Corruption and Insecurity in Nigeria: A Fight Against It

Corruption and Insecurity in Nigeria: A Fight Against It.


This research work focuses on corruption and insecurity in Nigeria a fight against it with particular reference to economic and financial crime commission.

The specific objective of this study is to identify the main causes of corruption and insecurity in Nigeria, examine the weakness of EFCC in fighting corruption in Nigeria and as well make recommendation that will help in dealing with such problem.

With these objective, the research proceeded to use primary data collected via questionnaires and secondary data collected, through internet, books etc, to conduct the study.

In the course of the study, the researcher made use of 200 sample size out of 400 population using Yaro Yamani’s formular to get the sample size.

The data collected were analysed using simple percentage method and tables. In the course of carrying out this research, the research discovered some of the causes of corruption and insecurity in Nigeria,

they include, greedy, tribalism and nepotism and equally lack of supervision of EFCC by the Federal Government.

Table of Contents


Title –       –       –       –       –       –       –       –       –       -i

Approval –        –       –       –       –       –       –       –       -ii

Dedication –     –       –       –       –       –       –       –       -iii

Acknowledgment-    –       –       –       –       –       –       -iv

Abstract – –       –       –       –       –       –       –       –       -v

Table of contents-    –       –       –       –       –       –       -vi


  • Introduction – –       –       –       –       –       –       -1

1.1   Background of the Study –      –       –       –       -1

1.2   Statement of the Problem –      –       –       –       -3

1.3   Purpose of Study –   –       –       –       –       –       -4

1.4   Significance of the Study –       –       –       –       -5

1.5   Research Questions –      –       –       –       –       -6

1.6   Scope of the Study   –       –       –       –       –       -6

1.7   Limitations of the Study –        –       –       –       -6

1.8   Definition of Terms –        –       –       –       –       -7



2.0   Introduction –  –       –       –       –       –       –       -9

2.1   The Concept of Computer –     –       –       –       -9

2.2   Concept of insecurity –    –       –       –       –       -11

2.3   Historical Background of EFCC-     –       –       -11

2.4   Motivation for engaging in corruption –   –       -14

2.5   Possible solution to corruption in Nigeria –     -19

2.6   Manifestation of insecurity in Nigeria –   –       -21

2.7   Thematic explanation of causes of insecurity

in Nigeria  –      –       –       –       –       –       –       -25

2.8   Insecurity challenges: The way forward   –       -29

2.9   The scorecard of the EFCC     –       –       –      -31

2.10 Criticism of the EFCC –   –       –       –       –       -33

2.11 The effect of Kidnapping on Nigeria Economy -34

2.12 Corruption and insecurity as factors militating against nation development –  –       –       –       -36

2.13 Summary of Literature Review –      –       –       -39


3.0   Research Methodology –  –       –       –       –       -40

3.1   Design of the Study –       –       –       –       –       -40

3.2   Area of the Study –  –       –       –       –       –       -41

3.3   Population of the Study – –       –       –       –       -41

3.4   Sample Size/Sampling techniques  –      –       -41

3.5   Instrument for Data Collection –     –       –       -43

3.6   Reliability and Validity of the Instruments –    -43

3.7   Distribution and Retrieval of the Instrument –44

3.8   Method of Data Analysis –       –       –       –       -44


4.0   Data Presentation and Analysis –    –       –       -46

4.1   Presentation of Findings –       –       –       –       -46

4.2   Discussion/Analysis of Findings –   –       –       -56


5.0   Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations -58

5.1   Summary of findings –     –       –       –       –       -58

5.2   Conclusion –    –       –       –       –       –       –       -59

53    Recommendations – –       –       –       –       –       -60

5.4   Suggestion for further studies –       –       –       -61

References –     –       –       –       –       –       –       -62


1.1 Background of the Study   

The greatest hindrance to development especially in the third world countries has been attributed to corruption and insecurity. Aliu (2010), observed that people in high places are corrupt because of greed.

His view tend to have wider support as most people feel that the resources available in these country has the capacity to guarantee every members of the society with their basic need of life.

According to political bureau report (1987), corruption is essentially a product of our highly individualized materialistic society which emphasizes struggle by individuals to acquire as much wealth as they can without regard to how much wealth was obtained.

Mba-Afolabi (1999), maintain that this situation has led individuals and groups of persons to pursue various illegal and anti-social means of making wealth.

Akintunde (2007), stipulated that the challenges that corruption poses to national life is grave.


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