Inmate Love Quotes for Him in Jail

The heart, soul, and spirit of an inmate who is hopelessly in love are reflected in these inmate love quotes for him in jail. Writing letters to her boyfriend/husband/friend is the only way, in her opinion, that she believes she can convey her feelings for someone who has lost his freedom and control over everything.

Inmate Love Quotes for Him in Jail

Below some Inmate Love Quotes For Him In Jail specially made for you.

  1. My love for you is so deep and strong, I can’t even describe it. When we are together, nothing can stop us! Though miles apart, I love you so much. I will never let you go. You are everything to me and I wouldn’t change a thing about you. My heart and soul belong to only you.
  2. You are my angel and I love you so much! You make my life better in every way possible. No one will ever own my heart the way you do. There is no one else I want to spend forever with than you. Every day I pray that you always feel how much I love you.

  3. I love you and miss you, my darling. I pray for your safety. You are a wonderful man and will accomplish great things. I feel blessed to be able to share my life with you. I can’t wait to see you again. Inmate Love Quotes for Him in Jail

  4. If you count the time we’ve been apart, the good memories of us together make up for the years we’ve spent apart. I have so much love to give you, please wait for me as I am begging for more time with you again. I am counting down the days until I can hold you in my arms again and be by your side forever until death do us part.

  5. Let me assure you, you are never alone. There isn’t a moment that passes when I don’t think about you and long to be with you. Wait for me my love, the day I walk out the gates we will be together forever. I love you so much.

  6. Life with you is the most fun I could have imagined. Knowing that you are always there for me, no matter what, helps me get through each day. I feel like I am a stronger and better person because of you. Someday we will get married and start a family; my love for you will only grow from there. You are the one for me and I can’t wait to spend forever with you!

  7. I am often filled with regrets and worries about the future. But then I think about how lucky I am to have you by me. You are the best wife, a wonderful friend and your smile is enough to heal any man.

  8. Hey babe, just wanted to let you know that I think of you always and that I miss you a lot. Hope things are going good on your end, love you.

  9. I miss your sweet kisses and cuddles. I miss our long walks on the beach and hiking in the woods. I want to see you so bad. The only thing that’s getting me through is knowing someday I will be in your arms again!. Inmate Love Quotes for Him in Jail

  10. You are my hero! I love you so much. You are one of my best friends. You are always there for me when I am down and out. I appreciate the fact that you stood by my side and didn’t give up on me or us. You make me feel things I have never felt before, things I thought only happened in movies. Thank you for being my best friend, my partner in life and my true love.

  11. I miss your arms around me, I look forward to when they are wrapped around me again. I miss your kiss and my lips aching to be on yours again. But most of all I miss the smile that brightens my day. You’ve been gone only a few days and it’s like I’m missing part of myself. Only you make me feel so complete. I love you so much!

  12. I just wanted to apologize for everything that I put you through. I’m going to get help, and I will do my best not to re-offend. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I love you!


  1. At your trial, you will present a defense. You will attempt to discredit the charges against you. You might try to be supporters on the stand, who will attest to your honesty and integrity. Whatever happens, whatever decisions the jury makes, I stand behind you 100%. I know and trust the man you are, rather than what is written of you in black and white. If there’s something more that could be done for inmate love quote for him in jail inmate love quote for him in jail
  2. I love you more than any words could express. Even though you are far away, I feel your presence every day. You are my heart beat and the blood that runs through my veins. I will do everything I can to get you back in my life. You are my everything.

  3. I’m always thinking of you even when we are apart, I love you and need you in my life.

  4. I never thought that someone would touch my heart the way you have. I feel so close to you, even though we’re so far apart. Since the first moment I saw you, everything changed. My whole world has shifted. I dream about you every night and wake up wanting more. In every heartbeat, I am thinking of you. Every part of me belongs to you and only you. I need you and want only you in my life!

  5. No matter how many walls are put between us I know that we will always be together. I know that you will never leave my heart and no matter how dark it may seem in here, as long as there is love, there is hope. I love you baby and hope to see you soon!

  6. I was let down by you, but I never lost faith in you. No matter what, I will always love you and hope you have a happy life. You can reach me at any time, I will surely be with you.

  7. I am so proud of you. Every day I’m amazed by the kind of person you are and I know in my heart that no matter what you will always be the man I love so much. I can’t wait to grow old with you and have many more adventures together. I love you!

  8. I never felt this way before, I’ve never felt complete. I love you with all my heart and soul. You are now a part of me, I need you now, today, tomorrow and for the rest of my life!

  9. I always knew I had feelings for you.  You have a beautiful heart and soul. I love how we can talk about anything and everything!! I am falling in love with you more and more each day.

  10. Dearest, sorry it’s taken so long to write but here I am now. I don’t care what it takes, I am determined to be with you again. We will share everyday things and nights as well. I promise this is not a game to me, you are everything in my life right now. Be strong and hang on please dave , all my love forever yours.

  1. I’m just sitting her thinking about how much I miss you. There isn’t a moment when I don’t think about you or feel empty because of your absence. I can smile now when I see your old car as it reminds me of our time together.
  2. We’ve been through thick and thin Good and Bad, sick and healthy. Together. Not knowing what tomorrow would hold but always finding a way to make the most of today. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you are doing as long as we are together….In My Heart Forever!

True Love Quotes

  1. My love, you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I will do anything to prove it. If there is one thing I know, it’s that we are going to spend many nights under the stars together and I will be by your side until the end of time. You are my everything and I promise to love you forever. Inmate Love Quotes for Him in Jail

  2. I can say that I truly love you, because every time I see you my heart skips a beat. You are always on my mind and in my dreams. Things can be hard and complicated but with you by my side I know I will make the right choices.

  3. My love for you knows no bounds, I love you with all of my heart. You are the most special person in my life, and I wouldn’t trade your love for anything. My day doesn’t start without a kiss from you and my nights don’t end without a kiss from you. I love you!


  1. I see your smiling face and my heart soars. I trust you with my life and you will forever be my best friend. You are the love of my life, how did I ever get so lucky? You complete me in every way, I couldn’t ask for more.
  2. I love you, now and forever. I’m so glad I met you and became the happiest girl in the world. You mean the world to me. I can’t wait to see what our future holds!

  3. You are the special one. I never stopped thinking about you. I think about you every day and night. Will be waiting for you in your arms, my love!

  4. Every day I think about you and miss you. No matter how much time goes by my love always remains unchanged. You’re my everything, my reason for being. I can’t imagine life without you, but I also want to thank you for making me a better person and showing me true love.

  1. You mean more to me then you know. I can’t imagine ever losing you. You are the only one for me and my heart beats so fast each time that I see you smile. I can’t wait until we are together again. I miss and love you so much!
  2. Hey love, I just wanted to drop you a line to say hi and let you know that I’m thinking of you. Hope things are going well for you. I just wanted to let you know that I miss talking to you and seeing your beautiful face every day. Till next time… Love always, Michelle

  3. I know you’re down, but I’m always here for you. As your daddy loves you. I hope you get this because I miss you and love you so, so much!

  4. Baby, I know this isn’t much, but it’s all I have. Please take care and be safe. I love you so much and miss you every day. Knowing that you are out there gives me the strength to go on today. Be safe and come home to me soon, please.

We hope you have found these quotes to be inspiring. Always remember to stay positive and enjoy life to the fullest! Please like and share with friends and loved ones.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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