Public Library Extension Services in Kogi and Benue States, Nigeria

Public Library Extension Services in Kogi and Benue States, Nigeria.


This study was carried out to investigate public library extension services in Kogi and Benue States of the North Central Nigeria.

Six research questions  bothering  on availabi1ity of resources for public library extension services were developed  and  answered by the study.

The study employed descriptive survey research design for data gathering through the use of a structured questionnaire.

The population for the study was 1,738; made up of 71 public library staff and 1,667 public library users in the two states.

The sample frame for the study was 271 comprising all the 71 library staff and randomly selected 200 library users from the two states.

A 22-item checklist and 40-item questionnaire were developed from the reviewed literature and used for data  collection. Two experts validated the instrument.

The data for the study were collected by the researcher with the help of three research assistants. The data collected were analyzed using means.

The findings of the study revealed that most of the identified public library extension services are not available in the two states, that the level of awareness of public library extension services are low among the users, that the respondents through their responses need public library extension services.

In addition, the study also found that public library extension services in the study area are confronted with some notable challenges and there are some strategies that could be employed for enhancing the public library extension services in the study area as found out by the study.

Based on these findings, the study therefore recommended among others that there should be proper finding and resources mobilization for the acquisition of information resources and the provision of effective library services in both states, that there should be provision of multimedia resources such as ICTs for effective and up-to-date service delivery of public libraries in the two states.


Background Of Study

Public libraries contribute significantly to the educational development and literacy level of any community. They are often considered as an essential part of having an educated and literate population.

Public libraries by definition are libraries established and maintained by the government for the entire populace (Otubelu, 2005).

Similarly, public libraries are libraries provided wholly or partly from public funds and the use of which is not restricted to any class of persons in the community but freely available to all (Prytherch, 1999).

Thus, a public library is the information storehouse and the custodian o1 knowledge for posterity in its community of operation.

It is not just the clearing-house for all informational, educational and recreational needs of a community; it is more importantly, a source of power.

This power derives essentially from the backdrop of the fact that as store- houses of knowledge and repositories of human heritage.

Public libraries are primarily saddled with responsibilities bordering on conservation, preservation and of course, transmission of the peoples culture As such.

They are not only significant as instrument of social and political changes, but indeed, as the principal  guardians of freedom of thought.

Making their own contribution on important roles play by public libraries, Abel and ISSA (20 12) noted that public libraries assist people to contribute to the growth of knowledge, make much use of leisure as well as promote personal and social well-being.

Develop their creative and spiritual capacities capable in their daily occupation, discharge political and social obligation to become better members of home and community, keep pace with progress in all fields and educate themselves continuously.


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