Snakes on a Plane Quotes

– Snakes on a Plane Quotes –

One of the films that give spectators the most thrill is “Snakes On A Plane.” You’ll find these snake on the plane quotes interesting whether you’ve seen this wonderful movie or not.

About the Movie

A 2006 American action thriller starring Samuel L. Jackson, Snakes on a Plane was directed by David R. Ellis. On August 18, 2006, New Line Cinema distributed it in North America. In the movie, which was scripted by David Dalessandro, John Heffernan, and Sebastian Gutierrez, hundreds of snakes are thrown onto a plane in an effort to assassinate a witness in court.

Snakes on a Plane Quotes

 Read on and enjoy these funny quotes from the movie!

1. Exactly. Now it’s your turn. Do as I say, and you will live.” -Jones

2. I’ve had it with these mothafuckin’ snakes, on this mothafuckin’ plane! Everybody strap in, I’m about to open some fuckin’ windows! –Neville Flynn

3. Never flown first class before. – Sean Jones 

4. You know all those goddamn security scenarios we ran? Well, I’m stuck in the middle of one we didn’t think of. – Neville Flynn 

5. What was the first thing I ever said to you? – Neville Flynn 

6. “He’s my brother from another mother.”

7. “I’m from Tennessee. I hadn’t noticed.” “snakes on a plane quotes”

8. “Never flown first class before.”

9. “See, things are looking up already.”

10.”Do you remember the first thing you ever told me?”

11.”What the fuck’s that got to do with anything?”

12. “What was the first thing you ever told me?”

13. “Do as I say and you live.”

14. “Exactly. Now it’s your turn. Do as I say, and you’ll live.”

15. Well, I suggest you speed up clearing the rest of the runways…” – Troy

16. “Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherf*cking snakes on this motherf*cking plane! Everybody strap in. I’m about to open some f*cking windows.”

17. Oh, sure, let’s drop it off at Jiffy Photo when we land, Einstein. – Paul

18. “Don’t give me attitude, sir. See, you’re assuming I won’t shoot your sorry ass and everyone knows, when you make an assumption, you make an ass out of ‘u’ and ‘umption.”

19. While you probably can’t go around quoting this verbatim like Jackson still can, Tarantino’s made-up Bible verse was so good that Jules said it twice.

Funny Quotes

20. “AK-47. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherf*cker in the room, accept no substitutes.”    “snakes on a plane quotes”

21. “Troy Jesus Christ. We’re all dead!

22. Wait, hold on. What kind of insane plan is that? He can’t possibly guarantee that the snakes are gonna get to Sean. – Hank Harris

23. See, things are looking up already.” -Neville Flynn

24. “Emmett Bradley: You try to land west to east you’ll come in too fast to control.

25.”Hold On To Your Butts”

26. I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane! – Neville Flynn

27. I need you to stay up here. – Neville Flynn     “snakes on a plane quotes”

28. Because if you die, then all of this was for nothing. – Neville Flynn 

29. Eddie Kim somehow managed to fill the plane with poisonous snakes. – Neville Flynn

30. So, uh, you are pretty good at this game, right? – Neville Flynn

31. “Mercedes Harbont: Why don’t we just take a picture?

32. You are talking to the only man with flight experience. -Neville Flynn

33. This Troy wait here! Next to me is my man Neville. He’s my brother from anouther mother. – Troy

34. “My Duty To Please That Booty.”  “snakes on a plane quotes”

35. Make it fast. Time is tissue. -Dr. Steven Price

36. “Given That It’s A Stupid-Ass Decision, I’ve Elected To Ignore It.”

37. What the fuck’s that got to do with anything? – Neville Flynn 

38. “And You Will Know My Name Is The Lord When I Lay My Vengeance Upon Thee!”

39. I got bit, too.” – Troy

Quotes and Sayings 

40. Do you remember the first thing you ever told me? – Sean Jones

41. “AK-47. The Very Best There Is.”

42. “Yeah, motherf*cker, I eat everything. I eat the pussy. I eat the butt. I eat every motherf*ckin’ thing.”

43. Do as I say, and you live. – Neville

44. You too, huh?” -Neville

45. “I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it.”  

46. What the hell you talking about? – Hank Harris

47. “Everybody listens up! We have to put a barrier between us and the snakes!”

48. What was the first thing you ever told me? – Sean Jones 

49. “They say that the higher you aim, the farther you fall.” – Eddie Kim.

50. You don’t think I know it’s hotter than hell in here? We also have abnormal vibrations in engines one and two. I had no choice but to throttle back. – Rick

51. “I Have Had It With These Motherf*cking Snakes On This Motherf*cking Plane!”

