Breakfast Club Quotes (100+ Interesting Quotes and Sayings )

The Breakfast Club movie turned into one of the 1980s’ most iconic films. One of the most innovative films for the ’90s youth. Find some interesting lines from these breakfast club quotes.

Breakfast Club Quotes

The movie has become famous in every way, despite being loaded with pop culture references and being a little too familiar for the young audience at the time. This diverse gang of misfits comes together to face the challenges of school detention.

1. “And when I say essay, I mean essay. I do not mean a single word repeated a thousand times.” -Principal Vernon

2. “Shut Up!” -John Bender

3. Brian Johnson: “Obviously she’s crazy if she’s screwing a shrink”

4. “I’ve seen her dehydrate sir, it’s pretty gross”–Andrew Clark

5. “Cause I’m stupid…’cause I’m failing shop!”–Brian

6. “What in God’s name is going on in here?” -Principal Vernon

7. I consent to receiving emails and personalized ads.

8. I was just in my office and I heard a ruckus. -Richard Vernon

9. Brian Johnson: “You wear tights?”

10. John Bender: I don’t have it, sir

11. “No. You’re a genius because you can’t make a lamp.” -John Bender

12. “Your middle name is Ralph, as in puke. Your birthday is March 12th, your 5’9 and a half you weigh a hundred and thirty pounds and your social security number is oh four nine, three eight, oh nine one three.” – Allison Reynolds

13. “John Bender: Well, Brian, this is a very nutritious lunch. All the food groups are represented. Did your mom marry Mr. Rogers?    “Breakfast Club Quotes”

14. “Wouldn’t I be outstanding in that capacity?” –John Bender

15. “You think he’s funny? You think this is cute?… You go visit John Bender in five years. You’ll see how goddamned funny he is.”

16. Richard Vernon: Don’t lie to me!

17. John Bender: I’m not lying! Screws fall out, the world is an imperfect place!”

Sayings and Quotes

18. “I think the screw fell out, sir.” –Claire Standish

19. “Could you describe the ruckus, sir?” -Brian Johnson

20. What’s wrong with you? Why don’t you like yourself? -Claire

21. John Bender: Young man, have you finished your paper?.”

22. “Poor baby.” -John Bender

23. “I think your old man and my old man should get together and go bowling.” – John Bender

24. “John Bender: Remember how you said your parents use you to get back at each other?

25. “I’ve got you for the rest of your natural-born life if you don’t watch your step. You want another one?!” – Principal Vernon

26. Richard Vernon: I was just in my office and I heard a ruckus.

27. “The next time I have to come in here I’m crackin’ skulls” – Principal Vernon

28. “This a test?” -John Bender

29. Janitor Carl: “Listen Vern – if you were 16, what would you think of you?”

30. Brian Johnson: “Tights!”

31. “Claire Standish: Do you know how popular I am? I am so popular. Everybody loves me so much at this school.    “Breakfast Club Quotes”

32. Richard Vernon: Who took the screw? Bender, where’s the screw?

33. “It is now 7:06. You have exactly 8 hours and 54 minutes to think about why you are here – to ponder the error of your ways.”– Richard Vernon to the students in detention.

34. Brian Johnson: To vote.”

35. “You ask me one more question and I’m beating the shit out of you.” – Andrew Clark

36. “And the humiliation..the fucking humiliation he must’ve felt” – Andrew Clark

Quotes from the Movie

37. You see us as you want to see us—in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain…and an athlete…and a basket case…a princess…and a criminal. Does that answer your question?” -Brian Johnson

38. “Allison Reynolds: When you grow up, your heart dies.

39. “Well, Brian, this is a very nutritious lunch. All the food groups are represented. Did your mom marry Mr. Rogers?”- John Bender

40. “Claire Standish: Claire. It’s a family name.

41. “I’m thinking of trying out for a scholarship!” – John Bender

42. “Richard Vernon: Jesus Christ Almighty! What in God’s name is going on in here? What was that ruckus?

