Appreciation Step Dad Quotes from Wife

– Appreciation Step Dad Quotes from Wife –

Sometimes, stepparents don’t always have a good reputation. Relationships with stepparents can be challenging, but occasionally your chosen father turns out to be better than you could have ever hoped. if you get along well with your stepfather, these appreciation step dad quotes from wife will help put a wider smile on his face.

Appreciation Step Dad Quotes from Wife

Read on to find wonderful quotes here for a wonderful husband. Enjoy!

1. “I want to congratulate all the men out there who are working diligently to be good fathers, whether they are stepfathers, or biological fathers, or just spiritual fathers.” — T.D. Jakes

2. “Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.” — Oscar Wilde, “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

3. “Who cares if another woman or man loves your child, plays with your child, or builds a healthy relationship with your child — either way your child is benefiting.” — Jessica James

4. ‘I may not be her birth father, but I am there with her every step of the way as she makes her way through the world.’ — Cody Long

5. “Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” — Michael J. Fox

6. “I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.”  — Sigmund Freud   “appreciation step dad quotes from wife”

7. “No man stands taller than when he stoops to help a child.” — Abraham Lincoln

8. “In my life, I’m just looking for that life of integrity that my father had. I have a good heart; I’m not a heartbreaker.” — Johnathon Schaech

9. “My mom is my heart. But my stepdad was my role model, the hardest working man I ever knew.” — Brian Urlacher

10.“Any man can be a father but it takes someone special to be a dad.” — Anne Geddes

11.“When it feels as if you can’t do right by the other parent, do right by your stepchild instead. You’ll never fail with the best interest at heart.” — Jessica James

Quotes and Sayings

12.“Fatherhood requires love, not DNA.”

13.“A dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall but instead picks you up, brushes you off, and lets you try again.  “appreciation step dad quotes from wife”

14.”You must remember, family is often born of blood, but it doesn’t depend on blood. Nor is it exclusive of friendship. Family members can be your best friends, you know. And best friends, whether or not they are related to you, can be your family.” — Trenton Lee Stewart

15.“Anyone who ever wondered how much they could love a child who did not spring from their own loins, know this: it is the same. The feeling of love is so profound, it’s incredible and surprising.” — Nia Vardalos

16.“I got my love of jazz from my stepfather, who was a jazz musician.” — Flea

17.“A Step Father means so many things… an understanding heart, a source of strength and of support, right from the very start.” 

18.” Each child is an adventure into a better life – an opportunity to change the old pattern and make it new.” — Hubert H. Humphrey   “appreciation step dad quotes from wife”

19. “When you find a guy who is powerful, a big father figure, you latch onto him immediately.” — Gordon Ramsay

20. “My father was my teacher. But most importantly he was a great dad.” — Beau Bridges

21. “My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.” — Clarence Budington Kelland

22. “It’s not flesh and blood but the heart that makes us father and son.” — Johann Schiller

23. “The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature.” — Antoine-François Prévost

Wonderful Quotes

24. “What do you see when you look at him?” “My guardian. My friend. I know he can’t be replaced, but I believe he’ll do everything to light my world after father’s demise.” Said the girl looking at her stepfather.” — Abhijit Mandal

25. “A stepparent is so much more than just a parent; they made the choice to love when they didn’t have to.”    “appreciation step dad quotes from wife”

26. “My father taught me to love.” — Sayema Syed

27. “The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature.” — Antoine-Francois Prevost

28. “Don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.” — Robert Fulghum

29. “Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.” — Matthew L. Jacobson

30. “My father said there were two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better.” — Marlo Thomas


Lovely Stepdad Quotes

31. “Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. They seem not to notice us, hovering, averting our eyes, and they seldom offer thanks, but what we do for them is never wasted.” — Garrison Keillor

32. “Lookin’ back all I can say about all the things he did for me is I hope I’m at least half the dad that he didn’t have to be.” — Brad Paisley   “appreciation step dad quotes from wife”

33. “My father used to say that it’s never too late to do anything you wanted to do. And he said, ‘You never know what you can accomplish until you try.’” — Michael Jordan

34. “Families don’t have to match. You don’t have to look like someone else to love them.” — Leigh Anne Touhy

35. “Son, brother, father, lover, friend. There is room in the heart for all the affections, as there is room in heaven for all the stars.” —Victor Hugo, “Victor Hugo’s Intellectual Autobiography”

36. “Any man can help make a child, but it takes a special man to help raise a child.” — Tony Gaskins

37. “There will always be steps you can take toward unity in your blended family.” — Donna Houpe

38. “To a father growing old nothing is dearer than a daughter.” — Euripides

39. “At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.” — Jane D. Hull   “appreciation step dad quotes from wife”

40. A poor kid in Florida, and I was always in Florida living with my stepfather and my mother, and we used to, every year, sit down and watch ‘The Wizard of Oz.’ And I think to this day that’s probably the foundation for everything I’ve done.” — Kenny Leon 