52.” Leroy: That’s what I’m talking about.”

53. Yeah. Well, you know. It’s that or option B. – Rick

54. “Everyone Knows When You Make An Assumption, You Make An Ass Out Of ‘U’ And ‘Umption.’”

55. Enough is enough! I have had it with these mother-fucking snakes on this mother-fucking plane! Neville Flynn  “snakes on a plane quotes”

56. “Claire: I went through a pyromaniac phase when I was younger.


Dialogue Quotes

57. “You Been Taking Them Dick Pills Again?”

58. I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane! – Neville Flynn

59. Flynn, it’s too hot. – Sean Jones

60. I go faster and the engines seize up; We eventually plummet to a horrible death; They spend the next year identifying femurs. – Rick  “snakes on a plane quotes”

61. I’m from Tennessee. I hadn’t noticed. – Neville Flynn

62. “Jones: What was the first thing you ever told me?

63. “TroyThis Troy, wait here! Next to me is my man”

64. Everybody listen! We have to put a barrier between us and the snakes! – Neville Flynn

65. “I’ve had it with these mothafuckin’ snakes, on this mothafuckin’ plane! Everybody strap in, I’m about to open some fuckin’ windows!” -Neville Flynn

66. Yeah, well, he doesn’t have to guarantee it if he brings down the whole plane down. – Neville Flynn

67. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.’”

68. “Yes, They Deserved To Die And I Hope They Burn In Hell!”  “snakes on a plane quotes”

69. Do as I say and you live. – Neville Flynn

70. “Everybody listen. We have to put a barrier between us and the snakes.”

71. “Well, that’s good news. Snakes on crack.”

72. “Everybody listens up. We have to put a barrier between us and the snakes.”

73. “I need you to stay up here.”

74. (Nathan Phillips) “Why?”

75. “Because if you die, then all of this was for nothing.”

76. “Turn this big motherfucker left, Troy.”

Enjoyable Quotes

77. “Enough is enough. I have had it with these monkey fighting snakes on this Monday through Friday plane.”  

78. I have had it with these motherfucking snake on this motherfucking plane!!!! – Neville Flynn

79. Exactly. Now it’s your turn. Do as I say, and you’ll live. – Sean Jones

80. You slowed down? – Neville Flynn 

81. “Never flown first class before.  -Sean Jones  “snakes on a plane quotes”

82. “What was the first thing I ever said to you?”

83. “Sit your ass down, Clarence.”  “snakes on a plane quotes

84. “So, uh, you are pretty good at this game, right?”

85. (Kenan Thompson) “Yes, man. No problem. Well, I mean, my older brother Randy has got the high score, but I’m good. Asshole never lets me hear the end of it.”


More Quotes from Snake on the Plane

86. “Enough is enough. I have had it with these mother-fucking snakes on this mother-fucking plane.”

87. “Time is tissue. Make it fast; time is tissue.”- Dr. Steven Price.

88. Keith Dallas as Big Leroy

89. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

90. “My ass — my ass man.”

91. “Ow. Get this fucking snake off my ass.”

92. “Make it fast. Time is tissue.”

93. “Flynn, it’s too hot.”

94. “Well, there’s this passage I’ve got memorized — sort of fits the occasion. Ezekiel 25:17? ‘The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.

95. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children.

96. You are talking to the only man with flight experience. -Neville Flynn  “snakes on a plane quotes”

97. Yes, man. No problem. Well, I mean, my older brother Randy has got the high score, but I’m good. Asshole never lets me hear the end of it. – Troy

98. “English, Motherf*cker, Do You Speak It?”

99. “You know me. It’s my duty to please that booty.”

Entertaining Quotes

100. It’s not a video game. It’s a flight simulator.” – Troy

101. Do as I say, and you live. – Neville Flynn  “snakes on a plane quotes”

102. “You don’t think I know it’s hotter than hell in here? We also have abnormal vibrations in engines one and two. I had no choice but to throttle back.”

103. “You slowed down?”

104. “Yeah. Well, you know. It’s that or option B.”

105. “I go faster and the engines seize up; We eventually plummet to a horrible death; They spend the next year identifying femurs.”   “snakes on a plane quotes”

106. “Who’s your daddy now, bitch?”

107. “All right, we have to; we have to suck out the poison.”

108. “Man, I ain’t sucking nothing.”

109. “Ok, I’ll do it.”

110. “What? Oh, there will be no sucking. Man, Troy, get this guy away from my ass.”

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