you can target customers that are interested in your product or service and it is the work of an auto-responder to respond to email from these customers and keep them in contact.


There are potentially many problems that can hinder electronic business without an automated system. Most experts say that customers must be exposed to a product an average of 7 times before they buy, and if you don’t have a way to contact a visitor after their first visit to your site, how do you remind them about your product six more times?. More so you spend countless hours sending out individual e-mails to your potential customers manually in an effort to remind them about a new development in your business or reply to their emails hence there is absolutely no doubt that you will lose potential customers and therefore, revenue because you don’t have a system in place which could capture a visitors name and e-mail address and have a way to contact them automatically. It is wide belief that a potential customer must hear your message several times before they will get commit and make a purchase. This is made possible with an auto responder and most probably unachievable without one.


            Advertising, Buying and selling are today done effectively by means of computer and communication with the internet as the main force for online supermarket. The good thing about doing business on the Internet is that there are software, tools and resources available that will allow you to put your online business on auto-pilot. The auto responder is one of these tools. Thus, the following are the significant of attributing auto responder to your online supermarket.

Ø  Auto responders enable you to get your messages out quickly and efficiently. Thereby maintaining contact with past customers and develop relationships with new ones.

Ø  General information dissemination is one of the vital reasons where an auto responder should be used. Anybody that has information they want to be instantly available to anyone else might well use an auto-responder. It could be information about a product you are interested in. It could be instructions on how to use or repair a product that you have. Anything that can be put into text (and with HTML email, pictures or drawings also) can be sent by auto responder.

Ø  You achieve optimum sales with an auto responder. Studied have shown that you need to present your product before a potential customer several times to increase the likelihood of making a sale. To do that, you want to give the potential customer a good reason to send his/her e-mail address. Since he/she may not have enough interest simply to ask for more information about your product, you will want to offer some incentive, like a free gift or service. Whatever the method, you want to get the potential customer into your auto responder message sequence, then, in those messages, send your customer to your web site to make the sale.

Ø  An auto responder has an automated message scheduler that disseminates information to customers at a set time.


            Sales and purchases are done manually over so many years and some supermarkets are known only in the area where they are situated. Reply to emails are done manual in years back. And therefore the sole aim of this seminar work is to reveal the importance of incorporating auto responder in our online supermarket. This will go a long way in;

Ø  Making sales and purchases online for interested buyers and suppliers easier.

Ø  Keep buyers in close arm with update information about your products.

Ø  Achieve optimum sale in your online business by disseminating the necessary information about your sales and keep in-touch with them in answering to their emails immediately.


            In a view of wide area of online supermarket, this seminar work covers areas of advertisement, sales/purchase, marketing and shopping in Nigeri
a. Sales and purchases involve buying and selling of goods and services, which will in turn help any business establishment to keep track of the business trend.

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