Impact of Entrepreneurial Activities on the Socio-economic Development (PDF)

 – Impact of Entrepreneurial Activities on the Socio-economic Development –

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Impact Entrepreneurial activities on the Socio-Economic Development of Uyo Local Government Area. The study employed survey and exploratory research design, and a sample of fifty respondents were selected. Questionnaires were administered on the twenty respondents which were completed and returned.

Data obtained were presented and analyzed using chi square (*2 statistical. It was discovered that they success of an entrepreneur depends on the quality of services to customers by Ibom Tropicana entertainment centre in Uyo Local Government Area.

Also the availability of business opportunities can enhance entrepreneurial development in Ibom Tropicana. The study recommends among other Local Government that owns an entertainment centre should Endeavour to attend seminars and workshops in the area of business management.


CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION       –         –          –         –         –         1

1.1     Background         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         4

  • Statement of the Problem –         –         –          –         –         –         7

1.3     Objective of the Study  –          –         –         –         –         –          –         8

1.4     Significance of the Study          –         –         –         –          –         –         8

1.5     Research Hypothesis    –          –         –         –         –         –          –         10

1.6     Scope of the Study        –          –         –         –         –         –          –         11

1.7     Limitation of the Study          –         –         –         –         –          –          11

1.8     Definition of Terms      –          –         –         –         –         –          –         11


2.1     Introduction        –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         13

2.2     Concept of Entrepreneur       –         –         –          –         –         –         14

2.3     Entrepreneurship as the Key to Emergence of

Small Business-   –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         21

2.4     Supporting Attributes of the Entrepreneur      –         –          –         24

2.5     Impact of Entrepreneurial Activities on  the Socio-economic

Developments of Ibom Tropicana Entertainment Centre,

Uyo, Akwa Ibom State –          –         –         –         –          –         –         25

2.6     Basic records required in a small scale Business          –         –         32

2.7     Approach to Small Business Conudrums/Problems –          –         32

2.8     Summary of Related Literature   –         –         –          –         –         34

CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY       –          –         36

3.0     Introduction        –         –          –         –         –         –          –         –         36

3.1     Research Design –         –          –         –         –         –          –         –         36

3.2     Population of Study     –          –         –         –         –          –         –         37

3.3     Sampling Procedure     –          –         –         –         –          –         –

3.4     The Sampling      –         –          –         –         –         –          –         –         38

3.5     Research Instrument   –          –         –         –         –          –         –         38

3.6     Data Collection   –         –          –         –         –         –          –         –         39

3.7     Data Preparation –         –          –         –         –         –          –         –         40

3.8     Procedure for Testing Hypothesis –         –         –          –         –         40


                                  INTERPRETATION OF RESULT        –         –          42

4.1     Introduction        –         –          –         –         –         –          –         –         42

4.2     Decision Rule      –         –          –         –         –         –          –         –         43

4.3     Test of Hypothesis One          –         –         –         –          –         –         43

4.4     Test of Hypothesis Two          –         –         –         –          –         –         44


5.1     Introduction        –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         48

5.2     Summary of Findings   –          –         –         –         –         –          –         48

5.3     Conclusion –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         49

5.4     Recommendation          –          –         –         –         –         –          –         49

Reference   –         –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         51

Appendix “A”     –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         53


The Fundamental nature of this research is o examine the impact of Entrepreneurial activities on the socio- Economic development of Uyo Local Government Area. (A study of Ibom Tropicana Entertainment centre). Entrepreneurial activities are generally assumed to be an important aspect of the organization of industries most conducive to competition in any socio-Economic development.

It is a formidable set up aimed at creating strategies to facilitate exchange to goods for money starting a business is not an event but a process that may take money years to evolve and come to fruition. This is true because not everybody is born entrepreneurial so they need a form of motivation and trainings. For the successful creation of a business one needs to be characterized with, confident and innovative.

Orientation is also needed to enable the entrepreneur to be well prepared to face the challenges posed by business firms or industries. However, entrepreneurship refers to the attitude, skills and actions of an individuals or group of people in starting a new business.

An individual, private entrepreneur is a creative person and a risk bearer who is good at recognizing opportunity, analyzing it, making a decision to act on it, marshalling necessary leading to a new implementing programmes leading to an new enterprise and profit.

On the socio economy of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, new business have been established to complement the existing venture this was done by the intervention of the state Government through Governor Godswill Obot Akpabio now senator representing Ikot Ekpene senatorial district when speaking during the ground breaking ceremony explained that the essence of the Tropicana activities of the state and to create job and business opportunities to both indigenes of the state and visitors.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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