It’s Okay to Not Be Okay Quotes

– It’s Okay to Not Be Okay Quotes –

It’s fine if you’re not perfect or if you don’t have everything worked out. It’s fine to have shameful, resentful, or guilty feelings. These it’s okay to not be okay quotes will help you get back on your feet when you’re feeling depressed.

It’s Okay to Not Be Okay Quotes

The first step towards true enlightenment is to lighten up on yourself and this quote is all you need to feel better. Check out these it’s okay to not be okay quotes.

1. “When you’re tired get some rest. When you’re sad go ahead and cry. It’s okay to take a break then one day. There will surely come a day when you’ll be able to run again.”

2. There will not be a magic day when we wake up and it’s now okay to express ourselves publicly. We make that day by doing things publicly until it’s simply the way things are. – Tammy Baldwin

3. “When someone has autism it means they shut the door to the world.”

4. “People are all hypocrites. We all live with a lot of hatred, but we act like that’s not the case.”

5. People are all hypocrites. We all live with a lot of hatred, but we act like that’s not the case.

6. “You shouldn’t be embarrassed about being sad.”

7. Never compare myself to other people. It is comparing my behind the scenes to their highlight reel.

8. I forget that not everyone that loves you is out to hurt you. It’s this moment – when I let it be okay for someone to love me. – Jay McLean

9. Adults can’t always be right. We make mistakes until the day we die.

10. If Waterboarding is okay, then why don’t we let our police do it to criminals so they can find out what they know? Because it’s against the law. If we’re not going to be a country that stand’s for the rule of law, when it’s convenient or inconvenient, then what DO we stand for. -Jesse Ventura

Life Lesson Quotes

11. Okay, I’m not in the news business, and I’m not going to tell anyone how to do their job. However, it’d be good to have news reporting that I could trust again, and there’s evidence that fact-checking is an idea whose time has come. – Craig Newmark

12. Okay, then I’ll just say I love you. There is nothing in this world more important to me than you are. I’m only content when you’re near. My whole purpose is to be what you need me to be. It’s not poetry, but it’s from my heart. Will that do? – Colleen Houck

13. It’s okay not to be okay. – Michael Clifford

14. Everything that we do I pretty much want to be organic, so if that happens, then that’s okay with me. But I’m not interested in trying to re-create what once was. That doesn’t interest me; it’s boring. -Pat Benatar

15. As for wondering if it’s okay to be who you are—that’s not a symptom of mental illness. That’s a symptom of being a person. – Jeff Garvin

16. “In this world there are people who deserve to die but some thoughtful freaks kill them for us in secret that’s why the clueless civilians can sleep peacefully at night, completely unaware of it.”

17. I’ve been tied up for way too long, so I forgot how to cut myself free.

18. “Your body is honest. When you’re in physical pain, you cry. But the heart is a liar. It stays quiet even when it’s hurting. Then, when you’re asleep, you finally weep and whimper like a dog.”

19. Do children have to be useful to their parents?

You Will Be Okay Quotes

20. Only those who have suffered truly understand suffering.

21. Zeke’s snort sounded suspiciously like laughter. “Allie, you’re a beautiful, exotic-looking vampire girl with a katana. Trust me, if anyone is going to attract attention, it’s not going to be me. – Julie

22. It’s hard being left behind. I wait for Henry, not knowing where he is, wondering if he’s okay. It’s hard to be the one who stays behind. – Audrey Niffenegger

23. A fairy tale isn’t a hallucinogen that gives us hopes and dreams. It’s a stimulant that makes us face reality.

24. “Everyone is good and bad. We all live with both traits.”

25. You can’t get out once you’re trapped in the past. You won’t be able to see the door.

26. I’m just trying to illustrate that it’s okay to be different – not that it’s good, not that it’s bad, but that it’s all right. I’m trying to tell kids to have a good time and to encourage them to be creative and to question things, – Paul Reubens

27. You can cherish and care about people in different ways. Think about the different kinds of yellow. Even the same colour can take different names depending on its chroma. The same goes for human emotions, such as affection. Fondness, hatred, love, friendship, and lust. They are like a rainbow.

28. Everyone is good and bad. We all live with both traits

29. You don’t get to say it’s not a big thing. This is a big fucking thing, okay? This was supposed to be – this is mine. I’m supposed to decide when and where and who knows and how I want to say it.” Suddenly, my throat gets thick.- Becky Albertalli

30. ” Love is all about patience

M0ve On Quotes

31. But at least try to look a little more raider-ish, okay? We don’t want to attract attention.

32. “If you want to be fashionable, you must be uncomfortable and stubborn.”

33. “The one who neglects and turn a blind eye to the abuse is worse than the abuser.”

34. It’s fine to be able to stand on your own, admirable, but I think you also need to prove to yourself that it’s okay if you don’t have to. That it’s okay to choose to not be alone. To choose to let someone support you, emotionally and otherwise. – T.L. Haddix

35. “Love is all about patience.”

