Kung Fu Panda Quotes (About Being Master of Your Destiney)

Kung fu panda quotes One of DreamWorks’ most well-known film franchises is “Kung Fu Panda,” which debuted in 2008. It was initially intended to be a silly parody film mocking the clichés of the martial arts genre, but it turned out to be a genuinely satisfying tale of self-discovery.

Kung Fu Panda Quotes

These quotes from Kung Fu Panda are the most inspirational quotes and empowering messages of the film series.

1. “To make something special you just have to believe it’s special.” ― Mr. Ping

2. “Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend.” ― Kung Fu Panda

3. “You must let go of the illusion of control..” ― The Turtle

4. “We do not wash our pits in the pool of sacred tears” ― Shifu

5. “If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.” ― Master Oogway

6. “There are no coincidences in this world.” ― Turtle in Kung Fu Panda

7. “Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.” ― Kung Fu Panda

8. “If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than who you are.” ― Master Shifu

9. “Your story may not have such a happy beginning but that does not make you who you are, it is the rest of it- who you choose to be”
― Soothsayer from Kung Fu Panda 2

10. “Look at this tree. I cannot make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time. No matter what you do that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.” – Master Oogway.

11. “You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There’s a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” – Master Oogway.

12. “Ah, Shifu. There is just news- there is no good or bad.” – Master Oogway.

13. “Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.” – Master Oogway.

14. “One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.” – Master Oogway.

15. “My friend, the panda will never fulfill his destiny, nor you yours, until you let go of the illusion of control.” – Master Oogway.

16. “You just need to believe. Promise me, Shifu. Promise me you will believe.” – Master Oogway.

17. “When will you realize? The more you take, the less you have.” – Master Oogway.

18. “Worse. You’re failing yourself. No matter how much you try, you will never be Shifu. The question is…Can you be Tigress?” – Master Oogway.

19. “There are no accidents.” – Master Oogway.

20. “The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior!” – Master Oogway.

21. “There is always something more to learn, even for a master.” – Master Shifu.

Inspirational Kung Fu Panda Quotes from Characters

22. “Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn’t make you who you are. It is the rest of your story… who you choose to be.” – Soothsayer, ‘Kung Fu Panda ‘

23. “…But once I realized the problem was not you, but within me, I found inner peace and was able to harness the flow of the universe.” – Master Shifu.

24. “You heard me. Nothing! There is no secret ingredient…To make something special you just have to believe it’s special.” – Mr Ping.

25. “There is no charge for awesomeness… or attractiveness.” – Po.

26. “You are the master of your destiny: No one and nothing can come in between you and your destiny except you. Take destiny by the horns and have fun.” – Po.

27. “Don’t push past memories deeper inside of yourself. Let those memories breathe and let old wounds heal.” – Po.

28. “Well, you see, it’s a gift. It’s your parting gift, in that it’ll part you; part of you here, part of you there, and part of you way over there staining the wall!” – Lord Shen.

29. “You guys. Your real strength comes from being the best you – you can be. So who are you? What are you good at? What do you love? What makes you – you?” – Po.

30. “The mark of a true hero is humility.” – Master Shifu.

31. “Sometimes, we do the wrong things for the right reasons.” – Mr. Ping.

32. “You gotta let go of that stuff from the past, because it just doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now.” – Po.

33. “If you only do what you can do, you’ll never be more than you are now.” – Master Shifu.

34. “Before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind.” – Master Shifu.

35. “Come on. I’m a blur. I’m a blur. You’ve never seen Bear Style!” – Po.


36. “We do not wash our pits in the pool of sacred tears.” – Master Shifu.

37. “Legend tells of a legendary warrior… whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend.” – Po.

38. (As Tai Lung is gasping at Po’s Wuxi finger hold and wondering if Shifu helped Po learn it) “Nope. I figured it out. Ska-doosh.” – Po.

Kung Fu Panda Funny Quotes

39. “He’s not gonna quit bouncing, I’ll tell you that.” – Monkey.

40. “I know you are trying to be all mystical and kung-fooey, but could you at least tell me where we’re going?” – Po.

41. “There is now a level zero.” – Master Shifu.

42. “Kai… nope, never heard of him.” – Master Shifu.

