Ten Reasons Why You Should Apply for the Qatar Airways Scholarship

If you’re looking to pursue your passion in the realm of international business, the Qatar Airways Scholarship gives you the chance to do so while learning from some of the world’s most influential minds.

Launched by one of the fastest growing airlines in the world, this scholarship seeks out young entrepreneurs who are willing to take on challenges head-on and provide new perspectives on issues that are critical to economic growth and global trade today.

Here are 10 reasons why you should apply for the Qatar Airways Scholarship.

Scholarship from Qatar Airways

As we all know, Qatar Airway has changed its name to Qatar Airways due to a merger with Gulf Air.

The airlines have also improved their services with new fleets of Airbus A380 and are going on to start international flight routes.

If you think of an airline that is rapidly growing, then you should definitely consider applying for a scholarship from them! Here are some reasons why

  1. Education Is Continuous

Education is a lifelong pursuit, and that’s true in more ways than one. Some of you will be looking for education in traditional settings—through attending classes or taking online courses.

But more than ever, people are seeking educational opportunities by learning from experts in their industry through podcasts and webinars, reading trade magazines and books, and taking online courses. Don’t think of it as an excuse to slack off!

Taking charge of your own education will make you a better professional and help you stay up-to-date on new trends, even if you already have a degree.

It’s no surprise that top employers are looking for recent graduates who have demonstrated their commitment to lifelong learning by getting certification or completing continuing education classes.

Our advice? If you want to stand out from other job applicants, don’t just take a class; take several! The world of work is changing rapidly.

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If you want to keep pace with these changes, continue learning throughout your career.

  1. You Will Gain New Knowledge

One of the most obvious reasons why you should apply for a scholarship is that you’ll have an opportunity to learn from others who are more experienced than you.

It’s no secret that experience is one of the best teachers, so when given a chance to learn new skills by working with Qatari professionals in a meaningful way, jump on it!

One of my favorite parts about working at Qatar Airways was learning how things worked within such a large organization and being exposed to new ways of thinking.

I gained knowledge I would never have picked up while doing research in my home office.

Even if you don’t win, sending off applications for scholarships is great practice—as they say, failing to plan is planning to fail.

  1. Meet People From All Over The World

If you want to become an industry leader or if you want to make connections in your field, there’s no better way than traveling and making friends from different countries.

The wealth of perspectives and knowledge that can be gained by forging new friendships with people from around the world is invaluable. And, honestly, who doesn’t want to travel abroad?

Getting paid to do so as a student seems like a pretty sweet deal.

That’s why applying for scholarships that include some travel is such a great idea.

Consider applying for a scholarship like an international work study program—so you could get experience in your field while exploring new places and meeting new people at the same time!

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  1. Gain Access to Leading-Edge Technologies

Today’s world is changing rapidly, with technology and engineering proving to be some of the fastest-growing fields.

As a first-year graduate student, you’ll have access to new technologies, top-notch equipment, and academic resources that will help you get an upper hand on your peers.

Not only that, but if you enroll in one of our Masters programs, we will provide you with an Apple MacBook laptop.

This allows you to work in comfort from your dorm room or apartment rather than having to worry about buying your own computer before starting school.

  1. Learn English (or French, Spanish, etc.)

Even if you’re applying to work in a foreign country, it’s always best to learn at least some of that country’s language before moving.

More often than not, employers will want you to be able to communicate with local customers and clients in their native tongue.

If that sounds daunting, don’t worry; English speakers should take heart.

English is spoken around the world by 1.5 billion people, so even just basic knowledge will put you far ahead of your competition — both when it comes to getting hired and establishing relationships with customers and clients.

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  1. Gain Experience in Global Companies’ Projects

This is without a doubt one of your biggest reasons to apply. The scholarship allows you to gain valuable experience in real-life projects conducted by a global company.

It’s a great way to see if an industry or field of study suits you, and it will give you exposure to what working in that industry is like.

It’s also an excellent opportunity to meet people from all over the world, which can lead to lifelong friendships and connections.

And finally, it’s just plain cool—getting paid while learning how companies around the world operate. What could be better than that?

  1. Have a Great Time in Doha!

Students who choose to participate in a study abroad program will have an unforgettable experience outside of their normal routine.

There’s something about taking your classes in a foreign country that really spices things up.

If you’re looking for an opportunity to try something new, learn more about another culture, and expand your network, a study abroad program could be just what you need.

Since study abroad programs are very competitive, make sure to follow our 10 reasons why students should apply!

  1. Make New Friends and International Contacts

An international scholarship like this is a unique opportunity to learn and grow in a foreign country.

We might not speak much about it, but one of our best traits as humans is that we are inherently social creatures. It’s how we’ve gotten to where we are.

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Networking is not only a vital skill for business success but also an excellent way to gain lifelong relationships—and some of them may lead to careers, too!

Take advantage of your time abroad and make new friends from all over the world; these experiences will shape you for years to come.

  1. Get Financial Aid to Pay for Your University Degree (and a Job When You Graduate!)

If you’re interested in earning a college degree but don’t have access to an education, get excited: The Qatar Airways Group Foundation is awarding scholarships to deserving individuals who want to study at select universities.

Since its launch in 2008, more than 1,000 students have received scholarship aid through the program, and many have gone on to successful careers as high-level executives.

In that same time period, nearly $3 million has been awarded. 

  1. Take advantage of incredible facilities that will inspire all types of projects.

University of Bedfordshire’s Doha campus, you can work at one of five cutting-edge centres for science and engineering.

You can make use of a brand new library with over 200,000 books and journals in electronic format, as well as a technology centre.

There is also an inspirational 2,500 square metre design centre which houses furniture and product samples from leading global brands like Herman Miller, Steelcase, and Karim Rashid.

All that means your new workplace is much more than just a place to go to college – it’s a place to go to create.

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While most of us have thought about studying abroad at some point, it’s easy to feel apprehensive when it comes time to actually make plans.

Whether you haven’t yet found your perfect destination or are nervous about living and working in a new place, applying for scholarships like Qatar Airways can give you a greater sense of security that will help mitigate worries and doubts.

One way or another, you should definitely put yourself out there; after all, education is one of life’s most enriching experiences.

If you happen to win a scholarship and are able to travel abroad with a safety net of financial support, even better!

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