36. If you can’t erase it, you just need to cover it with something better.

37. It’s okay to be successful and it’s also okay to be happy with your success even though it might not be easy. – Brooke Shields


It’s Okay Quotes

38. “Being selfish isn’t always a bad thing. Try to only think of your happiness when things are too stressful it’s okay to do that.”

39. I don’t feel good anymore with this skin… probably a new title… a new chapter.. something new will be more okay than that… to much honesty… I am not on this… After all if you don’t know this fact, I am going to point it to you.

40. “Don’t be stubborn when things don’t workout. You need to learn to try other things.”

41. There’s always a source for humor [in politics]. If it’s inappropriate to write about, if there’s nothing funny about it, then it’s not funny. So it sort of selects itself. It has to. And plus, often something that wouldn’t be funny at the time is okay to make jokes about later. – Calvin Trillin

42. If you want to make people around you happy, you have to find your own happiness first. Being selfish isn’t always a bad thing. Try to only think about your happiness when things are too stressful. It’s okay to do that.

43. “Only those who have suffered truly understand suffering.

44. It’s okay to not know completely what you want or what you should be doing and to stumble a little bit. – Milo

45. “Do children have to be useful to their parents?”

46. I’m not sure why I’ve decided to do this. I’m not any stronger than I was, and nothing else has changed. But all the same, this time I will not run away. It’s okay to feel weak sometimes. It’s okay to be afraid. The important thing is that we face our fears. That’s what makes us strong.-Yuki – Natsuki Takaya

Find Your Own Happiness Quotes

47. “You can cherish and care about people in different ways. Think about the different kinds of yellow. Even the same colour can take different names depending on its chroma. The same goes for human emotions, such as affection. Fondness, hatred, love, friendship, and lust. They are like a rainbow.”

48. “If you want to make people around you happy, you have to find your own happiness first. Being selfish isn’t always a bad thing. Try to only think about your happiness when things are too stressful. It’s okay to do that.”

49. “I’ve been tied up for way too long, so I forgot how to cut myself free.”

50. The first step is always the hardest. But once you take the first step, things will get easier from then on.

51. Your body is honest. When you’re in physical pain, you cry. But the heart is a liar. It stays quiet even when it’s hurting. Then, when you’re asleep, you finally weep and whimper like a dog.

52. Taylor needs me so I’m going to take care of myself. – Taylor Swift

53. “I know it’s not fair to ask either of you to be okay with that.”

54. “If someone shows up when you need them, you call that destiny.”

55. I’m not perfect. And I don’t have to be. I can figure it out as I go, and as long as I do the best I can, it’s okay if I still screw up. – Melissa Darnell

56. “The first step is always the hardest. But once you take the first step, things will get easier from then on.”

We’re Not Perfect Quotes

57. That’s the thing. You come back and you expect everyone to be just the way they were when you left. But it’s not that easy, okay? You can’t just force us all to be how you liked us. – John Corey Whaley

58. Stay here, now. I will not think to far forward or back.

59. We have to unclasp our palms and let go of every alternate reality where we’re happier, stronger, brighter because of all the things we did differently. Those universes do not exist. But ours does. And it’s okay here, if we open our eyes up and let it be. – Heidi Priebe


60. It’s not okay for a woman to be in control of her own body, her own reproductive system, much less of her life. There’s opposition even to that. So passivity is rewarded as feminine. – Gloria Steinem

61.“Please count atleast one to three before you do anything impulsive.”

62. It’s all going to be okay. She would like to hear that now, even if it was a lie. Because some lies are beautiful. Stories do not tell you that. – Anne Ursu

More It’s Okay Not to Be Okay Quotes

63. It’s okay, you know? It’s okay to be you. It’s okay to just not be okay. It’s okay to not be okay. – Kristen Stewart

64. Marriage is successful if it’s build on a lie… – Deyth Banger

65. Don’t make the same mistake I did and try to run when you can’t even walk. When you’re tired, get some rest. When you’re sad, go ahead and cry. It’s okay to take a break. Then one day, there will surely come a day when you’ll be able to run again.

66. You shouldn’t be embarrassed about being sad.

67. I am done with being someone who is needed by others.

68. “Adults can’t always be right. We make mistakes until the day we die.”

69. Tomorrow’s flower is today’s seed. And it’s okay that the seed is not a flower yet. It’s okay that it has a bit of a process to undertake before it blooms. There’s nothing wrong with the seed right now. It’s exactly what it’s supposed to be in this moment. And so are you. – Emily Maroutian

70. Sometimes I’m not always doing amazing but it’s okay … because everyone struggles and it’s okay to be flawed because that’s what makes me … Me. – Demi Lovato

Hope these it’s okay to not be okay quotes motivates you to keep pushing strong after a downfall.

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