Funny Black Good Morning Quotes

– Funny Black Good Morning Quotes –

If you want to know what good people think about the sunrise’s miracle, funny black good morning quotes is for you or if you just want to learn how to do the morning the best way possible, then read this lovely article. 

Funny Black Good Morning Quotes

Check out this list of the best and most beautiful great funny good morning quotes and sayings.

1. ” A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between, he does what he wants to do.” – Bob Dylan.

2. “Every morning is a beautiful morning.” – Terri Guillemets.

3. “I get up every morning, and it’s going to be a great day.” – Paul Henderson.

4. “Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life.” – Yoko Ono.

5. “Every morning I start off with a good head on my shoulders, saying to myself, ‘It’s going to be a good day!” -Lindsay Lohan.

6. “Let me wake up next to you, have coffee in the morning, and wander through the city with your hand in mine, and I’ll be happy for the rest of my little life.” – Charlotte Eriksson.

7. “In these times you have to be an optimist to open your eyes when you awake in the morning.” – Carl Sandburg.

8. “When the sun came up I couldn’t tell where heaven stopped and the Earth began.” – Tom Hanks.

9. “I love that this morning’s sunrise does not define itself by last night’s sunset.” – Steve Maraboli.

10. “I wake up laughing. Yes, I wake up in the morning and there I am just laughing my head off.” -Bruce Willis.

11. “Keep the dream alive: Hit the snooze button.” – Punit Ghadge.

12. “In the morning a man walks with his whole body; in the evening, only with his legs.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

13. “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning.” – Mark Twain.

14. “Some mornings I just feel like breaking the damn alarm but then one thing always stops me. I paid hundreds of dollars to buy my phone.” – Job Might.

15. “I get up in the morning looking for an adventure.” – George Foreman.

16. “Afternoons are hard. Mornings are pure evil from the pits of hell, which is why I don’t do them anymore.” -Rachel Caine.

17. “There are two ways of waking up in the morning. One is to say, ‘Good morning, God,’ and the other is to say, ‘Good God, morning’!” – Fulton J. Sheen.

18. “One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas.” – Groucho Marx.

19. “Do you wake up as I do, having forgotten what it is that hurts or where, until you move?” – Jeanette Winterson.

20. “When I wake up in the morning, I feel like a billionaire without paying taxes.” – Ernie Banks.


21. “I’m sorry for people who don’t drink. They wake up in the morning, that’s as good as they’re going to feel all day.” – Frank Sinatra.

22. “I put my phone as far across the room as possible the night before to force me out of bed when the alarm goes off.” – Josh Gross. Funny Black Good Morning Quotes 

23. “Everyone wants me to be a morning person. I could be one, only if morning began after noon.” -Tony Smite.

24. “I had a monumental idea this morning, but I didn’t like it.”- Sam Goldwyn.

25. “Never face facts; if you do you’ll never get up in the morning.” – Marlo Thomas.

26. “Morning is wonderful. Its only drawback is that it comes at such an inconvenient time of day.” – Glen Cook.

27. “Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” – Buddha.

28. “Everyone should experience a sunrise at least once a day.”– Phil Dunphy.

29. “The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office.” – Robert Frost.

30. “The sun has not caught me in bed in fifty years.” – Thomas Jefferson.

31. “Waking up this morning, I smile. 24 brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment.” – Thich Nhat Hanh.

32. “Morning comes whether you set the alarm or not.” – Ursula Le Guin.

33. “The morning wind spreads its fresh smell. We must get up and take that in, that wind that lets us live. Breathe before it’s gone.” – Rumi. Funny Black Good Morning Quotes 

34. “Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” – Meister Eckhart.

35. “It sounds plausible enough tonight, but wait until tomorrow. Wait for the common sense of the morning.” – H. G. Wells.

36. “The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day.” – Henry Ward Beecher.

37. “You have to have a dream so you can get up in the morning.” – Billy Wilder.

38. “I wake up every morning at nine and grab for the morning paper. Then I look at the obituary page. If my name is not on it, I get up.” – Benjamin Franklin.

39. “Morning without you is a dwindled dawn.” – Emily Dickinson.

