200 New Month Quotes that Will Inspire a Fresh Start

– New Month Quotes –

Because New Month occurs 12 times a year, you have plenty of opportunities to remind your pals that you care about them and wish them the best of luck in whatever they do. This page contains a large assortment of happy new month quotes, photographs, and wishes. 


Optimistic New Month Quotes

Some optimistic new month quotes for you:

1. “Whatever the new month is bringing for you, be it good or bad; always keep that smile on your face no matter what.” – Unknown

2. “Cheers to a new month and another chance for us to get it right.” — Oprah Winfrey

3. “Happiness and prosperity shall be yours. I hope this new month brings you everything you desire.” – Unknown

4. “For it’s a long, long while from May to December. But the days grow shorter when you reach September.” — Maxwell Anderson

5. “Each and every month I get so excited because it’s such a good opportunity to start something new! Make your dreams come true! You have everything you need for it. Happy new month!” – Unknown

6. “No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.” – Maya Angelou

7. “Let go of the past. Embrace the new month. May you have beautiful days ahead.” – Unknown

8. “Tomorrow is another day.” – Margaret Mitchell

9. “Here’s to a month of possibilities, overcoming challenges and all-round success.” – Unknown

10. “Every day is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations.” – Catherine Pulsifer

11. “In this new month, Your Joy will be complete, Victory Songs will not cease from your Mouth and Each New Day will bring you closer to the Fullness of your Destiny.” – Unknown

12. “This month, expect to be victorious, expect to win, and expect to shine.” – Unknown

New Month Quotes That Bring in Blessings

Some new month quotes that bring in blessings for you:

13. “A new month is here. Get ready for great harvest. Get ready for prosperity. It shall be well with you.” – Unknown

14. “I wish you a beautiful new month from the first day of this month to the last day.” –

15. “Happy new month to those who matter a lot in my heart. I wish you the most interesting days ahead.” – Unknown

16. “Let this new month bring great miracles, new adventures, incredible breakthroughs, new visions & greater blessings for you & your beloved ones.” – Rajesh Goyal

17. “I pray this new month every drop of your sweat will yield sweet reward. May excellence mark you out for favor. May it be well with you all your days.” – Unknown

18. “May the love of the Lord fill your heart in a speed of light as we enter this blessed month; smiles because the Lord is with you.” – Unknown

19. If you’re enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of blessed quotes to help you idenity the blessings in your life.

20. “Let from this month onwards your days become more happier, fulfilling, purposeful, satisfying & joyful.” –

21. “May you find endless peace in your life as you made it into this month! New opportunities shall open for you.” – Unknown

Wise New Month Quotes

Some wise new month quotes for you:

22. “The beginning is the most important part of the work.” – Plato

23. “Do you know what a new month represents for you? You are getting older and wiser and more mature with every month added to your life.” – Unknow

24. “We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.” – Joseph Campbell

25. “Wishing you a colorful new month with lots of achievement and promises fulfilled. You never know what tomorrows have in store for you!” – Unknown

26. “Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” – Meister Eckhart


New Month Quotes About Setting Goals

Some new month goals about setting goals:

27. “Wow, it is another month again, may you find every single thing you desire to achieve achievable.” – Unknown

28. “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein

29. “This new month comes with grace; may you find your heart desires achievable one after the other.” – Unknown

30. “Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose — not the one you began with perhaps, but one you’ll be glad to remember.” –

31. “As the first sun rises in this new month, may your fortunes begin to raise one after the other until you reach your goals.” – Unknown

32. “You have lots of dreams to achieve; I pray that your entire dreams be achievable this month because you are special.” – Unknown

33. “Make every minute of this month count. Embrace every second with enthusiasm. Live your days with excitement. Have a blissful month.” – Unknown

Inspirational New Month Quotes

Some inspirational new month quotes for you:

34. “The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” – J.P. Morgan

35. “Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.” – Guy Finley

36. “You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.” – Mary Pickfor

37. “The beginning is always today.” – Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

38. “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” –

39. “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot

40. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu


New Month Quotes for When You Need a New Beginning

Some new beginning new month quotes for you:

41. “New month, new intentions, new goals, new love, new light, and new beginnings.” – April Mae Monterrosa

42. “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard

43. “The object of a new month is not that we should have a new month. It is that we should have a new soul.” —

