Happy Gilmore Quotes (A Humorous Television Show)

Starring a young Adam Sandler, happy gilmore is a cult classic that has made audiences laugh for over 20 years. Relive the movie’s hilarious moments through these happy gilmore quotes. 

Happy Gilmore Quotes

Explore Happy Gilmore’s story once more by reading the amusing remarks that follow.

1. “Hey, why don’t I just go eat some hay, make things out of clay, lay by the bay? I just may! What’d ya say?” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

2. “You little son of a bitch ball! Why don’t you just go home? That’s your home! Are you too good for your home? Answer me! Suck my white ass, ball!” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

3. “I didn’t break it, I was merely testing its durability, and I placed it in the woods cause it’s made of wood and I thought he should be with his family.” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

4. “But she’s an old lady. I mean, look at her. She’s old. You can’t just take her stuff. She’s too old.” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

5. “During high school, I played junior hockey and still hold two league records: most time spent in the penalty box; and I was the only guy to ever take off his skate and try to stab somebody.” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

6. “You’re gonna die, clown!” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

7. “Did that go in? I wasn’t watching, did it go in? I didn’t see it, could you tell me if it went in?” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

8. “Friends listen to “Endless Love” in the dark.” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

9. “I’d love to punch that guy in the face right now. But I can’t, you know, because I’d get in trouble. I bet you get a lot of that on “Let’s Make A Deal.” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

10. “The price is wrong, bitch.” – Happy Gilmore

11. “I’m stupid. You’re smart. I was wrong. You were right. You’re the best. I’m the worst. You’re very good-looking. I’m not attractive.” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

12. “I am good. You know what, you’re a lousy kindergarten teacher. I’ve seen those finger-paintings you bring home and they suck.” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

13. “That’s my puck, baby, don’t you ever touch my puck.” – Happy Gilmore Quotes

14. “Yeah, it is about time! I mean I just couldn’t get the ball in the hole! I wanted to but I just couldn’t do it!” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

15. “Just tap it in. Just tap it in. Give it a little tappy. Tap tap taparoo.” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

16. “Whoa, must be Burt Reynolds or somethin’.” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

17. “I got into this tournament for one reason: money. And now I have a new reason: kicking your ass!” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

18. “Green jacket, gold jacket who gives a crap?” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

19. “If I saw myself in clothes like that, I’d have to kick my own ass.” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

20. “Yeah, well we won’t have to worry about eating anymore, Grandma. See, they gave me this card: free Subway for life.” – Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)

21. “You’re in big trouble though, pal. I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!” – Shooter McGavin (Christopher McDonald)

22. “You lay another finger on me, I burn the house down and piss on the ashes.” – Shooter McGavin (Christopher McDonald)

23. “Damn you people. This is golf. Not a rock concert.” – Shooter McGavin (Christopher McDonald)

24. “I tell you, the real winner today is the city of Portland. Every time I come here it gets hard to leave. I bet you put something to the water.” – Shooter McGavin (Christopher McDonald)

25. “Oh, you can count. Good for you.” – Shooter McGavin (Christopher McDonald)

26. “You’re gonna die, clown!” – Happy Gilmore

27. “You’re gonna need a blanket and suntan lotion, ‘cause you’re never gonna get off that beach, just like the way you never got into the NHL, ya jackass.” – Jeering fan

Best Happy Gilmore Quotes

28. “Hey, why don’t I just go eat some hay, make things out of clay, lay by the bay? I just may! What’d ya say?” – Happy Gilmore

29. “You can trouble me for a warm glass of shut-the-hell-up.” – Orderly Nurse

30. “What? I didn’t break it. I was just testing its durability.” – Happy Gilmore Quotes

31. “The price is wrong, bitch!” – Happy Gilmore


32. “You little son of a bitch ball! Why don’t you just go home? That’s your home! Are you too good for your home?” – Happy Gilmore

33. “It’s all in the hips. It’s all in the hips. It’s all in the hips.” – Chubbs Peterson

34. “And you can count on me, waiting for you in the parking lot.” – Mr. Larson

35. “But she’s an old lady. I mean, look at her. She’s old. You can’t just take her stuff. She’s too old.” – Happy Gilmore

36. “Damned alligator just popped up, cut me down on my prime.” – Carl Weathers

37. “Lot of pressure. You’ve gotta rise above it. You’ve got to harness in the good energy, block out the bad.” – Gary Potter

38. “Some might call it luck. I like to call it—well, luck, I guess. So what?” – Happy Gilmore Quotes

39. “Damn you, people. Go back to your shanties.” – Shooter McGavin

40. “I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!” – Shooter McGavin

41. “Green jacket, gold jacket, who gives a crap?” – Happy Gilmore

42. “Just tap it in. Just tap it in. Give it a little tappy, tap, tap, taparoo.” – Happy Gilmore

43. “Did that go in? I wasn’t watching, did it go in? I didn’t see it, could you tell me if it went in?” – Happy Gilmore

44. “I’m stupid. You’re smart. I was wrong. You were right. You’re the best. I’m the worst. You’re very good looking. I’m not attractive.” – Happy Gilmore

45. “I’d love to punch that guy in the face right now. But I can’t, you know, because I’d get in trouble. I bet you get a lot of that on ‘Let’s make a deal.’” – Happy Gilmore

46. “I am good. You know what, you’re a lousy kindergarten teacher. I’ve seen those finger-paintings you bring home and they suck.” – Happy Gilmore

47. “You were great out there today. But not that great. A lot of that was luck.” – Chubbs Peterson

48. “Yeah, it is about time! I mean I just couldn’t get the ball in the hole! I wanted to but I just couldn’t do it!” – Happy Gilmore

