Foghorn Leghorn Quotes (A Funny Warner Bros Animation)

Warren Foster originally penned the script for Foghorn Leghorn, which Warner Bros animated and filmed. Warner Bros is currently the largest animation production firm in the world. Read on to know some interesting Foghorn leghorn quotes.

Foghorn Leghorn Quotes

Here are some of the best Foghorn Leghorn quotes that will remind you this cartoon is about roosters and chickens.

1. “What in the, I say, what in the name of Jesse James do you suppose that is?” -Foghorn Leghorn

2. “That’s the trouble with that fool dog, always shootin his mouth off.”

3. “This boy is more mixed up than a feather in a whirlwind.”

4. “Smart boy got a mind like a steel trap – full of mice”

5. Who’s responsible for this unwarranted attack on my person?

6. “If I’m a roo – Ah say – if I’m a rooster, I hope to be struck by lightning! Uh kapow! Well, let’s put it another way. “Way” that is.”

7. “Boy, I say boy, pay close attention to me, ’cause you’re a burrito short of a combination plate.”

8. That’s a joke, I say, that’s a joke, son.

9. “Now, cut that out boy, or I’ll spank you where the feathers are thinnest.”

10. “Now, what, I say, what’s the big idea bashin’ me on the noggin’ with a rollin’ pin!”

11. “Pay attention to me, boy! I’m not just talkin’ to hear “This is going to cause more confusion than a mouse in a burlesque show.”

12. “What’s, I say, what’s the big idea wrappin’ a lariat around my Adam’s apple.” -Foghorn Leghorn

13. Scared – who me – course I’m not squared.

14. That’s what I’ve been – I say, that’s what I’ve been telling you, boy!

15. “What a day for trampin’ through the woods… lump dum do di do do doh, doo dah, doo dah.”

16. “That dog’s like taxes, he just don’t know when to stop.”

17. “You’re way off, I say, you’re way off this time, son!” -Foghorn Leghorn

Quotes and Sayings

18. “Gee, Pop. I don’t know what’s the matter with me. The trouble is in my tummy. I crave something and I don’t know what it is.”

19. “Hey boy, what’s the idea jackin’ that pot up under me? Jack? Pot? Ah huh, huh … jack pot, that’s a joke son, don’t ya get it?”

21. You just know I’m gonna do something about this.

22. “Go, I say go away boy, you bother me.”

23. “Smart boy got a mind like a steel trap – full of mice.”

24. “If I’m a roo – Ah say – if I’m a rooster, I hope to be struck by lightning! Uh kapow! Well, let’s put it another way. “Way” that is.”

25. “He’s about as sharp as a bowling ball.”

26. “There’s something’ a little yeeeee about a boy that doesn’t like baseball.”

27. “That, I say, that dog’s busier than a centipede at a toe counting’ contest.”

28. “That’s the trouble with that fool dog, always shooting his mouth off.”  “Foghorn Leghorn Quotes”

29. “I got, I say, I got this boy as fidgety as a bubble dancer with a slow leak.”

30. “Nice girl, but about as sharp as a sack of wet mice.”

31. “There’s something’ a little yeeeee about a boy that doesn’t like baseball.”

32. “His muscles are as soggy as a used teabag.”

33. “Now I wonder what ol’ busy body widow hen is up to.”

34. “Now what, I say, now what’s that skinny old hen doin’ up on the barn.”

35. “Nice mannered kid, just a little on the dumb side.”

36. “That boy’s making more noise than a couple of skeletons throwin’ a fit on a tin roof! my head roar.” -Foghorn Leghorn

Funny Quotes

37. “That dog, I say that dogs strictly GI, gibberin idiot that is.”

38. “This boy’s making more noise than a couple of skeletons throwin’ a fit on a tin roof.”

39. I say, boy, pay attention when I’m talkin’ to ya, boy.

40. “Clunk enough people and we’ll have a nation of lump heads.”

41. “This is gonna cause more confusion than a mouse in a burlesque show!”

42. “You see, Henery, your mother and I are outcasts. Hated and hunted because of what we are… chicken hawks. And you – you, Henery – you’re a chicken hawk too. And like all chicken hawks, you crave to eat… a chicken.”


43. “Eat a chicken? Is that bad? That is for me. Here a chick, chick, chick, chick, chick! Here a chick, chick, chick, chick, chick! Chick!”   “Foghorn Leghorn Quotes”

44. “Kid don’t quit talkin’ so much he’ll get his tongue sunburned.” -Foghorn Leghorn

45. “Hey boy, what’s the idea jackin’ that pot up under me? Jack? Pot? Ahuh, huh… jackpot, that’s a joke son, don’t ya get it?” -Foghorn Leghorn

Foghorn Leghorn One-liners 

46. Go, I say, go away, boy, you bother me.

47. “Now, I wonder what ol’ busy body widow hen is up to.”

48. “Kid don’t quit talking so much he’ll get his tongue sunburned.”

49. “Clunk enough people and we’ll have a nation of lump heads.”

50. “I say that dog is lower than a snake full of buckshot.”

51. “Hey boy, what’s the idea jackin’ that pot up under me? Jack? Pot? Ah huh, huh … jack pot, that’s a joke son, don’t ya get it?”

