You are Not Alone Quotes for Self Courage

– You are Not Alone Quotes –

Have you ever felt like you were alone or your loved ones? These You’re not alone quotes can inspire you and enable you to communicate with your friends and loved ones. If we sense it from those we love and care we may enjoy the beauty of unity.

You are Not Alone Quotes

Make your loved ones and friends feel loved with these quotes, as you reach out to them. Also get motivated and know that people have got your back. Read On!

1. “Knowing that you’re not alone really does make all the difference in the world.” ― Normani Hamilton

2. “Connecting with others is rewarding; it makes us feel like we’re not alone in the world.” ― Jonah Berger

3. “People think being alone makes you lonely, but I don’t think that’s true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world.”- Kim Culbertson.

4. “Connecting with others is rewarding; it makes us feel like we’re not alone in the world.” – Jonah Berger

5. “Remember never to say that you are alone, for you are not alone; nay, God is within, and your genius is within.”- Epictetus.

6. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”- Shane Parrish.

7. “Friendship is the comfort of knowing that even when you feel alone. You aren’t.”

8. “Your angels are ALWAYS with you, every minute of every day. You are never alone. You are always loved and watched-over.” ― Doreen Virtue

9. “You exist. You are real. You are right. You are capable. You are valuable. You are not alone.” “you are not alone quotes”

10.“Little dove, tread carefully in your dreams. You are not alone in them. Others seek them too.” ― H.S. Crow

11.“You are never alone, not when you have friends. Learn from my stories and, through thick and thin, remember, if you have friends you are never alone. Rock.” – Kristen Ashley

12.“Down and out? You are not alone! Most people have gone through that process. Yet today, they are a success.” ― Gift Gugu Mona

Motivational You’re Not Alone Quotes

13. “If you are ever sad and think that life is hard, remember that you are not alone…” — Abbas Kazerooni

14. “So now, all alone or not, you gotta walk ahead. The thing to remember is if we’re all alone, then we’re all together in that too.”- Cecelia Ahern.

15. “You are not alone. God understands what you’re going through and has promised to be with you in every trial of life.”

16. No matter the challenges you are passing through today; always remember you are not alone. – Abdulazeez Henry Musa “you are not alone quotes”

17. “You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we’re far apart. You’re always in my heart.”

18. “Remember you are never really alone. Although it may feel like it for very long stretches of time.” — Steven L. Peck

19. Live your life, listen to your music way too loud, be crazy and as different as you want to be, and always remember you’re not alone.”- Andy Biersack.

20.“Knowing that you’re not alone really does make all the difference in the world.” — Normani Hamilton

21.“Friendship, if somebody holds out his hand toward you, you’ve got to reach and take it. There are too many people alone, and if you’re lucky enough for somebody to want you as a friend, it’s an obligation.”- Katharine Hepburn.

22.“I’m here. I love you. I don’t care if you need to stay up crying all night long, I will stay with you… There’s nothing you can ever do to lose my love. I will protect you until you die, and after your death, I will still protect you. I am stronger than Depression and I am braver than Loneliness and nothing will ever exhaust me.” — Elizabeth Gilbert

You’ve Got Friends

23.“There is nothing so moving – not even acts of love or hate – as the discovery that one is not alone.” — Robert Ardrey “you are not alone quotes”

24. “The thing I’ve noticed about life is that it just keeps coming at you. And it can be a real bummer. What you need to remember is that you’re not alone. You’ve got friends and family. That’s how we get by. We talk and share and eat cake and giggle in the dark, even when we’re scared – no, especially when we’re scared.” — Bill Condon

25.“God has promised that whatever you face, you are not alone. He knows your pain. He loves you. And He will bring you through the fire. ― Sheila Walsh

26. “You are not alone in this. But no one can move the mountains for you. Only you can control your future.”


27.“Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.”- Helen Keller.

28.“Don’t be afraid to feel what you’re feeling. Try to remember that you are not alone, you are very loved, very needed, and very special.” “you are not alone quotes”

Inspirational Quotes

29.“When you think you’re alone when you think there’s no one in this world who’ll stand up for you, look around and make sure you’re right. Friends can appear in the most unlikely people, and are often right in front of you.”- Richard Thornton.

30.“You can’t trust us to let you face trouble alone.” -J.R.R. Tolkien.

31.“Through the twist and turns of life, I find myself so grateful for my friends. Even though sometimes the days can seem so dark, and my heart can feel so hurt, I am never alone; my friends are beside me.”- Steve Maraboli.

32.“If you’re going through a dark period, remember that you’re not alone.” ― Demi Lovato

33.“You’re not going to have to face things just by yourself, you’re not going to have to face things all alone.”- Cruce Stark. “you are not alone quotes”

34.“I want you to know that you are not alone in your being alone.” — Stephen Fry

35.“The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.”- Lois Lowry.

36.“Do not feel lonely; the entire universe is inside you.” — Jalaluddin Rumi

37.“No one is ever alone and silence does not equate to defeat.”- Joan Ambu.

