Quotes About Being Tired but Not Giving Up

Sometimes, life burns you with a big, hot flame. You feel exhausted, lose all your strength and have zero motivation to do anything. It’s just not worth it anymore, right? Well not exactly. What if I told you that giving up was one of the worst mistakes ever? That even if life sucks sometimes, there’s always a reason to keep going, which is the reason why the universe is still spinning.

There are indeed times when you feel tired and want to quit; the hardest thing is to continue. You get tired, you give up and it becomes a vicious cycle that can lead to more problems in life. Sometimes, when you are tired it’s because you are giving up on something.

However, many people have had to face these aspects of life, but they have been able to overcome them. We can be tired but we shouldn’t give up. Not giving up makes us stronger to face other phases of life.

Interestingly, here are some inspirational quotes about being tired but not giving up to help anyone get through this period.

Sometimes, when you’re tired, it’s tempting to give up. But that would be giving in to the exhaustion and laziness that have already been beaten into you by this lifestyle of work and activity. You can’t give up on your dreams just because you don’t feel like fighting against them.

1. Being tired is normal. Giving up is not. It’s tough to get through the day when you’re tired. Don’t give up on yourself.

2. Being tired and not giving up is just the way we were made. We all get tired, but if we want to make a change, it’s best to keep pushing through.

3. Being tired, but not giving up. It’s okay to get a little extra rest today. You can only be tired from giving up.

4. You may be tired, but you’re not giving up on life. And that’s what makes you strong.

5. Tired but not giving up. That’s what it takes to achieve your dreams and reach your goals.

6. I’m tired but I’m not giving up. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s okay to be tired, but it’s important to keep going.

7. We’re all a little bit tired, but that is no excuse not to keep on. Don’t let tiredness stop you. Be inspired to keep going, because you can always get through tomorrow.

8. You got this, friend. You are strong enough to see this through. Be the change you want to see in the world. I got up this morning, I worked hard all day. And now I’m tired, but not giving up.

9. I’m tired. But I will not give up. Don’t let the challenges of life discourage you. Even when you’re very tired, give it your all.

10. When you’re tired take some time to rest, you need it, but after a while stands up and continue your work, never give up because you are tired.

11. They say that when you’re tired your thoughts wander, but you never give up. That’s one thing I know for sure.

12. No matter how tired you are, never give up. It’s been a long day and you’re tired, but tomorrow is another day to get it done. Don’t give up now when you can still finish what you started.

13. Sometimes, it’s okay to sit back and be tired. Sometimes it’s okay to just let life roll on without trying to put things in order, but never let giving up be an option.

14. The most important thing is to keep going even when you’re tired. Sometimes we all need a reminder to stay strong and never give up on ourselves!

15. We all get tired, but we shouldn’t give up. What’s holding you back from moving forward? If you think you can do it, then do it!

16. When you’re tired, but you keep going. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. No matter how tired you are, no matter how hard it is, don’t give up.

17. When you’re tired, but you keep going. You will get there. Don’t let anything stop you from doing what you love. Even if it’s hard, don’t give up.

18. I’m tired of being tired, but I’m not going to give up. Being tired and feeling like giving up is not a reason to give up. It’s just proof that you’re trying.

19. You can’t be what you want to be until you become what you have been. So even if you’re tired, don’t give up. Keep going.

20. It’s easy to get tired and discouraged, but you’ve got to keep going, no matter what. Sometimes it takes energy to make a change, but it’s always worth it.

21. Sometimes it is hard to believe that there are people out there who really think and feel like we do. But if you keep going, keep believing, and don’t give up on yourself, you can achieve your full potential.

22. Being tired but not giving up. It’s a mindset that helps you push through, even when you’re tired and feel like you have no energy at all.

23. When you’re tired but not giving up, you may have just found your true north.

24. When you’re tired but not giving up, you will find a way to succeed.

25. If you are tired, but not giving up…you’re doing it right.

26. It’s okay to be tired and not want to go on but it’s never okay to give up.

27. Being tired doesn’t mean you should give up. It just means your body is telling you to rest and recover. Don’t listen to anyone that tells you to stop pushing yourself because of how tired you are.

28. Don’t ever give up. You will be tired, but push through it when you feel like quitting.

29. We all feel tired. But we can’t give up because of that feeling. We need to keep pushing on, even though it might be hard at times.