44. “Life is overflowing with the new. But it is necessary to empty out the old to make room for the new to enter.” — Eileen Cadd

45. “Drop the last month into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.” — Brooks Atkinson

46. “Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.” – Jonathan Lockwood Huie

47. “No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again.” – Buddha

48. “Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.” – Ralph Blum

49. “As this new month open a new leaf, may the doors of success in your life begin to open one after the other. Happy new month.” – Unknow

50. “And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that never were.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

51. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” –

New Month Quotes to Motivate You

Some motivational new month quotes for you:

52. “Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, da
y by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character.” – Heraclitus

53. “I don’t like this kind of life where every month you are faced with some kind of a coup.” – Jejomar Binay

54. “If life was a book; every day would be a new page, every month would be a new chapter, and every year would be a new series.” – Elizabeth Duivenvoorde

56. “Losing gets old. It’s just been a heck of a month, to be honest with you.” – Alan Trammell

57. “Life is not made up of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years, but of moments. You must experience each one before you can appreciate it.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach

58. “For the first month, I listened, and I tried very hard not to draw conclusions.” – Lou Gerstner

59. “Every month brings pleasure bright If the heart is only right.” – Palmer Cox

60. “One changes, as a writer, fairly quickly; what you wrote six months or a year ago might not sound right anymore.” – Keith Gessen

61. “Life is endless, not punctuated by nights, days, months and years – for all are one, in the eternal stream.” – Sathya Sai Baba

62. “Every day I spend time on the treadmill. I am walking faster, stronger and harder than I was two months ago.” – Grete Waitz

More New Month Quotes and Sayings

More new month quotes for you:

63. “A new month is waiting on your door to embrace you with the warmth of love and the colors of a rainbow to decorate your life with all the best in this world.” – Anonymous

64. “Life is full of second chances. Yet another month is coming and do you know what’s special about it? You are still alive to embrace the new possibilities it’s bringing.” – Anonymous

65. “Let from this month onwards your days become happier, fulfilling, purposeful, satisfying, and joyful.” – Rajesh Goya

66. “A new month always comes with new ideas, new innovations and a new beginning. And I wish you that you materialize all your ideas this month.” – Anonymous

67. “A new month marks a new beginning and a fresh start.” – Winifred Kal

68. “As we enter this new month, I hope to see you smile and welcome good things into your home. Happy new month.” – Anonymous

69. “A new month is another chance to start afresh, so don’t lose hope! Best wishes!” – Anonymous

70. “Today is the first day of the new month. So take a deep breath and start moving towards your goals and dreams!” – Anonymous

71. “The first day of a new month means that no matter where you’ve been—today you get to start again. Seize it!” – Anonymous

72. “With a new Month of your journey, shall come more challenges, opportunities, and greater success.” – Anonymous

73. “It’s a new dawn

It’s a new day

It’s a new life,for me,

And I’m feeling good.” _

74. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” _Maya Angelou

75. “Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” _Helen Keller

76. “There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” _C.S. Lewis

77. The most important thing to remember is this: To be ready at any moment to give up what you are for what you might become.” _W.E.B. Du Bois. New month quotes.

78. “Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on.” _Hal Borland

79. “And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.” _Rainer Maria Rilke

80. “Each of us has that right, that possibility, to invent ourselves daily. If a person does not invent herself, she will be invented. So, to be bodacious enough to invent ourselves is wise.” _Maya Angelou

Journey New Beginning Quotes

81. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new—Albert Einstein

82. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle—Christian D. Larson

83. No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying—Tony Robbins

84. It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome—William James

85. If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability—Henry Ford

86. Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are—John Wooden

87. Every day may not be good… but there’s something good in every day—Alice Morse Earle

88. What you do today can change all the tomorrow’s of your life—Zig Ziglar

89. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step—Martin Luther King, Jr.

90. Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change—Jim Rohn

91. A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work—Colin Powell

92. Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, faith looks up—Ralph Waldo Emerson. New month quotes.

93. Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny—Aristotle

94. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad—Miles Kington

95. Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams—Ralph Waldo Emerson

96. No matter what the situation, remind yourself “I have a choice”—Deepak Chopra

97. To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless—Gilbert K. Chesterton

98. Rule your mind or it will rule you—Horace

99. Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to—Henry Van Dyke

100. Great opportunities are not seen with your eyes. They are seen with your mind—Robert Kiyosaki

101. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams—


Happy New Month Prayers

Some happy new month quotes for you:

102. As you’ve made it to this month, may lines begin to fall in pleasant places for you. Happy new month.

103. As long as you serve God, songs of joy shall full your mouth in this new month and beyond, in Jesus name. Happy new month.

104. May God always be before and after you, this month and beyond. Happy new month.

105. In this new month and beyond, making it will never be difficult for you and your family. Happy new month.

106. Trending Today

107. In this new month, where your mates or colleagues are saying there’s casting down, there shall always be lifting up for you, in Jesus name. Happy new month.

108. May you triumph over your enemies and may God destroy all forms of wretchedness in your life in this month and beyond. Happy new month.

109. With God, all things are possible and he will do a new thing in your life in this new month. It will never be difficult for God to settle you this month. Happy new month.

110. In this n
ew month, may the helpers of your destiny, locate you in a miraculous way, in Jesus name. Happy new month to you.

111. This month, may your standards be placed higher than that of your colleagues, in Jesus name. Do have a wonderful month.

112. In this new month, may you experience a change in status in all ramifications, in Jesus name? Do have a happy new month.

113. Every scars and bruise in your life, are healed up, in Jesus name and your light will never go dark in this new month and beyond. Happy new month to you.

114. This month, you shall never be found wanting in heavenly places, in Jesus name. Amen. Happy new month.

115. May all the things of darkness against you, flee from their secret places, in Jesus name. Happy new month.

116. This month, you shall be whole spiritually, financially, mentally, and health-wise, in Jesus name. Happy new month.

117. God’s goodness and mercies shall continue to follow you every day in this month and beyond. Amen. Do have a marvelous new month.

118. As you go out today, begin to be a wonderful wonder to as many as you know and meet as from today. Amen. So shall be forever. Amen. Happy new month, my heart.

119. In this new month, your story of lack shall begin to change to that of fortune, in Jesus name! Amen! Happy new month, dear.

120. In this new month be still, and know that there’s God who is your present help in times of need and you will not lack this month and beyond. Do have a happy new month, dear.

121. As from this morning, God shall order your steps to your place of Glory, in Jesus name. Amen. Have a glorious month ahead, handsome.

122. Today as you rise to a new day and month, you shall arise to a greater joy and establishment, in Jesus name. So shall it be? Amen. Have a wonderful month.

123. This month and beyond dear, as long as you have God, you will know no shame! You are saved from all evils today and beyond. Happy new month dear.

124. In this month, may your days be pure and cool, like the dews of the morning on leaves? Happy new month dear.

125. My wishes for you this month is that everything that God created will work in your favour. You shall testify in the end. Happy new month to you, love.

126. I see a gleeful smile on a cute face and hope everything turns out well for you this month and beyond. Do have a wonderful month of love.

127. In this new month, God will bless your days beyond your wishes and keep you safe from every devilish plan. Have better day ahead. Happy new month, love.

128. May God choose this month to reward you for all the good deeds of the past. You’re blessed! Happy new month.

129. When you remember this month, you’ll bless and praise God without any limit. So shall it be? Do have a blessed month dear.

130. As you set out in this new month, may God give you the courage, strength and grace to overcome all challenges that will come your way. Go in God’s strength, dear. Have a marvellous month.

131. In this new month, God in his infinite mercies shall grant unto you all your aspirations, beyond your imagination! Happy new month to you, sweetheart.


132. May this month be the day that the Lord will surprise you with lasting answers to your pending prayers. Amen. Happy new month, love.

133. In this new month and beyond your imagination and requests, God shall visit you with good tidings and put a new song into your mouth, in Jesus’ name. Happy new month, my heart.

134. As you set out this month, let everything answer to your favour, in Jesus name! You shall testify to God favour in this month and beyond in Jesus name. Happy new month, dear. New month quotes.

135. This month and beyond, you will not struggle to be recognized but by favour, your recognition shall spread abroad forever. Amen. Do have a happy new month.

136. As from this morning, your lack shall begin to give way to abundance. You’ll have plenty and never borrow again! Happy new month, my love.

137. This month and beyond, beyond your connections and struggles, let doors of opportunities begin to open in your favour, in Jesus name. Amen. Happy new month.

