Waiting Quotes that Will Inspire Patience and Strength 2022

– Waiting Quotes –

Are you waiting for someone you love to come back? These waiting quotes will give you strength when you need to be patient and wait. Whether you’re expecting good news or bad news, nobody enjoys waiting. This collection of waiting quotes will give you the power to deal with having to wait.

Missing someone and patiently waiting for them to return can be painful. Are you waiting for a new opportunity to begin in your life? Waiting for something exciting can lead to anticipation and stress.

These waiting quotes are proof that some things in life are worth the wait. If you’re feeling impatient, take a deep breath and read this collection of wise words.

Waiting Quotes

1. If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives. – Lemony Snicket

2. Whatever we are waiting for — peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance — it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. – Sarah Ban Breathnach

3. Waiting is still an occupation. It is having nothing to wait for that is terrible. – Cesare Pavese

4. I would not sit waiting for some vague tomorrow, nor for something to happen. Also, one could wait a lifetime. … I would make something happen. – Louis L’Amour

5. While waiting for Moses to lead us into the promised land, we have forgotten how to walk. – Wendell Johnson

6. If you are waiting for anything in order to live and love without holding back, then you suffer. Every moment is the most important moment of your life. Meanwhile, no future time is better than now to let down your guard and love. – David Deida


7. Never keep long and be waiting. Servers and quitters have just a slight difference but a common end. – Israelmore Ayivor

8. Biblically, waiting is not just something we have to do until we get what we want. Waiting is part of becoming what God wants us to be. – John Ortberg.

9. You usually have to wait for that which is worth waiting for. – Craig Bruce

10. And sure enough, even waiting will end… Therefore, if you can just wait long enough. – William Faulkner

11. Waiting and hoping are the whole of life, and as soon as they realized a dream, it is destroyed. – Gian Carlo Menotti

12. They lost how much of human life in waiting? – Ralph Waldo Emerson

13. Waiting is the rust of the soul. – Carlos Ruiz Zafon

14. Waiting turns men into bears in a barn and women into cats in a sack. – Robert Jordan

15. Waiting was a sin against both the time that was still to come and the moments one was currently disregarding. – Neil Gaiman

16. Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle. – Abraham Lincoln

17. Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. However, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don’t count. – Robert Anthony.

18. There is no great achievement that is not the result of patient working and waiting. – J. G. Holland

19. There is nothing to be gained by waiting for a better situation. Also, you see where you are and you do what you can with that. – Jacob K. Javits

20. What we are waiting for is not as important as what happens to us while we are waiting. Trust the process. – Mandy Hale

21. Don’t Wait! Start on your dreams, your impulses, your longings, your special occasions today. Because this is your moment. – Mary Anne Radmacher

22. If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything. -Win Borden

23. If you wait, all that happens is that you get older.-

24. Don’t wait for your ship to come in – swim out of it.- Jerry Smith.

25. Waiting for perfect is never as smart as making progress.- Seth Godin.

26. The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is to have someone worth waiting for.- unknown.

27. You are not just waiting in vain. There is a purpose behind every delay. – Mandy Hale

28. The average person prays, ‘I want a cookie right now!’ And God responds, ‘If you’d listen to what I say, tomorrow it will bring you 100 cookies’.
– Criss Jami

29. They do not waste waiting. It is a strategy for camping for greater things. – Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

30. “Waiting is not always a bad thing; it can bring its own joy -the thrill of anticipation.” – David Jeremiah

31. “You are not just waiting in vain. There is a purpose behind every delay.” – Mandy Hale.

32. “Waiting is not mere empty hoping. It has the inner certainty of reaching the goal.” – I Ching

33. “And sure enough, even waiting will end. Therefore, if you can just wait long enough.” – William Faulkner

34. “Most of us are waiting. We’re waiting for something interesting to happen. And I think we’re going to wait forever if we don’t do something more interesting with our lives.” – Donald Miller.


35. Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it. – Søren Kierkegaard

36. With love and patience, nothing is impossible. –

37. Just keep going when it’s tough. Just keep going when it’s long. – Maxime Lagacé

38. A man who is a master of patience is a master of everything else. George Savile.

39. “Don’t wait for extraordinary circumstance to do good; try to use ordinary situations.” – Charles Richter

40. “If you wait for opportunities to occur, you will be one of the crowd.” – Edward de Bono

41. “There is no great achievement that is not the result of patient working and waiting.” – J. G. Holland

42. Just because something isn’t happening to you right now doesn’t mean it will never happen.

43. Be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration’s shove or society’s kiss on your forehead. –

44. Maybe one day I’ll be what you need. But don’t wait too long… because the day you want me, maybe the day I’ve finally given up.

45. Always be strong enough to let be smart enough to wait for what you deserve.

46. Never give up on something you really want. Meanwhile, it’s difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret.

47. The worst feeling ever is not knowing whether you should wait or give up.

48. Nothing’s going to come to you by sitting around and waiting for it. – Zoe Kazan

49. Things may come to those who w
ait, but only the things left by those who hustle. – Abraham Lincoln

50. Waiting is not always a bad thing; it can bring its own joy -the thrill of anticipation. –

51. The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is to have someone worth waiting for.

52. Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. – Joyce Meyer

53. Good things come to those who wait, Better things come to those who try. – Nishan Panwar

54. You usually have to wait for that which is worth waiting for. – Craig Bruce

55. After you find out all the things that can go wrong, your life becomes less about living and more about waiting. –

56. All things come to him who waits – provided he knows what he is waiting for. – Woodrow T. Wilson


57. It is strange that the years teach us patience – that the shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting. – Elizabeth Taylor

58. If not today, it will be tomorrow. If not in this world, then I will wait till the next.

59. God’s answer is no, yes, and wait. God has a purpose for his answers because he has a better plan for you.

60. Don’t wait to be hunted to hide, that was always my motto. – Samuel Beckett

What’s worth waiting for in life? You might wait for love, success, money, or some other desire or goal. These waiting quotes highlight what it feels like to be patiently waiting for something that you really want. If you’re patient, your wait will seem short and manageable.

What are your favorite waiting quotes and sayings that help you practise patience? Let us know in the comment section below.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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