43. “Whenever” – Allison Reynolds

44. “Shut up, Pee-wee!” – Principal Vernon

45. Principal Vernon: “These kids turned on me. They think I’m a big fuckin’ joke.”    “Breakfast Club Quotes”

46. “Why are you so nice to me?” – Allison Reynolds

47. John Bender: Poor baby.”

48. “That’s what I thought. You’re a gutless turd” – Principal Vernon  


John Bender

49. “I’m not lying! Screws fall out, the world is an imperfect place!” – John Bender

50. Andrew Clark: “No I don’t wear tights. I wear the required uniform.”

51. “Could you describe the ruckus, Sir?” -Brian Johnson

52. “Two hits. Me hitting you. You hitting the floor” – Andrew Clark

53. “Oh are you medically frigid or is it psychological?” – John Bender

54. Claire Standish: “Are you crazy?”   “Breakfast Club Quotes”

55. Brian Johnson: To vote.”

56. “I was just in my office and I heard a RUCKUS.” – Principal Vernon

57. “Don’t mess with the bull, young man.” – Richard Vernon

58. “Richard Vernon: Why did that door close?

59. “I’ve done just about everything there is except a few things that are illegal. I’m a nymphomaniac” – Allison Reynolds

60. “Jesus Christ Almighty! What in God’s name is going on in here? What was that ruckus?” -“Richard Vernon

61. “We’re all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it; that’s all.”

62. “Andrew Clark: Why do you need a fake ID?

63. John Bender: Wouldn’t I be outstanding in that capacity?”

64. “Yo, wastoid: You’re not gonna blaze up in here” – Andrew Clark

65. Uh, what ruckus? -Richard Vernon   “Breakfast Club Quotes”

66. “You know, there’s not supposed to be any monkey business.” -Brian Johnson

67. Brian Johnson: Uh, no. Mr. Johnson.”

68. “Only burners like you get high” – Claire Standish

69. John Bender: “I’ve gotta question: Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?”

70. John Bender: “Come on Sport-o, level with me. Do you slip her the hot beef injection?”

71. “Eat. My. Shorts.” – John Bender  “Breakfast Club Quotes”

72. “Andrew Clark: My God, are we gonna be like our parents?” -Claire Standish

Brian Johnson

73. “What if your dope was on fire?” -Principal Vernon

74. “Brian Johnson: You know, there’s not supposed to be any monkey business.

75. John Bender: Without lamps, there’d be no light.”

76. “Did you know without trigonometry, there’d be no engineering?” -Brian Johnson

77. “You know Bender, you don’t even count, and if you disappeared it wouldn’t make any difference. You may as well not even exist at this school.” – Andrew Clark

78. Brian Johnson: Could you describe the ruckus, Sir?”

79. “I think violating fire codes and endangering the lives of children would be unwise at this juncture in your career sir” – John Bender“I mean, I don’t think either one of them gives a shit about me. It’s like they use me to get back at each other.” – Claire Standish

80. “Brian Johnson: Did you know without trigonometry, there’d be no engineering?

81. John Bender: No. You’re a genius because you can’t make a lamp.”

82. Claire Standish: “Go to Hell!”   “Breakfast Club Quotes”

83. “What was that ruckus?” -Principal Vernon

84. “Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?” – John Bender to Richard Vernon.

85. “Who took the screw? Bender, where’s the screw?” -Richard Vernon

86. “Brian Johnson: Like, when I step outside myself kinda, and when I, when I look in at myself, you know? And I see me and I don’t like what I see, I really don’t.