138. Throughout this month and beyond, I pray you shall experience peace, prosperity, and visible progress on every side. Happy new month to you.

139. Like never, your efforts shall attract envious results, even as you start this new month. Happy new month dear.

140. As we watch the day unfolds and nobody is able to stop it, so shall your hopes, dreams and aspirations be unstoppable this month and beyond. Do have a happy new month.

141. By the end of this month, everything will turn around for your good. Watch it and believe it! Happy new month to you dear. New month quotes.

142. In this month and beyond, you shall be a point of reference, a channel of blessings, a symbol of desirable successes and a celebrated achiever. Happy new month.

143. Stay permanently blessed and have a blissful month. It’s your month of joy and laughter. Happy new month, dear.

144. In this new month, the voice that parted the Red Sea shall make a way for you where you think there is no way. Happy new month, dear.

145. The Lord that brought water out of a rock will open the doors of unimaginable blessings for you this month and beyond. Happy new month to you and your family.

146. By the grace of God, every unpleasant event shall answer to miracle this month. Have a blessed month.

147. In this new month, may you always testify as you live, and may you receive more than a downpour of rain of blessings? Happy new month.

148. May this new month and beyond bring to you the perfection of your dream and aspirations. Amen. Happy new month. New month quotes.

149. May there be pleasant surprises, loads of joy and infinite happiness for you, this month, in Jesus name. Happy new month.

150. May this month bring to you double grace, double abundance, double honour, double promotion, double portion and double everything, by God’s grace. Amen. Happy new month to you.

151. In this new month, may God usher you into your divine faithfulness and breakthroughs. Happy new month dear.

152. I wish you a happy new month filled with God’s quick response on every side and everything you touch shall be a blessing. Happy new month to you.

153. As you enter the new month today, may the Lord provide for your needs according to His riches in glory. Happy new month.

154. In this new month and beyond, may all abandoned projects begin to rise for your favour in Jesus name. Happy new month.

155. In this new month, may God take you to your promise land in Jesus name. Happy new month.

156. This month whatever situation bugging you shall be dealt with by the mighty hands of God, in Jesus name. Happy new month.

157. This month and beyond, all the impossibilities in your life, family and business will become possible in Jesus name. Happy new month to you. New month quotes.

158. May God have mercy on you and your loved ones, this month and beyond, in Jesus name. Happy new month.

159. In this new month, may God always be there to monitor your going out and coming in, in Jesus name? Happy new month.

Inspirational New Month Quotes

Some inspirational new month quotes for you:

160. “Dare to be different this month. Dare to stand out. Dare to be the one with a voice. Dare to shine! A happy new month!”

161. “When the tide goes in your favor when it goes against you, I’ll be here with you, swimming gallantly the ocean of life. It’s a new month my darling, cheers to a month of possibilities.”

162. “Wishing you a fantastic new month, filled with exciting experiences and great opportunities! Happy new month, dear friend!”

163. “Your days shall know no sorrows and your nights shall see no troubles; in this new month, I am beseeching the Lo
rd to protect the one I love from the beginning of this special month until the end of time, happy new month my good friend!”

164. “May you never have hard times in this new month and always. Happy new month of success dear!”

165. “Feel lucky because you are alive to see a new month. Feel lucky because your chances of achieving dreams aren’t dead.”

166. “A new month has come. Get set to retrieve all that you have lost. Get ready to gather all the treasures of blessings, help others by giving them smiles and happiness so everyone can smile and celebrate the good times ahead. Happy new Month!” New month quotes.

167. “Happy new month wishes from us! May these days not go to waste, make every second count, and don’t let anyone make you negative or unhappy, because as they say: ‘Happiness is the only thing worth fighting for in your life!’ Happy New Month to you!”

168. “Forget previous days. Don’t see further ones, just live in today. A happy new month!”

169. “May happiness locate you as you start this new month. May good health be your portion and let God’s will speak in your life. Here is a refreshing new month that will crown all your efforts. Happy new month to you!”

170. “With a new Month of your journey, shall come more challenges, opportunities, and greater success. May God bless you! Happy New Month of September!”

171. “Go for gold this month, go for excellence. You deserve nothing less, my friend. Happy new month.”

