Don’t Treat Me Like an Option Quotes

Don’t Treat Me Like an Option Quotes

When you treat someone special, you deserve to be treated with care in return. Don’t treat me like an option quotes will help you If you make that person a priority in your life, they should be as well.

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Don’t Treat Me Like an Option Quotes

Here are some of the best don’t treat me like an option quotes to express how you feel.

1. Treat me like an option and I’ll make forgetting you my priority. Treat me like a queen and I’ll make you feel like a king. – Chardonnay Tyson

2. Only people who are not happy with themselves are mean to others. Remember that.

3. Try harder. I am worth it. Don’t Treat me Like an Option Quotes

4. Don’t settle for being someone’s sometimes.

5. There are three things in life that leave and never return: words, time, and opportunities. Therefore, value whoever values you and don’t treat as a priority whoever treats you as an option.

6. You made your choice and it wasn’t me, so if one day you try to come back and the choice is mine, it won’t be you.

7. Ladies, a man that is truly interested in you will never leave you guessing about the role he intends to play in your life. Good men pursue the women that they want with upfront communication, genuine intentions and consistent effort.

8. She’s a keeper. Too bad you didn’t keep her. Now she will be with a man that really knows how to treat her.

9. I am not waiting for a Prince. I am waiting for someone who treats me like their Princess.

10. It hurts when you realize you aren’t as important to someone you thought you were.

11. You still mean everything to me. It doesn’t mean you get to be in my life anymore.

12. I let you in. I fucking let you in. And you completely destroyed me.


13. Don’t be afraid to start over. This time you’re not starting from scratch. You’re starting from experience.

14. If you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option, you’ll miss the one who treats you like you’re the Only One.

15. Stop breaking yourself down into bite-sized pieces to serve others. Stay whole and let them choke.

16. I’m not a second option. Either you choose me or you lose me.

17. My moral in life is simple, you treat me good and I’ll definitely treat you better.

18. Nobody deserves to be treated like an option. Don’t Treat me Like an Option Quotes

19. Just because someone desires you, does not mean they value you.

20. Sometimes the people you wanted as part of your story are only meant to be a chapter.

21. I don’t need someone perfect. I just need someone who will treat me like I’m the only one.

22. I just want somebody to treat me like somebody. Don’t Treat me Like an Option Quotes

23. Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option. – Maya Angelou

24. Don’t treat me like an option or I’ll leave you with one less.

25. Don’t let anyone save you for later. Read that again.

26. The only person that deserves a special place in your life is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs. – Shannon L. Alder

27. There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn’t even jump puddles for you.
28. You can treat me right or you can watch someone else do it for you.
29. Hey, if someone treats you like crap, just remember that there is something wrong with them, not you. Normal people don’t go around destroying other human beings. Don’t Treat me Like an Option Quotes
30. Never let him treat you like you don’t matter. If you won’t value yourself, who will?
31. When someone treats you like you’re just one of many options, help them narrow their choice by removing yourself from the equation.
32. Treat me like I’m somebody.
33. I will not treat you like a priority when you treat me like an option.
34. I’m not a second option so if you treat me like one, you’re cut.
35. When someone truly cares about you, they make an effort. Not an excuse.

36. If you treat me the way I treat myself, I assure you that I will treat you better than you treat yourself. – Vikrant Parsai
37. I think it all comes down to relationships – how I treat my wife, how I treat my kids, how I treat the guys at the grocery store, all aspects of every day, what I’m involved in. – Michael W. Smith
38. Your worth to others depends on how you value yourself, don’t be an option to someone, be their priority. – Blaze Olamiday

39. You are a priority. Not an option, last resort, or toy. Don’t allow anyone to treat you like anything less. – Ritu Ghatourey

Removing Yourself from the Equation

Here are some don’t treat me like an option quotes from famous poet and celebrities. 
40. When someone treats you like you’re just one of many options, help them narrow their choice by removing yourself from the equation. Sometimes you have to try not to care, no matter how much you do. Because sometimes you can mean almost nothing to someone who means so much to you. It’s not pride – it’s self-respect.
41. Keep calm and cut ties with the person who doesn’t deserve you.
42. I don’t want your half-love or half your attention. I don’t want to be a back-up plan in anybody’s life.
43. That’s the problem with putting others first; you’ve taught them you come second.

