Work Hard Play Hard Quotes

– Work Hard Play Hard Quotes –

Telling ourselves to work hard so that we can play hard is a method of assuring ourselves that we will be rewarded for all of our efforts.  The idea is to blur the lines between work and play. These work hard play hard quotes would motivate you and inspire you to keep going.

Work Hard Play Hard Quotes

To get your desired result, one always has to work hard. But, while working hard, also play hard. These Work hard play hard quotes will keep you inspired. Read on!

1. Work hard, play fair, be kind to all living creatures, and take a moment to just sit back and breathe.  -Tricia Helfer

2. I never learned how to make music, play an instrument, then a lot of people told me things like “you will never succeed” and “it’s just a dream” – anyway it made me much trouble, but in a way it made me work hard to become more than a dream.  –Marilou

3. That’s what you do all the hard work for, to play in situations that put your body through grueling times.  If you’re not up to it, pull out.  -Lleyton Hewitt

4. “Work hard…have fun…be nice…play fair…dream big.  We only get one chance at this life.  If you’re going to play this game, play it to win. ” – Robert Herjavec

5. “Once practice starts, we work hard, and that’s the best conditioning there is.  Everything counts.  Every little thing counts.  Run hard, play hard, go after the ball hard, guard hard.  If you play soft (what I call signing a non-aggression pact with your teammates), you won’t ever get into shape. ” – Pete Carril

6. “Me and my band have always lived by the code ‘Work hard, play harder,’” – Kenny Chesney

7. I learned the value of hard work by working hard.  -Margaret Mead

8. If you work hard everyday and bust your tail on every play, eventually people will notice and word will get around.  – Tommy John “Work hard play hard quotes”

9. I and my band and crew have always lived by the code: ‘Work hard, play harder. ‘ -Kenny Chesney

Work Hard Have Fun

10. In 2004, I was on the West End stage in The Woman In White, and for every show I had to climb into a fat suit to play the obese Count Fosco.  It was hard work, and unbearably hot, but I sailed through because I’d always kept myself fit.  -Michael Crawford

11. I had to work harder.  I couldn’t do the social thing, and play the game the others were playing.  I had to work that much harder and handle the ‘evils’ by doing good work.  -Charles Walters

12. “Life balance is a myth.  It’s an illusion, and the very pursuit of it is driving us crazy.  For me, it’s about proportion.  It’s really a work hard, play hard equation. ” – Danielle LaPorte

13. David, for example, comes home from work and complains to Angela that his father isn’t paying him enough, especially compared to his brother, Steve, who doesn’t work very hard and frequently takes off from work to play golf.  -Drew S.  Mendoza

14. The goal is not simply to ‘work hard, play hard. ‘The goal is to make our work and our play indistinguishable.  -Simon Sinek “Work hard play hard quotes”

15. “Nothing in life that’s worth anything is easy.” – Barack Obama

16. It has taken me 30 years to get this way, and I don’t intend to let go.  I work hard, but I play hard, too, and that’s the one part of me that nobody sees.  But I intend to be around for a long time yet.  – John Barrowman

17. To be an artist means to invite an occupation into your life that requires commitment and hard work, but the rewards and satisfaction you’ll get make the work seem like play.  But you have to do it every day.  -Veronica Lawlor

Life Balance Quotes

18. Study hard.  Work hard.  Play harder.  Don’t be bound by rules, don’t hurt anybody and never ever live somebody else’s dream.  -Shahrukh Khan

19. I work hard, so I play harder.  -Dean Winters

20. There are so many things about playing football that seem to me uniquely American.  Anybody can succeed, anybody can play, but you’ve got to work hard to do it.  -Dean Cain “Work hard play hard quotes”

21. Let’s be clear – for people like me, who are obsessed with story and for whom words are their medium, writing is the best job possible.  I work hard, but I earn more than the national average wage while I play with my imagination, and for me, that’s a dream.  -Sara Sheridan

22. “Men play harder than they work; women work harder than they play. ” – Mary Roberts Rinehart

23. All work and no play will make you sad and grey! -Habeeb Akande

24. Everybody wants to be famous, but nobody wants to do the work.  I live by that.  You grind hard so you can play hard.  At the end of the day, you put all the work in, and eventually it’ll pay off.  It could be in a year, it could be in 30 years.  Eventually, your hard work will pay off.  -Kevin Hart

25. There aren’t many crimes in my book.  Not many sins either.  But top on both of those lists is killing time.  Have fun with it, make something cool, play video games, work hard if you feel like it, but do something.  Killed time is an abortion, life that never gets lived, gone, just gone.  -Karen Marie Moning

Motivating Work Hard Play Hard Quotes

26. I am closer and closer to reaching my childhood dream.  This is really exciting! I will continue to work hard, to focus on each tournament I play.  -Yani Tseng

27. Work hard to play harder.  -Linda Rawson

28. My mother saved our home with a minimum wage job.  But in the 1960s, a minimum wage job would support a family of three above the poverty line.  Not today.  Not even close.  I understood right then that people can work hard, they can play by the rules, and they can still take a hard smack.  -Elizabeth Warren

29. Work Hard, Play Hard! –Wiz Khalifa

30. I did work hard at auditions, and three years at RADA isn’t like a walk in the park.  And then it takes a lot of sacrifices, giving certain things up in order to audition, in order to do a play, whatever it may be.  – Andrew Buchan  “Work hard play hard quotes”

31. A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.


32. “Remember the motto: ‘Work hard, play hard. ’ Regard your personal time as just as important as your work time and give as much attention to planning it as you do to planning your work.  What are you working for if you don’t have a personal life?” – Mark Forster