87. “I got a meet this Saturday and I’m not gonna miss it on account of you boneheads” – Andrew Clark

88. “Young man, have you finished your paper?.” -John Bender

89. “Being bad feels pretty good, huh?” —John Bender to Claire Standish

90. “Just me, it’s you and me, two hits: me hitting you, you hitting the floor” – Andrew Clark


Funny Quotes

91. “Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?” – John Bender

92. “Impossible, sir. It’s in Johnson’s underwear.” -John Bender

93. “Andrew Clark: Why do you need a fake ID?  “Breakfast Club Quotes”

94. John Bender: Oh, it’s a fat girl’s name.”

95. “Being bad feels pretty good, huh?” —John Bender to Claire Standish.

96. “A lot?” – Andrew Clark

97. “Cause you’re letting me” – Claire Standish

98. “We are going to write an essay of no less than a thousand words, describing to me who you think you are.” – Principal Vernon

99. Andrew Clark: “Enough!”

100. “Well Brian, it doesn’t sound like you’re doing any business” – John Bender

101. “John Bender: So you just stick to the things you know. Shopping, nail polish, your father’s BMW and your poor, rich, drunk mother in the Caribbean!   “Breakfast Club Quotes”

102. “John Bender: Remember how you said your parents use you to get back at each other?”

103. “Why did that door close?” -Richard Vernon

104. Claire Standish: Yes.

105. “So you just stick to the things you know. Shopping, nail polish, your father’s BMW and your poor, rich, drunk mother in the Caribbean!” -John Bender

106. “When you grow up, your heart dies” – Allison Reynolds       “Breakfast Club Quotes”

107. “It is now 7:06. You have exactly 8 hours and 54 minutes to think about why you are here – to ponder the error of your ways.”– Richard Vernon to the students in detention.

108. “Don’t mess with the bull, young man.”

109. “What’s bizarre? I mean we’re all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that’s all.”     

Short Quotes 

110. Principal Vernon: “It is now seven oh six. You have exactly eight hours and fifty-four minutes to think about why you’re here. To ponder the error of your ways”

111. Andrew Clark: “Shut up!”

112. “Alright, let’s see it!” – Andrew Clark

113. “You took a teaching position cause you thought it’d be fun, right? Thought you could have Summer vacations off and then you found out it was actually work and that really bummed you out.” – Janitor Carl

114. Claire Standish: I think the screw fell out, sir.

115. “I am the eyes and ears of this institution, my friends.” – Janitor Carl

116. “Being bad feels pretty good, huh?” – John Bender

117. “I’m a freaking idiot because I can’t make a lamp?” -Brian Johnson

118. “Vodka, when do you drink vodka?” – Andrew Clark

119. “Don’t lie to me!” -Richard Vernon

120. Andrew Clark: Uh, what ruckus?

121. “You are a parent’s wet dream, okay?” – John Bender

122. “Uh, what ruckus?” -Andrew Clark

123. “Because it’s personal business, it’s my personal private business.” -John Bender


Dialogue Quotes

124. “I don’t have it, sir” –John Bender

125. “Two hits. Me hitting you. You hitting the floor.” – Andrew Clark To John Bender.

126. “Without lamps, there’d be no light.” -John Bender

127. “Uh, no. Mr. Johnson.”

128. “You want to know what I did to get in here? Nothing, I didn’t have anything better to do.”   “Breakfast Club Quotes”

129. “Claire. It’s a family name.” – Claire Standish

130. “He’s got a nudie picture on there, I saw it.” – Allison Reynolds

131. “Oh, it’s a fat girl’s name.” -John Bender

132. “Following a broom around after shit heads like you for the last eight years, I’ve learned a couple of things.” – Janitor Carl

133. “While Brian’s trying to tell me in addition to the number of girls in the Niagara Falls area, that presently you and he are riding the hobby horse.” – John Bender

134. Claire Standish: Shut Up!”

135. “Do you know how popular I am? I am so popular. Everybody loves me so much at this school.” -Claire Standish

136. “Brian Johnson: I’m a freaking idiot because I can’t make a lamp?

137. “Why didn’t you let me know you reverted?” -Claire Standish

138. “You ought to spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself and a little less time trying to impress people.” —Richard Vernon

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