44. I am not somebody’s go-to person when their Plan A fails. I will never be a plan B.
45. I am not anyone’s replacement, nor anyone’s good-for-the-moment. I am important and I matter.
46. Never beg someone to be in your life. If you text and call and still get ignored, walk away. It’s called self-respect.
47. It’s better to have nobody than to have someone who is half there, or doesn’t want to be there.
48. Don’t you ever dare to put me second, when I always put you first. Don’t Treat me Like an Option Quotes
49. I’m not your second choice nor your backup plan. Don’t text me when you’re bored or when all your friends are unavailable.
50. Treat me like a game and you’ll see how it’s played. Don’t Treat me Like an Option Quotes
51. Treat me like an option I’ll make forgetting you my priority. Treat me like a queen and I’ll make you feel like a king.
52. I’m not a second option so if you treat me like one, you’re cut. Don’t Treat me Like an Option Quotes
53. If you treat me like an option, you should only expect the same in return
54. Don’t make someone a priority if they treat you like an option. Don’t Treat me Like an Option Quotes
55. Don’t blame me for treating you like this. Because I’ll treat you the way you treat me.
56. How to piss a girl off? Treat her like an option when she makes you a priority.
57. I’m not gonna be your plan B, you deserve a girl that will treat you like a prince, not a second option
58. I’m gonna teach my son to treat a girl right. Like a priority, not like an option.
59. Now I treat you like an option? But you swear you got the hoes. And you do you whenever you get the chance. Yeah. Totally.
60. You are a priority. Not an option, last resort, or toy. Don’t allow anyone to treat you like anything less.
61. If you found someone who’s better than me. Treat her right, don’t break her heart. And, please don’t ever leave her.
62. If you treat me the way I treat myself, I assure you that I will treat you better than you treat yourself.
63. I don’t have time for being someones option. Either you choose me, or you lose me.
64. No one will be forced to take the public option. The word option means choice.
65. I think it’s often discussed that leaving the Euro is an option for Greece. I think this is really not an option.
66. Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.

67. Accept me as I am, or watch me as I go, you choose the second option so don’t cry for me anymore.
68. Respect a lady. Treat her like you would want a man to treat your sister. In other words, treat her as a person, not an object. Really treat her like a princess and always try and give her comments that make her feel good rather than put her down.
69. Violence is always the last option, but if that time comes, it is the ONLY option.
70. Treat me like a queen and I’ll treat you like a king. Treat me like a game and I’ll show you how it’s played.
71. If someone loves you, they don’t have to tell you. You will know from the way they treat you. 
72. I think it all comes down to relationships – how I treat my wife, how I treat my kids, how I treat the guys at the grocery store, all aspects of every day, what I’m involved in. Don’t Treat me Like an Option Quotes
73. Your worth to others depends on how you value yourself, don’t be an option to someone, be there priority. 
74. Don’t let someone become a priority in your life when you are always an option in their life.
75. Her attitude is based on how you treat her. Treat her right and she’ll treat you better. Do her wrong and she’ll do you worse.
76. Don’t love too soon. Don’t trust too fast. Don’t judge too soon. Don’t quit too early. Don’t expect too high. Don’t talk too much. Be yourself!
77. I don’t need no perfect guy. Just one who will be loyal to me, and treat me like a queen.
78. Don’t blame others for treating you like shit. Think back and see what you’ve done that cause them to treat you like that.
79. Don’t allow negative thinking to direct your attitude or affect how you treat others.

80. Here’s a few tips on how to treat a woman. 1) Don’t avoid her or leave her behind for your friends; take her with you.
81. I don’t wanna fight and Im sick of your lying. I hate how you treat me and Im tired of crying.
82. I don’t like bi…es. I don’t like hoes. I don’t like fakes. I don’t like brown nosers. long story short…I DONT LIKE YOU!
83. If ask 100 Arkansans about the phrase, ‘the public option,’ or ‘a public option,’ you’ll get 100 different impressions about what that means.
84. I’m not a choice; I’m a necessity. I’m right here permanently if you think of me or wonder how I am. You don’t need to look anywhere else.
85. Love is not a game; It’s pure and true. When I look at you, it makes me feel like I’m in heaven. But if you leave me, I’ll suffer the same pain as an empty man. Don’t Treat me Like an Option Quotes
86. A walk in the park, you told me you loved me, and in a heartbeat, I started to doubt. You made me feel like an option.
87. Sometimes I wonder why you don’t see my love for you. It belongs to you, and you have no idea how much I love you. I’m just a fool, loving you.
88. If you can’t converse with me, can’t make me a priority, and if you don’t want to experience life with me, leave me out of your life in good faith.
89. Every day I’m with you, and you don’t care to see. I’ll be someone to love you, but you say, I’ll never be.
90. Someone asked me, “if I could be an option in your life, would you consider being an option in mine?” I said, “no.”
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