Proud of My Army Son Quotes

Being a parent of a son who is in the army has many challenges. It is also an incredible feeling to have a son in the army. He has truly made great steps and achievements as a leader, a hero, and a role model, which you are proud of.

You feel so lucky knowing that he has found himself and his passion there. He has more enthusiasm and determination than any other person you as a parent has ever known. It’s so inspiring to see him uphold a strong duty and commitment to the country.

Your son has made a sacrifice to serve in the army and fight for the nation, which is a great decision you should be proud of. Here is a collection of I am proud of my army son quotes that you can send to your son.

Dear son, watching you grow and develop like this gives me so much joy. Now, you have made me proud and honoured by joining the army. I am proud of you, and I know you will do well. Best of luck to you in all you do.

1. I am so proud of my son. He is doing so well in the armed forces. He has made me happy.

2. I’m so proud of my son. He has made it his duty to give his life to the country. He has made himself a hero, and I’m so glad.

3. I could not be any prouder of my great son. He’ll always be my hero, giving his life to protect and keep his nation safe.

4. My son, I am proud of the man you’ve become and how you have given out yourself to serve in the army.

5. My son, you’re so strong and loving, and I am proud of you; and I know you will do so well in the army, son. You are always in my heart, and no matter how far we are, my heart will always be with you, even in the army, and I am so proud of you.

7. My son is in the army, and he is doing his best for the country, and I’m so proud of him.

8. Son, I am so proud of you and how you are fighting to keep and protect your fatherland. You will be a great soldier. That, I’m certain of.

9. Dear son, keep fighting to keep our flag high and be the best you can be. I am so proud of you, my dearest son.

10. My dear son, I am proud of you and all you represent. I am a proud father of a son who is serving in the army.

11. My dear son, you are out there serving our country bravely, and I am so proud of you and all your hard work.

13. I am so proud of you, son, for all you are doing in the army. My love for you is endless, and my heart is with you daily.

14. It is so good to see you achieve so much at your young age, and now you are serving in the army. I am proud of you, son.

15. You have achieved so much at a young age. You are the glory of the family, and I am so proud of all your achievements.

16. Words can’t explain the joy I feel and the pride I have for you, my dear son who is serving in the army.

17. My dearest son, I want you to know I love you dearly. I am proud to see you serving in the army, and I can’t thank you enough.

18. I am proud of you, dear son. I know you are doing your best in the army.

19. Son, I am so proud of you, for you have joined the army, and you are giving it your best.

20. I can boldly tell people about my son, who is serving in the army and doing his best. You have made me proud, son.

21. You have a great talent, and it’s so good seeing you making use of it in the army and making us proud.

22. I am proud of you, dear son. You have taken a very big and brave step by joining the army, and I love to see it. I know you will do so well.

23. I know you will be fine, son. I know you will do so well in the army and make me proud. Soar and fly high. The sky is your starting point.

24. Hey, boy, I am so proud of you. You are doing your best and giving your best. It’s so good and brave to see you serve the country.

25. Son, I want you to know I love you, and I am proud of you. It’s so good to see you do well and give your best in the army. What a strong soldier you are.

26. Son, I am so proud of you. It’s a great delight seeing you join the army. It’s the right way and the right thing to do.

27. I am so proud of you, dear son. You are strong and brave, and I’m proud to see you do well and be your best.

28. Dear son, I feel so blessed whenever I think of the time we’ve spent together. It gives me so much joy and makes me so proud and joyful.

29. For always giving your all and being the best at what you do, it’s a pleasure to be your father, and I’m proud to see you doing well in the army.

30. I am happy and proud of you, my dear son. I feel so blessed to see you excited and chosen to serve in the army, and I know you will do so well.

31. I want you to know I’m happy for you, and I’m proud of you. As each day passes, your achievement and growth excite me.

32. I am proud of my son, who is in the army and serving the country. I love his courage and his bravery.

33. My son is a great inspiration and pride to everyone around him. He is doing his best, and I know he is going to do well in the army.

34. My son is doing great serving in the army, and I love his growth. I’m indeed a proud father.

35. My son has made me proud, and I am so blessed to have him as a son. He is serving his country with honour and so much dignity.

36. My son is out there so brave and defending the country. It’s so good to see him grow to that level. I’m indeed a proud and blessed father.

37. Dearest son, you’re my pride and my hero. You are such a brave man taking that brave decision to serve in the army.

38. My son, I am very proud of you. You have chosen the right path in life, and I know you will succeed in it.

39. I am proud of you, my dear son. Seeing you serving in that far away country with so much courage and delight gives me so much joy.

40. I admire my son for his bravery and strength. He is doing so well serving in the army and giving his best.

41. I am proud of my son, who is doing and giving his best in the army, fighting to bring peace and freedom to the nation.

42. Son, I want you to know I’m so proud of you and your bravery. You have done so well by going to serve in the army, and I love to see it.

43. I know you will succeed, dear son. Keep working hard, son. You will be the best, and you will succeed in the army. I’m proud of you and your success.

44. My son is in the army, standing tall at attention, giving his best, and being brave. I’m so proud of him.

45. My son has a great love for this nation. He is so brave and strong, and he is now serving the nation in the army; and I’m so proud of him.

46. Dearest son, I’m so proud of you. You are doing well and doing your best in the army.

47. It’s good to see you out there, son. Making a difference in the army and being the best at what you do. I am so proud of you.

48. I am sending my love and wishing you good speed in this path you have chosen, dear son. I know you will succeed in serving in the army. I’m so proud of you.

