Public Policy Implementation in Nigeria and Economic Development

Public Policy Implementation in Nigeria and Economic Development.

Table of Contents


A study of Public Policy under Olusegun Obasanjo Administration, A study of National policy on population for sustainable South Eastern Nigeria.

Data included a survey of 263 respondents aged between 20-60 years drawn from the National population commission Enugu, Doctors on ESUT Teaching Hospital Parklane Enugu, Academic staff of University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, and Honourable members of Enugu State House of Assembly.

The study evaluate the effective implementation of the National policy on population for sustainable development particularly the conduct of the year 2006. It was designed to measure how the conduct of census  2006 met item “19” of the objective of the population policy.

Research findings indicated that the following factors were largely responsible for poor monitoring of the implementation of various aspects of the policy particularly the census 2006 project by relevant agencies, time constraints, logistics constraints and inadequacy of trained manpower.

The study amongst others measures recommended that the various implementation agencies particularly the National Council on Population Management (NCPM) and the National population  commission (NPC) should take their statutory roles of monitoring seriously and provide guidance for overall policy implementation.


Title page                                                         i

Certification                                                     ii

Approval                                                           iii

Dedication                                                        iv

Acknowledgements                                           v

Abstract                                                           vi

Table of contents                                              vii


  • Introduction 1
    • Background of the study 1
    • Statement of the problem 6
    • Purpose of the study 8
    • Significance of the study 9
    • Research question 10
    • Scope of the study 11
    • Limitation of the study 12
    • Definition of term 13



  • Introduction 15
    • Background information in the study area 16
    • Definition of policy and public policy 17
    • Aspect of policy 19
    • The national policy on population for sustainable development    23
    • Contemporary theories of policy formulation 45
    • Summary of Literature Review 60



  • Research Design and Methodology 62
    • Design of the study 62
    • Area of the study 63
    • Population of the study 64
    • Sample size/sampling techniques 65
    • Instrument for data collection 69
    • Reliability and validity of the instrument 69
    • Distribution and Retrieval of the instrument 70
    • Method of data analysis 70


  • Data Presentation and Analysis 72
    • Presentation of Findings 72
    • Discussion/Analysis of findings 80


5.0   Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations-      83

5.1   Summary                                                         83

5.2   Conclusion                                                      84

5.3   Recommendations                                            85

Appendix I                                                       91

Appendix II                                                       92

Questionnaire                                                  93

References                                                       97


1.1  Background of the Study

Recording human numbers using the statistical methods is not a recent phenomenon. It is the method used for collecting, analyzing and interpreting of numerical data relating to a certain area of investigation as well as for drawing valid conclusions in situations of uncertainty and variability.

The statistical knowledge for effective national planning equitable governance and planning for the future. It also serves as a basis for resource distribution such as rereme allocation, constituency representation, employment, the siting of industries and social amenities (hospitals, school, post office, road and police stations); and the allocation of legislative seats for each in federal and state house of assembly.

Due to these population recorded census in Nigeria has become politicized, the political elites has come to understand the degree to which recording human numbers determined the population of government amenities distributed to them and their economic and political weight within their society.

These had come to manipulation and falsification of population census figures of groups or regions within the country.

The political and economic development in Nigeria would have been much easier if reliable population data were available, because the absent of trustworthy or accurate population data directly affects the government’s inability to ensure balanced political representation and equal access to important governmental resources.


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