The Impact of Reward on Employees Attitude Towards Work in an Organization

 – The Impact of Reward on Employees Attitude Towards Work in an Organization – 

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This study seeks to investigate the impact of rewards on employees attitude towards work in an organization in Uyo |city Polytechnic, Uyo. To accomplish this and ensure its effectiveness, some objective were set out, data were collected from the primary and secondary source.

A sample size of (30) was maintained as a population size of (60) was selected or stratified from the management units, to achieve the aim of this study, five research questions was formulated and three hypothesis were stated and also tested respectively using the correlation analysis technique.

The questionnaire contains twelve well-structured questions performing to the topic under investigation.

The study concludes that reward in Uyo City Polytechnic is good and that the employee attitude will be better if they are rewarding more. It is recommended that employee attitude will be better as a result of rewarding them, these will enable them to work more effectively.


Title Page        –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –      i

Certification     –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –      ii

Dedication       –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –      iii

Acknowledgements  –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –      iv

Abstract   –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –      vi

Table of Contents     –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –      vii


1.1   General Introduction –     –      –      –      –      –      –      1

1.2   Statement of Problem      –      –      –      –      –      –      3

1.3   Objective of Study   –      –      –      –      –      –      –      4

1.4   Significance of Study       –      –      –      –      –      –      5

1.5   Research Question   –      –      –      –      –      –      –      6

1.6   Hypothesis       –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –      7

1.7   Scope/Limitation of Study        –      –      –      –      –      8

1.8   Definition of Terms –      –      –      –      –      –      –      8


2.1   Introduction     –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –        11

2.2   Theoretical Framework    –      –      –      –      –      –        11

2.3   Types of Reward      –      –      –      –      –      –      –        14

2.4   Importance of Reward     –      –      –      –      –      –        18

2.5   Summary        –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –        20


3.1   Research Design –    –      –      –      –      –      –      –        21

3.2   Characteristics of the Study Population    –      –      –        21

3.3   Sample, Sample Method and Sample Size       –      –        22

3.4   Instrument of Data Collection –      –      –      –      –        23

3.5   Administration of Instrument   –      –      –      –      –        24

3.6   Procedure  for Data Analysis    –      –      –      –      –        24


4.1   Introduction –  –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –        25

4.2   Data Presentation and  Analysis-     –      –      –      –        26

4.3   Test of Hypothesis   –      –      –      –      –      –      –        32


5.1   Summary        –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –        38

5.2   Conclusion       –      –      –      –      –      –      –      –        39

5.3   Recommendation     –      –      –      –      –      –      –        39




The purpose of this research is to identify the basic cause of poor reward on employees in Uyo City Polytechnic Uyo. It is from this solution can be preferred to enhance effective implementation of its policies.

The question which I attempt to ask in this research includes: How does reward relates with an improvement of employee’s performance in Uyo City Polytechnic organization?

A reward can be seen as one aspect of the management of human resources in the workplace or in an organization. It has something to do with individual satisfaction, performance, and commitment to organizational goals and objective. Nwachukwu (2007).

A reward can also be seen as something that induces employees to work at a more productive level, towards the objectives of the organization C.N. Agv (2003).

Attitudes of a person towards work is not inherent, it is a learned behaviour. Field observation shows that so many organization have neglected or rejected the important aspect of reward on employees. Okorokwo (2003).

McGregor (1960) has it that a motivated employee has it that a motivated employee has adult characteristics, he enjoys independence, has longer, deeper and more consistence interest in what he does.

Uyo City Polytechnic is remarkably an offshoot of school of accountancy and business studies, which was approved in September, 1972 by the Ministry of Education in the East-West South-Eastern State of Nigeria, with a backup letter.

School of accountancy change its name to Uyo City Polytechnic in September, 2003 to enable it offer a variety of courses. On 1st October, 2003 an agreement was entered between the management/proprietor of the then school of accountancy and business studies, Uyo on the one hand with Engineer Emmanuel Ekot, the proprietor of Heritage College, Eket, to opposite and manage the school for some years.

Presently, Uyo City Polytechnic is formally affiliated to  Saviour Institute of Science, Agriculture and Technology (OSISATECH) Enugu with the status the polytechnic offers a variety of courses/programmes through the following schools:


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