Manpower Development and Productivity in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria

Manpower Development and Productivity in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria.


One of topical issues of discussion these day in most organization is manpower development and its retention to increased productivity. This project is geared towards studying manpower development and productivity in tertiary institutions using the federal polytechnic oko as a case study.

The research exhaustively explained the concept of manpower development and it’s application to any organization.

However in the course of this study, it was discovered that one of the major reasons on low performance on the part of many employees in the higher institutions is that most of them in key areas have not been well equipped with proper skills or knowledge to enable them effectively handle the responsibility assigned to them.

Also discovered as hindering to increased productivity is the inability of the institution to retain the staff already equipped with specialized skills, therefore, this research report stands to recommend ways through which manpower development and its eventual productivity should be given serious attention they deserve.

The literature review and the theoretical framework provided in this study only served as an ideal against which the overall manpower development effort and all other process that go with it in any organization and federal polytechnic oko, to be specific can be assessed.

Information and other materials therein were obtained directly through documentary source, personal interview and questionnaires for originality for adequacy, which formed the based for the findings and recommendations therein.


Title page                                                                 i

Approval page                                                          ii

Dedication                                                               iii

Acknowledgements                                                   iv

Abstract                                                                   vii

Table of content                                                        xi


1.0   INTRODUCTION                                               1

1.1   Background of the study                                  3

1.2   Statement of the problems                               5

1.3   Purpose of the study                                        5

1.4   Significance of the study                                   6

1.5   Research Questions                                         7

1.6   Scope of the study                                            8

1.7   Definition of terms                                            8


Literature Review                                             10

2.0   Introduction                                                     10

2.1   The concept and definition of manpower

development                                                     12

2.2   Objectives of manpower development                15

2.3   Usefulness of manpower development              21

  • Types of manpower development 22
  • Summary of literature review 23


3.0   Methodology                                                    24

  • Brief Outline of the Study 24
  • Design of the Study 25
  • Area of the Study 25
  • The Population of the Study 26
  • Sample size 26
  • Instrument for Data Collection 28
  • Validation of the Instrument 29
  • Distribution and Retrieval of the Instrument 29
  • Method of Data Analysis. 30


4.0   Data Presentation and Analysis                        31


5.1   Summary of Findings                                       38

5.2   Conclusion                                                      40

5.3   Recommendations                                            41

5.4   Limitations of the Study                                   46

  • Suggestion for Further Study 47

Appendix                                                          48

Questionnaire                                                  49

References                                                       51


No organization has ever succeeded without human effort, in fact, human effort is undoubtedly the sine-qua-non for the extent to which the set goals of this organization are realized or not realized.

This is simple because every other resource that contributes the organizational goal attainment are initiated and determined by the person who make up the organization.

Onah (1995), quoting Oguyi emphasize the importance of manpower in nation building. He says that: No nation in the world can carry out any of its development, programme without adequate and competent manpower.

The vital role of manpower comes into focus both in time of peace and when nation is at war. Qualified manpower is not only the critical but a measure of nation strength, security and well being.

The human resources of a nation hold the key to its survival, prosperity and future economic and social development.

The realization of the above fact explains the pre-occupational of every management with some personnel functions, recruitment, employer/labour relation, welfare, reward and punishment of the workforce to enhance productivity.

However, manpower development and its eventual management do not seem to have received the attention they deserve. Thus the genesis of the problem of low productivity may well lay with the manpower development strategies of the organization and also eventual inadequacy.

How a management of Federal Polytechnic Oko has carried out these aspect of personnel functions to facilitate the day to day running of the school is the focus of this work.


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