Quality Assurance Standards and their Enforcement in Private Nursery and Primary Schools in Sokoto Metropolis

Quality Assurance Standards and their Enforcement in Private Nursery and Primary Schools in Sokoto Metropolis.

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The core function of Quality Assurance Standard is to ensure compliance of private and public schools to the standard requirements of educational system in Nigeria, the research project investigated compliance in Quality Assurance Standards and how they are enforced in private nursery and primary schools in Sokoto metropolis.

The research project has addressed four research questions. The population of the research consisted of all the teachers and head teachers in private nursery and primary schools in Sokoto metropolis.

The total number of these schools  is 169, the sample is made up of 100 teachers and 20 head teachers, selected from the total number of private nursery and primary schools in Sokoto metropolis. Questionnaires were used in data collection.

The instruments were administered by the researchers to the respondent who were guided on how to complete the questionnaire items.

The Data were analysed using simple percentages and the results were displayed using frequency tables.

The research found that most private schools in Sokoto metropolis comply with the standards regulating the establishment and management of private schools as contained in the quality assurance standards and enforcement guidelines.


1.1 Background of Study

Education is a mechanism which influences the nation’s ability to produce the much needed positive outcomes in all aspects of life.

Social change, national integration and development in every country, depend solely on the structure and dynamisms of the country’s educational system.

As the nation’s future is built around the four corners of a classroom it is pertinent to ensure quality in material and infrastructural facilities of the school (FME, 2013).

It is the responsibility of the educational system to produce the changes and the needs of the society.

Education quality assurance ensures that school processes and practices are carried out according to set standards that bring about improvement in teaching and learning.

In practical terms, quality assurance sets the rule, regulation, policies and requirements of infrastructural material, facilities and procedures which are to be adhered to by all schools.

It also involves the processes of monitoring, assessing and evaluating according to agreed standards, and communicating judgment obtained to all concerned, in order to ensure quality with integrity, public accountability and consistent improvement in education processes and activities(FME 2010).

The overall goal of quality assurance standards and their enforcement is to sanitize the educational system of the nation from proliferation of substandard institutions particularly at basic education sector of Nigeria.


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