Assessment of Training as a Means of Manpower Development in Public Organization

Assessment of Training as a Means of Manpower Development in Public Organization.


An organization is made of up of both human and material resources. The human resources are in a position of manipulating the material resources to achieve organizational goals and objectives.
As it is said in the profession of law that “nemo dat quot non habat” i.e. “what you don’t have you can’t give”. If organization deems fit to achieve its set objectives,
then training and manpower development must be taken seriously. The work environment is volatile, as things are fast changing in the present-day world.
Technology is fast-growing and changing. Secretaries in offices who are trained with manual typewriters must try to acquaint themselves with the use of computer because typewriters cannot stand the test of time.
Business managers must be internet savvy in order to fast track business transactions, the top desk officers (customer care centre) needs update on how to relate with the customer (customer relation), marketing managers must be updated on how best to appeal to minds of consumers through advertisement,
Through the use of modern gadgets and instruments, as the security agents should also know the use of gadgets and electronic appliances to tackle the presents day security threat which cannot be handled by physical (man) police, all these and many more attest to the fact that training and manpower development play a significant role in the success of an organization.


1.1 Statement of the Problem
The failure of the first and second development plans of Nigeria according to Adebayo where partly attributed to inadequate and lack of trained manpower to handle the development plan as programmed.
The country has been experiencing low productivity due to the dearth of training and manpower development and this has been an impediment in the development of the organization.
In Nigeria, inefficiency is a very serious problem that needs to be addressed urgently. Europe faced this same problem in the 18th and 19th centuries and writers such as Max Weber (1947), Vroom (1970), and a host of others were able to address the issue of how organizations can increase output and improve efficiency.
Most organizations find it difficult to identify the training needs, and even where the need is recognized, a lot of time and money is committed to training and manpower development.
The exercise is often either in-appropriate, haphazard or premised on a faulty diagnosis of organizational training needs.
In other situations, where training happens to occur, deployment of staff to train may be without regard to the skill the staff acquired, leading to frustration of personnel and also general inefficiency in the system.

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McKenna, E. & Vic Beech (2002) Human Resource Management-A Concise Analysis, 1st ed.UK: Date Publishing Company Ltd
Michael Armstrong. (2001) A Handbook of Human Resources Management Practice Eighth  Edition. Bath Press Limited.
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