40. “Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.” – Wayne Huizenga. Funny Black Good Morning Quotes 

41. “God’s mercy is fresh and new every morning.” – Joyce Mayer.

42. “It is a serious thing – just to be alive – on this fresh morning – in this broken world.” – Mary Oliver.

43. “I hate when I dream of alarm clocks going off.” – Jarod Kintz.

44. “Some people wake up drowsy. Some people wake up energized. I wake up dead.” – John Marsden.

45. “Good morning is a contradiction of terms.” – Jim Davis.

46. “I love the early hours of the day. It’s a nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there.” – James Lileks.

47. “Early morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious.” – William Feather.

48. “I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world.” – E. B. White.

49. “You feel a little older in the morning. By noon I feel about 55.” – Bob Dole.

50. “Sometimes I wake up and think I should start wearing a beret, but I don’t do it.” – Mitch Hedburg.

51. There are two ways of waking up in the morning. One is to say, ‘Good morning, God’’ and the other is to say, ‘Good God, morning!’ – Fulton J. Sheen

52. Life kisses our faces every morning. Yet, between morning and evening, she laughs at our sorrows. – Kahlil Gibran

53. Peek a boo. Good morning, baby-boo!

54. “Lose an hour in the morning and you will spend all day looking for it.”– Richard Whately.

55. “The lawyer’s first thought in the morning is how to handle the case of the ringing alarm clock.”– Edward Packard, Jr.

56. “An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” – Henry David Thoreau.

57. “Front-loading my day (getting a whole bunch done in the morning) is my productivity secret.” – Celeste Headlee.

58. “When I first open my eyes upon the morning meadows and look out upon the beautiful world, I thank God I am alive.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

59. “Your morning sets up the success of your day.” – Caroline Ghosn.

60. “One key to success is to have lunch at the time of day most people have breakfast,” – Robert Brault.

61. “I never wake up in the morning and wonder why I am here. I wake up and wonder why I am not making here better.” – Jeffery Fry.

62. “You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning and you’re excited for the day? That’s one of my main goals in life.” – Kirsten Dunst.

63. “Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.” – William Blake.

64. “Every morning I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I’m not there, I go to work.” – Robert Orben.

65. “Work is a necessity for man. Man invented the alarm clock. – Pablo Picasso.

66. “No matter how bad things are, you can at least be happy that you woke up this morning.” – D. L. Hughley.

67. “Morning is when I am awake and there is a dawn in me.” – Henry David Thoreau.


68. “One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.” -Paulo Coelho.Funny Black Good Morning Quotes 

69. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill.

70. “The day will be what you make it, so rise, like the sun, and burn.”- William C. Hannan.

71. “Every morning, I wake up saying, ‘I’m still alive, a miracle.’ And so I keep on pushing.” – Jim Carrey.

72. Good morning, baby boo! Now, can we please go back to sleep?

73. “I believe humans get a lot done, not because we’re smart, but because we have thumbs so we can make coffee.” -Flash Rosenberg.

74. “Coffee is a kind of magic you can drink.” – Catherynne M. Valente.

75. “Today’s goals: Coffee and kindness. Maybe two coffees, and then kindness.” – Nanea Hoffman.

76. “I like coffee because it gives me the illusion that I might be awake.” – Lewis Black.

77. “I like my coffee black and my mornings bright.” – Terri Guillemets.

78. “There’s nothing sweeter than a cup of bitter coffee.” – Rita Aditia.

79. “Even bad coffee is better than no coffee at all.” – David Lynch.

80. “Four cups of coffee a day may keep depression at bay.” – Steven Magee.

81. “I’d rather take coffee than compliments just now.” – Louisa M. Alcott

82. “I like my coffee like I like myself: strong, sweet, and too hot for you.” – Jac Vanek.

83. “Having charged your heart and brain with a cup of coffee, you’re ready to face the challenges of life.” – Sahara Sanders.

84. “I never laugh until I’ve had my coffee.” – Clarke Gable.

85. “To me, the smell of fresh-made coffee is one of the greatest inventions.” – Hugh Jackman.

86. “Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of coffee.” – Stephanie Piro.

87. “I orchestrate my mornings to the tune of coffee.” – Terri Guillemets.

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