52. “That dog is as subtle as a hand grenade in a barrel of oat meal.”

53. What in the name of Jesse James do you suppose that is?

54. “I got, I say, I got this boy as fidgety as a bubble dancer with a slow leak.” -Foghorn Leghorn

55. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, boy.

56. “This is a dog, not a chicken. Chicken’s don’t look like dogs. Who told you this was a chicken, son?”  “Foghorn Leghorn Quotes”

57. “For, I say, fortunately, I always carry a spare set of feathers.”

58. That dog’s as subtle as a hand grenade in a barrel of oatmeal.

59. “You see, Henery, your mother and I are outcasts. Hated and hunted because of what we are… chicken hawks.”

60. “Now, what, I say, what’s the big idea bashin’ me in the bazooka that-a-way boy!” -Foghorn Leghorn

61. “You know there might, I say, there just might be a market for bottled duck.” -Foghorn Leghorn

62. This boy’s more mixed up than a feather in a whirlwind.

63. “Pay attention, boy, I’m cutting but you ain’t bleeding!”

Best Quotes

64. What in the world’s that hen up to now?

65. “Stop, I say, stop it boy, you’re doin’ a lot of choppin’ but no chips are flyin’.” -Foghorn Leghorn

66. You know, there just might be a market for bottled duck.

67. “That, I say that boy’s just like a tattoo, gets under your skin.”

68. “That’s a joke, I say, that’s a joke, son.” -Foghorn Leghorn

69. “The snow, I say, the snow’s so deep the farmers have to jack up the cows so they can milk’em.” -Foghorn Leghorn

70. “What’s all the whoopin’ and hollerin about, boy.

71. “This is a dog, not a chicken. Chicken‘s don’t look like dogs. Who told you this was a chicken, son? Nice boy, but doesn’t listen to a thing you say. You got a bum steer, son. I’m a chicken, not a schnook. You’re wrong, son.”

72. “That dog, I say that dogs strictly GI, gibberin idiot that is.”

73. “That’s what I’ve been – I say, that’s what I’ve been telling you, boy! I am a chicken!”

74. “I say, boy, pay attention when I’m talkin’ to ya, boy.” -Foghorn Leghorn

75. Pay attention to me boy! I’m not just talkin’ to hear my head roar.  “Foghorn Leghorn Quotes”

76. “Now who’s, I say, who’s responsible for this unwarranted attack on my person!” -Foghorn Leghorn

77. “Hmmm, bare, I say, bare as a cooch dancer’s midriff.” -Foghorn Leghorn

78. Now cut that out, boy, or I’ll spank you where the feathers are thinnest.

Dialogue Quotes in the Movie

79. “Fortunately, I keep my feathers numbered, for, for just such an emergency.”

80. “That’s what I’ve been, I say, that’s what I’ve been telling you, boy!” -Foghorn Leghorn

81. Smart boy, got a mind like a steel trap – full of mice.   “Foghorn Leghorn Quotes”

82. Now that’s no way for a kid to be wastin’ his time, readin’ that long-haired gobbledegook.

83. “This is going to cause more confusion than a mouse in a burlesque show.” -Foghorn Leghorn

84. “I got, I say, I got this boy as fidgety as a bubble dancer with a slow leak.”

85. “I’m a chicken hawk. I’m after my first chicken.”

86. “That, I say, that boy’s just like a tattoo, gets under your skin.” -Foghorn Leghorn

87. “I made a funny son and you’re not laughin’!” -Foghorn Leghorn

88. “As senior rooster ’round here, it’s my duty, and my pleasure, to instruct junior roosters in the ancient art of roastery.”

89. “When the little woman comes home and finds the egg gone, woo! What she will do to me.”


Chicken Hawk

90. “I’m a chicken hawk. I’m after my first chicken.”

91. “Boy, you cover about as much as a flapper’s skirt in a high wind.”

92. “That woman’s as cold as a nudist on an iceberg.” -Foghorn Leghorn

93. “That boy’s as strong as an ox, and just about as smart”

94. “That’s what I’ve been – I say, that’s what I’ve been telling you, boy! I am a chicken!”

95. “Pay attention, boy, I’m cutting but you ain’t bleeding!”   “Foghorn Leghorn Quotes”

96. “I-I-I know what you’re gonna say, son. When two halves are gone there’s nuthin left – and you’re right. It’s a little ol’ worm who wasn’t there.  That’s mathematics son. You can argue with me but you can’t argue with the figures.”

97. Oh, that woman got a mouth like an outboard motor.

98. “Nice boy but he’s got more nerve than a bum tooth.”  “Foghorn Leghorn Quotes”

99. Put that egghead book down, boy.

100. “Stop, I say stop it boy, you’re doin’ a lot of choppin’ but no chips are flyin’.”

101. “Nice boy, but doesn’t listen to a thing you say. You got a bum steer, son. I’m a chicken, not a schnook. You’re wrong, son.”

Foghorn also appeared in other Warner Bros animations and movies, such as Merrie Melodies. In Looney Tunes, he portrays one of the main characters. You can also see these movies at convenience, for better enjoyment.

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