49. I am so proud of my son, who is serving in the army. He stays true to his principles and defends his country daily.

50. You have done so well in the army, dear son. I love to see your success and courage. Keep it up.

51. Thanks for making us all proud, dear son. It’s good to see you enlisting in the army and doing your best at it.

52. You are doing your best, son, and I’m so proud of you. You are the pride of the family, and no other one is gonna mess with you.

53. My dearest son and my pride. I am proud of you and can’t wait to see you achieve greater heights in the armed forces.

54. I want you to know, dear son, that I am so proud of whom you’ve become. Seeing you in the army gives me joy.

55. Despite the challenges, you made it. You stood tall against all odds. You are fulfilling your dream of serving in the army.

56. I’m proud of you, my dear son. You are brave, and you are a hero, and I know you will do so well in the army.

57. Son, see how you have grown, my little son who used to be small, now you are a young man who is doing well in the army. I am proud of what you achieved. You have proved your bravery in battle and in the army. You make me proud, son.

59. My dear son, you are my pride and my joy, and I am so proud of you and what you have achieved. You are doing so well in the army, and it’s a delight to see.

60. I am proud of my dear son in the army. He is doing his best and serving our country.

61. My dear son, it is my prayer that you enjoy safety and God’s protection as you go about your duties. I am so proud of you, my son.

62. I feel so much joy seeing you go out and be the best at what you do. I am a proud father of a great son who is serving in the army.

63. This is my son in the army. I want you to know that even though I’m not there with you physically, my heart is with you, and I’m praying for you. I am proud of you, my dear.

64. My dearest son is in the army, fighting and defending our rights. I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work.

65. I am so proud of my son. You are doing so well in the army, and I am glad to know you are one of those fighting to promote this nation.

66. My son, I am so proud of who you are. You are representing us well in the army. My prayer is that God will continue to be with you, always.

67. Thank you for representing us well in the army. You are doing great, and I’m proud of you, my dear son. Keep it up.

68. Son, you’re one smart and amazing young man who is giving his best and doing so well in the army. You are a shining star, and I am proud of you.

69. My dear son, your mommy and daddy are so proud of you. You are in the army now, and our heart is with you.

70. My heart aches for you, dear son, serving far away with the army. I pray for God’s constant protection upon you, dear son, and I’m so proud of you.

71. Hey, son, I am so proud of your braveness and your unmatched strength. I am proud of you and all you are doing in the army.

72. I am proud of my son, who is in the army, knowing that he is far from home and still keeps facing the best.

73. Dear son, the whole family is so proud of you. You are doing so well, and we want you to have a great army life.

74. Thank you for always putting a smile on our faces, dear son. I am so proud of you, son.

75. You are in the army now, and you are doing so well, and you are making me proud. I’m so proud of you.

76. It’s so good to see you out there,e fighting for the country. You make me a proud mother, son, and please do take care.

77. Son, I am so proud of you for being in the army. You serve your country with honour, passion, and strength.

78. Son, I have always loved and always wanted to be with you, dear son. You are in the army now, and I’m proud of that.

79. I am so proud of you, my son, living as you are, loving as you are. You have made us proud, and all I desire is the best way to be with you.

80. I want you to know that I’m always proud of you. You are determined to do well, and you are doing so well in the army.

81. It is so good to see you succeed and do well in the Army. You have done well for yourself, and you have made us proud, my darer.

82. I am proud of my son in the army, who is doing so well. An amazing son that keeps making me proud.

83. I am proud of my dear son, who is in the army. A very brave boy and I are certain that terrorists, drug lords, and crooked cops are no match for him.

84. It is my prayer, my dear boy, that God will protect you as you are out there to protect this country. I am proud of you.

85. I am so proud of you, son. Thank you for staying and serving out there in the army to keep the country safe.

86. I am sending my heartfelt love to you. You are far away serving the nation, and I am missing you. I am proud of you, son.

87. I am proud of my son for serving in the army, for being brave, and for protecting the nation.

88. It is my prayer that God will protect you and keep you safe as you are serving the country, dear son. I am proud of you.

89. My son is in the army, doing his best to serve and protect the land. He’s doing his part, and I’m so proud of him.

90. Son, I am proud of you. You are a brave man, serving in the army and sacrificing so much.

91. Son, Your mother and I are so proud of all you have accomplished and the wise choice you have made to serve in the army.

92. Son, we want you to know we love you so much, and we are proud to see you serve in the army.

93. I am proud and delighted to see my son serve in the army. His courage and strength are so amazing.

94. My son, I am so proud to see you serve in the army. I am proud of what you have become, and I know your future’s so bright and great.

95. Thank you, dear son, for forgiving yourself for the service of the country. You have made me so proud.

96. My son, when you were little, I knew you were a gem, and you will make us proud. Thanks for making us proud, dear son.

97. Dear son, thanks for being a hero serving in the army. I am proud of you, and I’m blessed to call you a son.

98. You have such a strong heart, dear son. I’m proud of you and wish you success as you have joined the army.

99. My son, you’ve been a part of my life since I was born, and your entire life is a great achievement. I am so proud to see you serve in the army.

100. My son, my pride, I am so proud of you and of the great decision you have taken to join the army. Keep it up, son.

I guess the pride you have in your son who is in the army is now easily expressed because e I am too sure you’ve got the exact proud of my army son quotes you need to make that happy expression because it is a great thing to have a son serving in the army.

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