Psychosocial Factors of Classroom Environment and Cognitive Styles as Correlates of Students’ Achievement in Physics

Psychosocial Factors of Classroom Environment and Cognitive Styles as Correlates of Students’ Achievement in Physics.

Table of Contents


Physics as a basic is the pivot on which the study of science and technology revolves. However the academic achievement in physics of the Nigerian secondary school students has been poor over the years.

It has become to determine factors that achievement in physics therefore; the purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of psychosocial factors of classroom environment and cognitive styles on  students’ achievement  in physics.

An ex-post factor design was adopted for the study. A total of 150 SS2 physics students from 10 co-education schools in both private and public schools in Ankpa educational zone responded to the instruments used for the study.

The instruments, physics classroom scale questionnaire (PCESQ) group  embedded  figure  test  (GEFT) and cumulative Assessment Record proforma (CARP) of SS2 physics students were standardized instrument adopted for use in this study.

The instruments were face validated by five experts. The reliability coefficient of GEFT was found to be 0.97  using  Kudder  Richardson (K-R20).

The PCESQ internal consistency was found to range from r= 0.455 to r= 0.726 because they are in cluster, while  the reliability coefficient of  the  total  instrument was found to be r= 0.600 using Cronbatch alpha reliability index.

These instruments were used to collect relevant data from a sample of 150 SS2 students. Five research questions and three hypotheses were formulated of 0.05 level of significance to guide the study.

Table of Contents

Title page                   i
Approval Page          ii
Certification             iii
Dedication                iv
Acknowledgement       v
Table of Contents        vi
List of Tables               viii
Abstract                             ix
Background to the Study                     1
Statement of the Problem                   8
Purpose of the Study                            9
Significance of the Study                    10
Scope of the Study                                 11
Research Questions                              12
Hypotheses                                            13
The Conceptual Framework                   15
Teaching and Learning of Physics in Nigerian Secondary Schools        17
Cognitive Style                                           19
The Dimensions of Classroom Learning Environment             22
Theoretical Framework                    24
Cognitive theories of learning         24
Information processing theory         26
Perception and Attention                    26
Field Dependency and Cueing Strategies         29
Empirical Studies                                                   31
Students Perception of Psychosocial Factor of Classroom Environment and their Achievement        31
Cognitive style and achievement in physics            36
Summary of Literature Review                                   38
Design of Study                                                 41
Area of Study                                                    41
Population of Study                                            42
Sample and Sampling Technique                     42
Instrument for Data Collection                           42
Validation of the Instruments                             45
Reliability of the Instrument                                 45
Method of Data Collection                                     46
Method of Data Analysis                                          47
Summary of Findings                         54
Discussion of Findings                                                                                        55
Conclusion                                                                                                          59
Educational implication                                                                                       60
Recommendations                                                                                               61
Limitation of Study                                                                                        62
Suggestion for Further Studies                                                                             63
Summary of Study                                                                                         63
REFERENCES                                                                                                     66


1.1 Background of Study
This study is designed to investigate the influence of psychosocial  factors  of  classroom environment and cognitive styles on students’ achievement in physics.

Physics is a pure science that deals with behaviours of matter and energy and how it relates with other physical properties (Ezebuiro 2008).

This  conceptual meaning of physics  shows that physics  is a basic physical science that deals with the behavior and interaction of matter and energy which are referred to as physical phenomena.

Physics as abranch of physical scienceplays a vital role in providing knowledge of relevant concepts, scientific  skills,  natural  phenomena and environment.

According to Achor (2012), Physics education is known to play  some specific roles in the development of humanity and in the technological development of any nation of which Nigeria is not exempted.

Some of these important  roles of physics  education in the lives of students of senior secondary schools are:It prepares them for future study in relevant vocations.

It helps to develop certain scientificattitudes such as curiosity, creativity, open mindedness and honesty.
All these importance notwithstanding  students perform poorly in physics as reflected inthe West African Senior Secondary School Certificate ExaminationCouncils chief examiner’s reports (2009-2011).

The poor performance in physics education among secondary school students has made anumber of physics educators in the country to study the problem empirically with the hope of finding causes and  possible solutions.


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