172. “Opportunities abound for the prepared. May your mind be open always to new possibilities. Happy new month.” New month quotes.

173. “Today is the first day of the new month. So take a deep breath and start moving towards your goals and dreams!”


174. “It is my pleasure this morning to reach out to you so I can tell you how important you are to me. So this very moment, I have a special package for you—happy new month I mean. May the love of God chase you pant down, may your job be filled with endless joy!”

175. “May happiness and favor look for you in this new month, and may you find peace. Happy New Month to you!”

176. “Cast away all your confusions and hold on to your hopes. A new month is coming to replace all the odds with countless opportunities for you.”

177. “In this month, God will drive away all the evil ones from your back, and you shall rejoice in the Lord, day in day out. Happy New Month!”

178. “Forget about the days and night, ups and downs, good and bad of the previous month. It’s time to launch your hope for the best. Wish you a best New Month ahead.”

179. “For last month’s words belong to last month’s language. And next month’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning. Happy New Month!” New month quotes.

180. “It is a new month with new adventures and unquantifiable opportunities. Take advantage of this special first day and change something about your life today. There is power in spoken words, say your wishes, and watch how it comes to past.”

181. “Every end is just a new beginning. Keep your determination and spirit unshaken, and you shall always walk the glory path. With efforts, faith, and courage, you shall everything you want and desire. I wish you a happy new month of September!” New month quotes.

182. “May you be blessed in the mornings, may you be blessed in the nights. Throughout this month, may your head attract blessings and your life attract favor. A happy new month to you!”

183. “Embrace the new month with courage. Don’t be afraid to accommodate change. Be open-minded to new possibilities. Succeed!”

184. “A fresh month has come! Open your mind for opportunities, and you will be amazed at how much you are capable of achieving!”

185. “In this new month, I am sending you lots of wishes that will replenish your goals and turn them into ultimate success. Between now and next year, I ask God to answer all your prayers and transform you into a special person for the rest of your life, happy new month!”

186. “I wish you have a peaceful and colorful month ahead of you. Happy New Month to you.”

187. “Life is full of second chances. Yet another month is coming, and do you know what’s special about it? You are still alive to embrace the new possibilities that it’s bringing.”

188. “It is a new month! It’s time to overlook earlier errors and mistakes. Move on to achieve your set objectives. Happy New Month!”

189. “New month, new challenges, new hopes, new goals…I hope you beat every challenge and achieve your goals this month successfully. Happy New Month.”

190. “Welcome to the month of smiles and God’s goodness. You are alive because you are covered by grace. For being such a great and amazing person, I wish you a beautiful new month from the first day of this month to the last day.”

191. “A new month is here; it is time for you to celebrate, ignore all side-talks, do not listen to gossips, these things will only give you a . But enjoying along with the season will make you feel happy. Be yourself and stay focus. Happy New Month of September!”

192. “Go in your strength this month, go in your might. The Lord backs you; I’m right behind you. You will not fail. You will excel and have cause to be thankful. Happy new month.” New month quotes.

193. “If last month was amazing, this month will be better. Here’s to a beautiful, testimony filled month. Cheers to a blessed month ahead.”

194. “Another month filled with sweet memories and joyous times has passed. You made my month special, and I wish you to continue doing so. With you around, every moment is an occasion for me. I hope you have a great month ahead. May God bless you with his care and warmth. Happy New Month!”

195. “Wishing that all previous failures turn into achievements this month. A happy new month and good luck to you!”

196. “May your life be filled with satisfaction, joy, prosperity, and endless blessing; I pray that the Lord makes the success of this new month be yours. May the light of the Lord shine upon your life and on your entire family. A happy new month!”

197. “You don’t have to think about your past failures because God is going to rewrite your story in this new month. Happy New Month to you!”

198. “The deadline for reaching your goals has been extended for yet another 30 days. So smile and explore the colors of the new month.”

199. “New months are the importance of transformation. They simply explain that you cannot be stopped by anything when it comes to achieving the purpose. Happy new Month friend!”

200. “This month, may you be the shining like a diamond in the midst of this miry world. May your brightness surpasses that of the sun. A happy new month to you!”

Were these new month quotes and sayings motivating to you? Which of the following quotes was your favourite? Please share your thoughts in the comments box below. Feel free to share this article with your friends and loved ones.

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