Play Hard Equation Quotes

33. Talent is cheaper than table salt.  What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.  -Stephen King

34. Many people know how to work hard; many others know how to play well, but the rarest talent in the world is the ability to introduce playfulness into work and put some constructive labor into our leisure.  -Sydney J.  Harris

35. “Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen. ” – Conan O’Brien

36. We play by the rules, we play hard and we prepare hard.  The work ethic of our team and preparation is like no other in my opinion and we try to make our fans in America proud.  -Robert Kraft

37. Motivational, Basketball, Sports

38. There are no shortcuts.  If you feel good, you’ll look good, you’ll play good.  Work hard every day.  No matter what your strengths and weaknesses, there’s no substitute for hard work.  -Hope Solo “Work hard play hard quotes”

39. Men play harder than they work; women work harder than they play.  -Mary Roberts Rinehart

40. When people see a legend, they call it a legend.  But to be a legend, it’s a lot of hard work and patience.  You can’t play for five or ten years and be a legend.  It takes longer than that.  -Burning Spear

Life Without Work

41. People ask why I always play crazy people and free spirits.  I guess it is because I like to have fun.  But I am more ambitious than your average free spirit.  This job is hard enough that, without drive and hard work, you will never make it work.  -Lucy Punch

42. If you work hard and play by the rules, this country is truly open to you.  You can achieve anything.  -Arnold Schwarzenegger

43. TV’s hard work.  I don’t know how the hell Angela Lansbury survived doing ‘Murder, She Wrote’ all those years.  And sure, everyone wants to be Bruce Willis or George Clooney – they want to be in film for the range of characters you get to play.  -Christopher Meloni

44. “Do what you have to so you can do what you want to. ” – Unknown

45. “Work hard in silence.  Let your success be your noise. ” – Unknown

46. I work very hard, and I play very hard.  I’m grateful for life.  And I live it – I believe life loves the liver of it.  I live it.  – Maya Angelou

47. You try and work hard and get better each week.  I play the game with passion.  I enjoy the game.  It’s a lot of fun when I’m out there.  That’s the way I play.  For some reason, people like that.  -Tony Romo “Work hard play hard quotes”

48. I have to work really hard, eight shows a week, to get a nice check as an actor.  But when I write a play, and it’s a – knock wood – hit, the checks come in for many years.  -Harvey Fierstein

49. I grew up in a fun-loving environment – you work hard and play hard.  -Hunter Hayes

Inspiring Work Hard Play Hard Quotes

50. The perennial conviction that those who work hard and play by the rules will be rewarded with a more comfortable present and a stronger future for their children faces assault from just about every direction.  That great enemy of democratic capitalism, economic inequality, is real and growing.  -Jon Meacham

51. “As far back as I can remember, I am one of those guys that work hard and play harder.  I have to have both. ” – Bret Michaels

52. “Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do. ” – Oprah Winfrey

53. “I work hard so I can play harder. ” – Dean Winters

54. I just try to work hard and run the offense as good as possible.  I had a lot of guys around me who made a lot of good plays to help me out.  -Tim Tebow

55. I cannot face with comfort the idea of life without work; work and the free play of the imagination are for me the same thing, I take no pleasure in anything else.  -Sigmund Freud


Live Life Quotes

56. I’ve always had a ‘Work hard, play hard’ attitude to life – I still do – but sometimes you get involved in something that needs a calm, methodical approach.

57. I never do anything half-heartedly.  I will continue to work hard and play hard and do everything I can to be successful, whatever I do.  -David Beckham

58. Work hard.  Play hard.  Be nice! -Katherine King

59. The thing about traveling is that you work hard and play hard, but you can do all those things without your parents knowing.  -Aaron Johnson

60. There is time to play . . .  and then there are times to work hard and get my fans an album.  -Justin Bieber  “Work hard play hard quotes”

61. My mindset, my mental game, and my hard work are at a first-round level.  I play at a first-round level.  I’ve done things that most guys haven’t done.  -Rahim Moore

62. Work hard, play hard, and be kind -One Direction

63. “I work hard, and I play hard, too.  There is nothing wrong with that. ” – Vijay Mallya

64. I’ve got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.  -Larry Bird

65. It’s hard to play well, but it’s easy to work hard.  -Kevin Durant

66. Honestly, I have had to live like a high priestess in this show.  It is a very, very lonely life.  When you work the way I work – that means hard – there’s no time for play.  -Ann Miller

More Work Hard Play Hard Quotes

67. The jobs crisis has reached a boiling point, which is why we see Occupy Wall Street protestors crying out for an America that lets all of us reach for the American Dream again – a dream that says if you work hard and play by the rules, you can have a good life and retire with dignity.  -John Garamendi

68. When you play, play hard; when you work, don’t play at all.  –Theodore Roosevelt

69. We work so hard as young artists to further our careers or improve our technique, sometimes it gets so easy to not actually go and see things like a play or a film.  I think the best way to get better is to see other actors do what they do well.  -Juliet Rylance

70. The world’s most successful entrepreneurs play hard, but they work even harder.  -Ben Parr

71. Work hard, play hard, dream big, love loads, laugh as much as you can, and give back.  -Deirdre O’Kane “Work hard play hard quotes”

72. For the vast majority of Americans who work hard and play by the rules, paying the bills may be hard some months, but it’s something we always do.  -Ami Bera

73. Now,” said Halt, “all I have to do is work out a way of beating these horse-riding devils. ”

74. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.  -Wayne Gretzky

75. “I dream it.  I work hard.  I grind till I own it.  I slay. ” – Beyonce

Hope these work hard play hard quotes inspires you to keep doing what you do well, because the end will pay off well. Do you find these quotes useful ? If yes, please like and share with friends and loved ones.

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