Pros and Cons of Student Loans 2022 Application Guide

– Pros and Cons of Student Loans –

Taking out student loans from the pros and cons of Student Loans can help you finish your degree sooner than if you were to pay for it solely via a job. Many pupils.

Pros of Student Loans

As college tuition has increased at a faster rate than inflation, an increasing number of students cannot pay for college out of pocket.

Even after receiving scholarships, grants, or work-study, many students must take out student loans to cover the remaining costs.

Before you borrow thousands of dollars, learn about the advantages and disadvantages of student loans.

Student Loans Can Help You Afford Your Dream School.

Is the difference between attending your dream school and settling for your second or third choice solely a matter of affordability? Am sure there is.

Student loans can give you the additional funds you need to attain your goal of going to the school you always wanted.

You should take note, however, that the general cost you will pay after you attend will be higher because of loan interest; student loans offer a straightforward way to fill the tuition gap.

Student Loans Can Help You Focus on School.

This is so true. If you’re busy working while you’re in school. You’ll have time to pay attention to academic achievements and additional activities.

This would mean losing out on the chance to build relationships that may help you later in your career.

That is built into Greek life, school clubs, study abroad, and unpaid internships.

Taking out a student loan can allow you to pay attention to chasing your education and building your personal and professional networks at the same time.

Including delaying your payments until you graduate means that instead of working during your time outside of class.

Also, you’ll be able to pay attention to getting the most out of the opportunities provided to you at your school.

Student Loans Can Help You Build Credit.

Paying your student loan bill on time every month will aid you in building credit. Since student loans are always instalment loans. They add to credit history and credit use factors of your credit score.

This may be helpful if you are a younger student and not ready to take on a credit card or a revolving credit line.

Down the road, if you ever forestall purchasing a car or a home after graduation. Also, having an amazing credit score will hugely help your chances of being accepted for a loan and securing a low-interest rate.

Cons of Student Loans

Student Loans Can be Expensive.

Over time, student loan interest adds up. Which means you’re paying considerably more on top of your early loan amount (which is called your principal loan balance).

Federal student loan rates range from 4.45 percent to 7 percent, and private rates normally range from 11 percent to 15 percent.

Count your financial plan in a student loan calculator to aid you. Imagine the overall balance you can expect after your graduation and what you will need to earn to pay it off.


Student Loans Force You to Focus on Paying Back Debt After Graduating.

With a significant monthly student loan bill, you might focus on repayments rather than other life goals.

However, if you wanted to take a gap year after college to travel. Also, spend an extended amount of time volunteering.

Therefore, if the entry-level work in your field of choice is low. However, you may have a harder time pursuing these options after the 6-month repayment grace period is up.

Student loans also affect whether you can afford to make costly life changes, such as moving to a new city, buying a house, or planning a wedding.

Plus, you’ll need to factor in the work time needed to repay the loan. Which could mean less time spent with family and friends or enjoying hobbies and pastimes.

In short, you’ll always need to plan out your dreams and your loan payments together.

Defaulting on Your Student Loan Can Ruin Your Credit.

If for any reason you’re unable to make your monthly payments, you may default on your student loan.

A poor credit score takes years to improve and could influence your applications for jobs, apartments, mortgages, or other loans.

Be completely certain you’ll be able to make your payments even after graduation.

Consider Your Options Carefully and Plan Accordingly

Taking on a student loan is a long-term commitment. Though the standard payment schedule for student loans is 10 years.

OneWisconsin Institute reported that on average. Students are taking 19.7 years to pay off a bachelor’s degree and 18.3 years for associate’s – that is a long time.

Before going into this, take the time to reflect on your current financial situation, future job outlook.

Also, desired life changes before committing to a student loan. Here are some tips to get you started.

Identify Ways to Lower Your Costs While Still in School.

Saving money now can aid you in better aligning paying for school with your other goals and dreams. Consider these scenarios:

1. If entry-level pay in your career of choice is low, can you build your career in your field of interest while you’re still in school?

2. If you’re experiencing sticker shock over tuition costs at your dream school, are there other colleges that include most of what you want out of your dream school but at a lower cost?

3. Or if you really have your heart set on a specific school, are there other ways to lower your cost of attendance, such as living off-campus?

There are tons of tips and tricks on this subject out there. Research, read, and apply the ones that work for you.

Think About Your Long Game.

It’s true you can’t take into account all the happenings that life may bring. However,  it’s a helpful exercise to think about where you want to be after you finish school.

Therefore, how your student loan debt may affect those goals and dreams.

To do this, you will need to estimate your monthly payment using the repayment calculator, mentioned above.

Once you run the numbers, you can see what impact student loans may have on your goals.

If you do select to go the loan route, this can be a starting point to begin planning how to balance your dreams and repaying any school debt.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does Student Loan Last?

Depending on the type, students normally lasts for 5 to 10 years. any additional years will warrant a penalty

What Should I Consider Before Getting a Student Loan?

There’s a lot to consider before getting a student loan, but most important is you should first consider and estimate the amount of money you have and would be made before the time elapses. 


You should consider the type of job you want to do after school and the income

Is There Any Risk Involved?

The only risk will be when you don’t pay back. Payment is always crucial and refusal to do that will come with a penalty. So my advice to you is to find any means possible to pay them back

How Do I Get a Student Loan?

There are different bodies that give out student loans. Some are private while others are the government.

All you need to do is to search for them, maybe through the internet or any other platform. I’ll give you a few I think are good, they are; College Ave, Sallie Mae, LendKey, Citizens Bank.

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