Amazing Stepdad Quotes

41. “My father left when I was three, and I have no memory of him. The most significant male figures in my life were my grandfather, in whose house I lived during the first 10 years of my childhood, and later, my stepfather.” — Isabel Allende

42. “The golden rule of parenting is to do unto your children as you wish your parents had done unto you.” — Louise Hart

43. “When my dad passed away, I felt depressed and miserable. But then another angel came into my life. He gave me all his love, care and affection. He never asked me to forget my dad, but he helped to get me through his memories. No, he’s not my boyfriend. He’s my stepdad.” — Ruhforsoul

44. “Family isn’t something that’s supposed to be static or set. It’s always evolving, turning into something else.”

45. “Becoming a father is a challenge to any man’s psyche and there is a fundamental reorganization that you cannot avoid when you begin this journey.” — Bruce Linton

46. “It’s not flesh and blood but the heart that makes us father and son.” — Johann Schiller

47 .“Children are educated by what the grownup is and not by his talk.” — Carl Jung

48. “Fly you crows. My father was not a spectacle. He was the greatest man I ever knew. He was my everything.” — Stacey Lee

49. “Any man can help make a child, but it takes a special man to help raise a child.” — Tony Gaskins

50. “Family isn’t blood. It’s the people who love you. The people who have your back.” — Cassandra Clare

51. ‘When someone takes you on as their own when you’re not biologically their own, I think is really special … My stepdad didn’t have to raise me. He wanted to.’ — Jonathan Van Ness

Inspiring Quotes

52. “And like my dad always said, the first step is always the hardest.” — Sarah Dessen

53. “Family isn’t something that’s supposed to be static, or set. It’s always evolving, turning into something else.” — Sarah Dessen

54. “It doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was.” — Anne Sexton

55. “Step-parenting is like working at a late-night convenience store…all of the responsibility and none of the authority.” — Valerie J. Lewis Coleman   “appreciation step dad quotes from wife”

56. Love runs stronger than blood. Deeper than any name you could give me.” — Andrew Peterson


57. “Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.” — Charles R. Swindoll

58. “Stepfathers are no less than those of blood: The spirit is more comely than the flesh. Fathers are defined by how they love and not by how they multiply or breed.”

Thankful Quotes

59. “Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.” — Matthew L. Jacobson

60. “There is no such thing as a broken family. Family is family and is not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers, and adoption documents. Families are made in the heart.” — C. Joybell C.

61. “Family isn’t defined only by last names or by blood; it’s defined by commitment and by love.” — Dave Willis   “appreciation step dad quotes from wife”

62. “He never treated me like I was a package deal. I wasn’t a burden in his eyes, I was a bonus.” “I grew up

63. “A good stepparent can literally turn the life of a child around.” — Unknown

64. “Who cares if another woman or man loves your child, plays with your child, or builds a healthy relationship with your child—either way your child is benefiting.” — Jessica James

65. “I also believe that parents, if they love you, will hold you up safely, above their swirling waters, and sometimes that means you’ll never know what they endured, and you may treat them unkindly, in a way you otherwise wouldn’t.” — Mitch Albom

66. “We should not be asking who this child belongs to, but who belongs to this child.” — James L. Gritter   “appreciation step dad quotes from wife”

67. “Any man can be a Father it takes someone special to be a Dad.”

68. “Parenting is a life time job and does not stop when a child grows up.” — Jake Slope

69. “He adopted a role called being a father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a protector.” — Tom Wolfe

70.”The power of a dad in a child’s life is unmatched.” — Justin Ricklefs

More Quotes

71. “I have a stepfather in my life who’s one of my heroes. I love my stepfather and I look up to him and he’s like a father to me, so I have a good inspiration in my life for how to do this and the kind of stepdad I want to be. And I take it very serious.” — Blake Shelton

72. “To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.” — Barbara Bush

73. “We aren’t ‘step,’ we aren’t ‘half,’ we’re just family.”

74. “Stepparents can be awesome. Because their love is their choice.” “For better or worse, step-parenting is self-conscious parenting. You’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.” — Unknown

75. “Intimacy between stepchildren and stepparents is indeed proverbially difficult.” — Marasaki Shikubu

76. “If we are wonderful parents and family members, then there’s really nothing else to prove.” — Ron Baratono

77.” Families don’t have to match. You don’t have to look like someone else to love them.” — Leigh Anne Tuohy   “appreciation step dad quotes from wife”

78. “It takes a strong man to accept somebody else’s children and step up to the plate another man left on the table.” — Ray Johnson

79. “I don’t know if it’s as hard or harder or not as hard as being an actual, biological parent, you know?”

80. “A Dad is one who is always there can always be counted on always has time, always encouraging, that is you Dad.” — C. Lynch

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