Proud to Be a Single Dad Quotes

Parenthood used to be a two-way street, but times and circumstances have changed, and we have seen individuals step up and take on this wonderful yet tasking journey all by themselves. While single moms are more common, some superhero men have also stepped up to the single dad status with ease and grace. I know that every day is a good time to give single fathers their flowers.

For different men, the journey to becoming a single dad is unique to their experience but at the end of the day, what matters is that they decide to put their kids first and be the real-life superheroes their kids need them to be. That is not to say that this beautiful job isn’t difficult; pretty sure it is, but single dads are showing us that men can equally raise kids on their own, not because they have to but because they want to.

If you are a single dad out there, this is for you; I am proud of you, and you should wear your single dad status with honour and pride. If you know any single dad, you need to send these proud to be a single dad quotes their way as often as possible. You can read these quotes aloud to yourself or share them on your social media to encourage other single dads. Every one of these quotes is filled with love and admiration for all the single fathers, go ahead and pick your favourites!

I no longer consider being a single father a job. It has become my favourite duty every day. Yes, I struggle but knowing that my kids have all of me makes this whole experience more fun and great to have.

1. I enjoy being a single father even though it’s not the easiest job.

2. I am a proud single father, whatever the circumstances.

3. You are a rare man: a proud father and a single dad.

4. I’m not perfect, but I am proud to be a single father to my awesome kids.

5. I’m the best father ever to my kids, and I’m proud to be a single dad.

6. It’s both a job and an adventure to be a single father.

7. Hey, single dads! You are one of a kind.

8. Being a single father has made me a better man.

9. The best men get to be single dads, or so I hear.

10. It’s such a special feeling to call myself a single dad.

11. At first, I was juggling, and honestly, I still am, but I love being a single dad.

12. For my kids. I will do anything and proudly love being their single dad.

13. I try my best. I’m not perfect, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy to be a single dad.

14. I admit, it’s tough being a single father, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.

15. Being responsible for my kids all by myself is a lot, but I love it.

16. If there is one thing you can say about me, I’m proud to be a single father taking care of my kids.

17. Being a father is an honour and a joy, but doing it as a single dad is quite tasking.

18 . Being a single father is an amazing experience!

19. Being a single father has made my life better, although some days are quite tough.

20. every day that I wake up, I am proud to be a single dad.

21. I have lived and had a full life, and being a single father is one of my best experiences.

22. It may not always feel like it, but being a single father is the best part of everything I do.

23. I owe the man I am today to the fact that I am a single dad.

24. It was rough at first, but I finally figured out how to be a better single dad.

25. Being a single father is easily one of the best parts.

26. Some days are better than others, but I love being a single dad every day.

27. Being a single father has changed my life in the best way possible.

28. I can’t explain how good it feels to be a single dad.

29. It’s a rollercoaster ride, but I’ll take being a single dad to my kids over everything.

30. To all the single dads out there, you got this!

31. Cheering all the single fathers on! It doesn’t always get easier, but the kids are worth it.

32. To be a single father is to be the personification of unconditional love.

33. I enjoy being a single dad, maybe a little too much.

34. I cannot say it enough, I am a proud single father.

35. I may not be a perfect man, but I try to be perfect for my kids.

I may not always have the right words to express how being a single dad makes me feel, but it’s the one experience that has changed me for the better. Being a single dad is truly the best part of my day.

36. I wouldn’t trade these moments I spend with my kids for the world.

37. Every day, I try to be a better man but especially a better father for my kids.

38. Being a single dad is the happiest I’ve ever been so far.

39. For a single dad, every day starts and ends with your kids.

40. Being a single dad means putting my kids before everyone and everything.

41. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my kids. They mean everything to me.

42. As a single dad, my world revolves around my child.

43. I find happiness in being a single dad, and I’ll hold on to this feeling forever.

44. The more I spend time with my kids, the more I enjoy this whole process of being a single dad.

45. Being a single dad is not a job; it is a beautiful lifestyle.

46. As a single dad, you never stop learning how to take care of your child.

47. I’m starting to enjoy being a single dad more than I thought.

48. I still worry if I’m doing things right as a girl dad, much more as a single dad.

49. I don’t get to take a break from being a single dad, and I’m honestly okay with it.

50. Being a single dad can be a fun and joyful experience on the good days.

51. You know what makes me happiest? Being a single dad and being there for my kids makes me incredibly happy!

52. Sometimes, it’s a struggle, but I love being a single dad.

53. After all this time, I can say that being a single dad is one of the best things that happened to me.

54. I was so scared at first, but my kids made it all worth it.

55. Being a single dad rocks, and I enjoy every minute of it.

56. Becoming a better man so I can be the best dad for my kids.

57. Being a single dad single-handedly made me a much better man.

58. Whatever I do, I make sure my kids come first as a single dad.

59. My entire personality right now is being a single dad, and that’s okay with me.

60. As the years went by, I got the hang of being a single dad.

61. My love for my kids makes up for the stress I go through as a single dad.

62. All I want as a single dad is for my child always to be okay.

63. If no one else would do it, I’ll pat myself on the back for being a great single dad.

64. I am beyond proud to be a single dad, raising the kids myself.

65. Life is too short not to be a proud single dad.

66. I struggle half the time, but I will always be a proud single dad.

67. Half the time, I don’t know what I’m doing; I know that I love being a single dad.

68. Sometimes, I have no idea what I’m doing, but love for my kids carries me through.

69. My all-time favourite job is being a single dad.

70. Raising my kid alone takes a lot from me, but I’ll forever be proud to be a single dad.

I want all the single dads who come across this set of quotes to get the biggest smile on their faces when they read this. Whether to encourage yourself or a single dad, you know, proud to be a single dad quotes deserve to be shared far and wide for all the men doing the entirety of parenting all by themselves. I am proud of every single dad out there, and it makes me happy to know that you get to be by your kids even when it’s not the easiest job to do. You all are fathers of the years on a rolling basis till eternity!

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