43. If You only do what you can, You will never be more than you are now. – Master Shifu,

44. “There is no secret ingredient, it’s just you.” – Po

45. “A real warrior never quits.” – Po

46. “You don’t need to meditate for hours and hours to attain inner peace and enlightenment. You need only see, feel, and act from the heart. Let the heart guide you to your peaceful enlightenment.” – Po

47. “Don’t push past memories deeper inside of yourself. Let those memories breathe and let old wounds heal.” – Po

48. “You gotta let go of that stuff from the past because it just doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now.” – Po

49. “Your real strength comes from being the best “you” you can be. So who are you? What are you good at? What do you love? What makes you “you”?” – Po

50. “You are the master of your destiny: No one and nothing can come in between you and your destiny except you. Take destiny by the horns and have fun.” – Po

51. “There is no charge for awesomeness…or attractiveness.” – Po

52. “Skadoosh” – Po

53. “Before the battle of the fist, comes the battle of the mind.” – Master Shifu

54. “The true path to victory is to find your opponent’s weakness and make him suffer for it. And to take his strength and use it against him until he finally falls or quits.” – Master Shifu

55. “Time is an illusion, there is only the now.” – Master Shifu

56. “The mark of a true hero is humility.” – Master Shifu

57. “If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than who you are now.” – Master Shifu

58. “Anything is possible when you have inner peace.” – Master Shifu

59. “Once I realized the problem was not you but within me. I found inner peace and was able to harness the flow of the universe.” – Master Shifu

60. “It doesn’t matter what I think, it only matters what the universe thinks.” – Master Shifu

Motivational Kung Fu Panda Master Oogway Quotes

61. “Maybe it can – if you are willing to guide it, to nurture it, to believe in it.” – Master Oogway

63. “If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.” – Master Oogway

64. “Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” – Master Oogway

65. “You are the master of your destiny: No one and nothing can come in between you and your destiny except you. Take destiny by the horns and have fun.” – Master Oogway

66. “Use your skills for good, young warrior. Find the one thing you were denied so long ago — compassion.” – Master Oogway

67. “Who knows the ways of the universe? Accident? Or destiny? That is the secret.” – Master Oogway

68. “My old friend, the panda will never fulfill his destiny, nor you yours, until you let go of the illusion of control.” – Master Oogway

69. “Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.” – Master Oogway

70. “Shifu, an acorn can only become the mighty oak, not a cherry tree. You must let her grow into what she will be.” – Master Oogway

71. “It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.” – Master Oogway

72. “Look at this tree, Shifu. I cannot make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time.” – Master Oogway

73. “My time has come. You must continue your journey, without me.” – Master Oogway

74. “I fear they will all lose. Until they find a battle worth fighting.” – Master Oogway

75. “I understand. You eat when you are upset.” – Master Oogway

76. “I see you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom!” – Master Oogway

77. “One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.” – Master Oogway

78. “You are too concerned with what was and what will be.” – Master Oogway

79. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” – Master Oogway

80. “Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.” – Master Oogway

81. “There is just news. There is no good or bad.” – Master Oogway

82. “Look at this tree. I cannot make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time. No matter what you do that seed (of peach) will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.” – Master Oogway

83. “You will never fulfill your destiny until you let go of the illusion of control.” – Master Oogway

84. “You must believe!” – Master Oogway

85. “There is always something more to learn. Even for a master.” – Master Oogway

86. “The more you take, the less you have.” – Master Oogway

87. “When the path you walk always leads back to yourself, you never get anywhere.” – Master Oogway

88. “To make something special you just have to believe it’s special.” – Mr. Ping

89. “Sometimes, we do the wrong things for the right reasons.” – Mr. Ping


90. “Your story may not have such a happy beginning but that does not make you who you are, it is the rest of it – who you choose to be.” – Soothsayer

91. “We are noodle folk. Broth runs through our veins.” – Mr. Ping

92. “Wow! The Furious Five! You’re so much bigger than your action figures. Except for you, Mantis. You’re about the same.” – Po

93. “He’s a panda! You’re a panda! What are you gonna do, big guy? Sit on me?” – Tai Lung

94. “I’m not a big fat panda. I’m THE big fat panda.” – Po

95. “I’m not dying you idiot! I’m relaxing!” – Master Shifu

In the movies, we’re able to learn that we are the only ones who can dictate our destiny and how our life would go. No matter how many outside factors dictate what and who we should be, we should only listen to ourselves. As Master Oogway put it, “You are the master of your destiny. No one and nothing can come in between you and your destiny except you.”

Thanks for checking out these amazing kung fu panda quotes! Don’t forget to take a look at our similar collection of quotes as you share to others to get inspire.

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