49. “Uh oh, Happy learned how to putt.” – Happy Gilmore

50. “I got into this tournament for one reason—money. And now I have a new reason—kicking your ass!” – Happy Gilmore

51. “Nah, it looks that way cause you’ve only got one shoe on.” – Happy Gilmore

52. “What? Friends listen to ‘Endless Love’ in the dark.” – Happy Gilmore Quotes

53. “That’s my puck baby. Don’t ever touch my puck!” – Happy Gilmore

54. “Damn alligator bit my hand off!” – Chubbs Peterson

55. “You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?” – Happy Gilmore

56. “If I saw myself in clothes like that, I’d have to kick my own ass.” – Happy Gilmore

57. “I think I just killed that mister, Mister Lady.” – Happy Gilmore

58. “You know what else could draw a crowd? A golfer with an arm growing out of his ass.” – Shooter McGavin

59. “Yeah, right. And Grizzly Adams had a beard.” – Shooter McGavin

60. “It’s great, the other day one of his fans moaned me. He had Happy written on his ass. HA on the one cheek, and sure enough PPY on the other.” – Shooter McGavin

Famous Happy Gilmore Quotes

61. “I’ll make you a bet. If you get this puck into that net, I’ll never bother you again. But if you miss, you have to give me a big fat kiss. And you have to pretend you like it too.” – Happy Gilmore

62. “Oh, you can count. Good for you.” – Shooter McGavin

63. “All you ever talk about is becoming a pro hockey player, but there’s a problem—you’re not any good.” – Terry

64. “Thank you, Doug. You know, I saw Doug playing yesterday. And I’ve got to tell you, this guy spends more time on the sand than David Hasselhoff.” – Shooter McGavin

65. “You’re in my world now, grandma.” – Orderly Nurse

66. “I tell you, the real winner today is the city of Portland. Every time I come here it gets hard to leave. I bet you put something in the water.” – Shooter McGavin

67. “Holy shit. Talk about your all-time backfires.” – Happy Gilmore Quotes

68. “What are you doing, Happy? Riding a bull? You’re acting like a damn fool!” – Chubbs Peterson

69. “I’ll bet your neighbor the accountant doesn’t have a shot at joining the pro tour and winning the championships. Get that gold jacket like I never got.” – Chubbs Peterson

70. “This is golf. Not a rock concert.” – Shooter McGavin

71. “Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor, the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass.” – Happy Gilmore

72. “There is no way that you could have been as bad at hockey as you are at golf.” – Bob Barker

73. “I can’t believe you’re a professional golfer. I think you should be working at the snack bar.” – Bob Barker

74. “Golf requires concentration and focus.” – Chubbs Peterson

75. “Golf’s no different from hockey. It requires talent and self-discipline.” – Chubbs Peterson

76. “You know what’s driving me crazy? You’re not getting the ball in the hole!” – Bob Baker

77. “Stop fraternizing with the help of Gilmore. Just hit your ball if you can find it.” – Shooter McGavin

78. “Just easing the tension, baby. Just easing the tension.” – Chubbs Peterson


79. “What’s this I hear about you breaking a rake and throwing it in the woods?” – Virginia Venit

80. “During high school, I played junior hockey and still hold two league records. Most time spent in the penalty box and I was the only guy to ever take off his skate and try to stab somebody.” – Happy Gilmore

81. “Whoa, must be Burt Reynolds or somethin’.” – Happy Gilmore Quotes

82. “Just stay out of my way or you’ll pay. Listen to what I say.” – Shooter McGavin

83. “I thought we were going to be just friends?” – Virginia Venit 

Interesting Happy Gilmore Quotes

84. “Here, eat that and leave us alone!” – Happy Gilmore

85. “Yeah, well we won’t have to worry about eating anymore, Grandma. See, they gave me this card—free subway for life.” – Happy Gilmore

86. “Well now your backs are gonna hurt, cause you just pulled landscaping duty. Anyone else’s fingers hurt?” – Orderly Nurse

87. Chubbs Peterson: “They never let me play on the pro tour.”

88. Happy Gilmore: “Oh, I’m sorry. Because you’re Black?”

89. “Who the hell is Happy Gilmore?” – Announcer

90. “Mister! Mister! Get me outta here!” – Crazy Old Lady

91. “Now you’re gonna get it Bobby.” – Happy Gilmore

92. “I was just looking for the other half of this bottle.” – Happy Gilmore Quotes

93. “I beg to differ, Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago.” – Mr. Larson

94. “Now you’ve had enough, bitch.” – Bob Barker

95. “I don’t want a piece of you. I want the whole thing!” – Bob Barker

96. “We haven’t seen Happy Gilmore play this badly since his first day on tour. He and Bob Barker are now dead.” – Announcer

97. “Shooter! Wanna go to the sizzler and catch some grub?” – Donald

98. “Somebody’s closer.” – Happy Gilmore

99. “You’re pretty sick, Chubbs.” – Happy Gilmore

100. “Quite a large and economically diverse crowd here at the Michelob Invitational.” – Announcer

101. “Take one more step, I burn the house and piss on the ashes.” – Shooter McGavin

102. “Spoken like a true asshole.” – Chubbs Peterson

103. “He shouldn’t have been standing there.” – Happy Gilmore

104. “Good news, everybody, we’re extending arts and crafts time by four hours today.” – Orderly Nurse

105. “Well, You’re a little banged up but no serious injuries. Just keep off your feet for a few days.” – Doctor

106. “Don’t push me, Bob! Now’s not the time.” – Happy Gilmore

Happy Gilmore has wanted to play hockey professionally since he was a young boy. He was never good enough to become a hockey player, but he did get angry before he found golf as a new pastime.

Thanks for checking out these amazing happy gilmore quotes! Don’t forget to take a look at our similar collection of quotes as you share to others to get inspire. 

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