Psychological Empowerment, Organizational Justice and Abusive Supervision as Predictors of Work Engagement

Psychological Empowerment, Organizational Justice and Abusive Supervision as Predictors of Work Engagement.

Table of Contents


The study investigated psychological empowerment, organizational justice and abusive supervision as predictors of work engagement among employees in manufacturing industries.

Three hundred and thirty two workers drawn from Coscharis Beverages and Pure Water Manufacturing Company Ltd.,

Lagos and Happy Home Manufacturing Company, located at Kirikiri industrial area in Lagos participated in the study.

Four instruments which include Psychological Empowerment Scale by Spreitzer (1995), Organizational Justice Scale by Colquits (2001),

Abusive Supervision Scale by Tepper (2000), and Utrencht Work Engagement Scale by Schaufeli & Salanova (2002) were used for the study. The data collected were analyzed with Linear Regression analysis.

The result of the study shows that psychological empowerment and organizational justice significantly predicted work engagement R = .247, P < .05 whereas abusive supervision did not predict work engagement.

Table Of Contents

Title page i

Dedication ii

Acknowledgement iii

Table of contents iv

Abstract v

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction 

Statement of Problem 12

Purpose of Study 14

Operational Definition of terms 14

CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review

Theoretical Review   16

Social Exchange Theory  16

The Equity Theory  21

Motivational-Based Theory   25

The Uncertainty Management Theory   32

Empirical Review

Psychological Empowerment and Work Engagement  34

Abusive Supervision and Work Engagement   36

Organizational Justice and Work Engagement  38

Summary of Literature Review   40

Hypotheses     44


Method                             45

Participants                          45

Instruments                    45

Procedure                    48

Design/statistics                      49


Results                            50


Discussion                                               53

Implications of Study                          57

Suggestions for further studies                     58

Summary/Conclusion                    59

Limitations of Study                60

References                              61

Appendix                                7


Background Of Study

The goal of every modern organization is to attain its zenith and remain competitive and relevant in a continuously changing globalized market.

Work engagement is the prerequisite for the attainment and progressive advancement of organizations.

During the past decade, work engagement has attracted much attention of researchers and practitioners.

The reason why work engagement has been regarded as important is that, it contributes to various positive work outcome and improves organization performance (Salanova, Agut,& Peiró 2005).

Indeed, empirical studies have revealed that work engagement predicts high level of organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and job performance (Hakanen,Bakker & Schaufeli, 2006; Koyuncu, Burke & Fiksenbaum, 2006; Salanova, Agut,& Peiró 2005).

Recently, identifying antecedents of work engagement has drawn much attention from researchers especially  from  the developed countries of Europe and North America (Bakker, 2009; Schaufeli & Salanova, 2007).


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