38.“Never say you are alone, for you are not alone, your God and your genius are within.” — Epictetus

39.“No human relation gives one possession to another – every two souls are absolutely different. In friendship or in love, the two side by side raise hands together to find what one cannot reach alone.”- Kahlil Gibran.

You are Loved

40.“I don’t cry because we’ve been separated by distance, and for a matter of years. Why? Because for as long as we share the same sky and breathe the same air, we’re still together.”- Donna Lynn Hope.

41.“Don’t ever lose hope. Even when life seems bleak and hopeless, know that you are not alone, you are loved.” ― Nancy Reagan

42.“Can miles truly separate you from friend? If you want to be with someone you love, aren’t you already there?”- Richard Bach. “you are not alone quotes”

43.“Remember…you are safe…you are surrounded by love…and you are never alone.” — Joellyn St. Pierre

44.“You are not alone. You are seen. I am with you. You are not alone.” ― Shonda Rhimes

45.“Loneliness is not lack of company, loneliness is lack of purpose.”- Guillermo Maldonado.

46.“Loneliness is my least favorite thing about life. The thing that I’m most worried about is just being alone without anybody to care for or someone who will care for me.”- Anne Hathaway.

47.“Just be true to yourself. Listen to your heart. The rest will follow. Everyone has problems. You aren’t alone.” ― Samantha Tonge

48.“Being alone does not mean being unhappy. The world is full of plenty of interesting and enjoyable things to do and people who can enrich your life.”- Michael Josephson.

49.“When I was alone. I looked to the sky. When I looked to the sky. I wasn’t alone.” — Abdul Bari Khalil “you are not alone quotes”

50.“Laughter, song, and dance create emotional and spiritual connection; they remind us of the one thing that truly matters when we are searching for comfort, celebration, inspiration, or healing: We are not alone.” — Brené Brown

51.“I am a part of all that I have met.” — Lord Tennyson

Positive Thoughts

52.“You are blessed, You are great. You are not alone. You are powerful.” ― Amit Ray

53.“It’s often just enough to be with someone. I don’t need to touch them. Not even talk. A feeling passes between you both. You’re not alone.” ― Marilyn Monroe

54.“When the others were picked up and walked home by friends or fathers or best friend’s sisters, I was the kid in a grey hoodie, walking with the poets, the singers, the thinkers, and I was not alone.” — Charlotte Eriksson

55.“Loneliness is like being the only person left alive in the universe, except that everyone else is still here.”- Simon Van Booy.

56.“Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” ― Helen Keller

57.“You’re not alone, and you never have been. I might not be here anymore, but you have people who care about you. Don’t allow your past to dictate your future. And always remember that I love you.” -Tamsyn Bester


Loving You’re Not Alone Quotes

58.“Friendship means never having to be alone, it means there’s a constant wall of solidarity even when everything else is crumbling around you. If he’s the crumble in your life, then I’ll be the damn wall!”- Emma Hart. “you are not alone quotes”

59.“Life is slippery. Here, take ]my hand.” — H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

60.“The sun loved me again when it saw that the stars would not abandon me.”- Jenim Dibie.

61.“Don’t feel alone, because there is always someone out there who loves you more than you can imagine.”- Anurag Prakash Ray.

62.“Don’t ever lose hope. Even when life seems bleak and hopeless, know that you are not alone.” — Nancy Reagan

63.“Just remember, you are not alone, in fact, you are in a very commonplace with millions of others. We need to help each other and keep striving to reach our goals.” — Mike Moreno

64.“Just knowing you’re not alone is often enough to kindle hope amid tragic circumstances.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich “you are not alone quotes”

65.“You are blessed, You are great. You are not alone. You are powerful.” — Amit Ray

66.“Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember her, you are not alone.” — Magica Quartet

67.“Connecting with others is rewarding; it makes us feel like we’re not alone in the world.”- Jonah Berger.

More You’re Not Alone Quotes

68.“If you are ever sad and think that life is hard, remember that you are not alone…” ― Abbas Kazerooni

69.“If you’re going through a dark period, remember that you’re not alone.” — Demi Lovato

70.“God has promised that whatever you face, you are not alone. He knows your pain. He loves you. And He will bring you through the fire.” – Sheila Walsh

71.“The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to.” — Carl Sandburg

72.“There is nothing so moving – not even acts of love or hate – as the discovery that one is not alone.” ― Robert Ardrey “you are not alone quotes”

73.“If I exist, then surely there must be someone else out there like me.”- Joyce Rachelle.

74.“Beyond drama and chaos, beyond anxiety and fear, lies a zone of endless peace and love. Let’s all take a very deep breath, slow down for just a moment and remember this. That alone will open the door…” — Marianne Williamson

75.“Don’t get so focused on where you’re going that you forget the people you’re travelling with. There’s no point reaching a destination if you arrive alone.”- Shaun David Hutchinson.

76.“So if you feel as if you feel too much, well then you are not alone. May these words find you like a friend.”- Jamie Tworkowski.

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