30. It’s ok to be tired and worn out. We all lose the battle sometimes. We all have tough times, but we can’t let fatigue become a reason to give up.

31. No matter how tired you are, no matter how hard it gets, don’t give up, keep going. You’ll get there. Sometimes it’s your body that is tired, but you still have to keep going.

32. We all feel tired. But we don’t have to give up on our dreams, goals, and ambitions. There is no such thing as an impossible situation if you’re willing to work towards it.

33. No matter how tired we are, we still have to keep going. We all have days when we just feel like giving up. But we always find a way to get through it. So, don’t give up. Keep pushing forward.

34. We all get tired. We all have days when we feel like quitting. We don’t have to though, because even when we feel like giving up, we just need to keep pushing through to make it happen.

35. Tired but not giving up, that’s the person who gets their dream job. Being tired doesn’t mean you’re weaker. It just means you haven’t given up yet.

36. You’re tired, but you haven’t given up. And that makes all the difference. You might be tired, but don’t stop. You have to keep pushing through.

37. I’m tired. My body hurts. My mind is exhausted. But I can’t give up. I’m going to keep going, just like you.”

38. Don’t be afraid to take a break, even if it feels like you’re giving up. It’s okay to get tired, but don’t be scared to keep going.

39. We’ve all been there and we’ve done that. Whether it’s being stuck at work, running out of a favourite meal or your exercise session, life can be tough. But it doesn’t mean you have to give up, persevere and fight back. You’re not alone

40. It’s okay to be tired. It’s important to recharge your batteries and go back to what you love when life gets hard. No matter how tired you are, keep on. Your work is never done.

41. Being tired doesn’t mean you have the right to give up. It means you have more energy to take another step forward.

42. When you’re feeling tired and worn out, but you know in your core that it’s worth it. You’ve got to keep going.

43. Being tired is normal and okay, giving up is not. We all get tired. But the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people are tired, but they keep going.

44. It’s okay to be tired, but don’t give up. Keep pushing and working toward your goal.

45. It’s not easy to feel tired and just give up, but if you stick with it, the stars will align and you’ll be successful

46. It’s okay to feel tired. And while you may be tempted to give up, remember that not giving up is more important than just getting through the day.

47. While you may feel tired, don’t give up. The longer you keep going, the better it is for your body, soul and mind.

48. No matter how tired we may be, we must not give up on our dreams. Even if you’re tired and want to give up, keep moving forward because every obstacle is a stepping stone.

49. The most effective tool to motivate us is the thought that we can do it even if we are tired. Finding the time to rest is just as important as finding the time to work.

50. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort and works to stay motivated, but when you keep pushing through, you’ll be amazed by what happens. It’s okay to be tired but don’t give up.

No matter how tired you are, never give up. You can’t make yourself feel better if you’re not happy with your life. The hardest part is not giving up on yourself when you get tired. Always push through and persevere. Keep going.

51. The stress of going to work and being tired but not giving up is not a good feeling. However, when you realize that you can still be productive, even when you are tired. It is an amazing feeling. You just have to keep pushing yourself.

52. Being tired is okay. Giving up is not. You’re tired, but you’re not giving up. The truth is, nothing good happens when you give up.

53. Monday morning can’t come soon enough, but it will. So get up and get ready for another week of work and school. You’re tired, but don’t let that stop you from getting what you deserve. The world needs you.

54. Get up. Don’t wait for the world to change around you. Be a part of the change. Just because you’re tired doesn’t mean you should give up. You’ve got this!

55. Just because you’re tired doesn’t mean you have to give up on your dreams. You will feel exhausted but you must keep moving forward.

56. I’m tired but I’m not giving up. I’m just going to go to sleep and get better from it. We can’t always be perfectionists, but we can always be ourselves.

57. We all have days when we’re just not feeling it. But we don’t give up when that happens, and neither should you.

58. Sometimes you just have to search deep down inside yourself and find that inner strength. No matter how tired you are, no matter how much you want to give up, keep going.

59. Being tired but not giving up, even if it is hard. That is the true power of a champion.

60. If you’re tired, but not giving up, you’ll make it. It’s not so much the hardship that makes me tired it’s the refusal to give up.

61. It’s not easy to stay up at night. But it’s even harder to get up in the morning. It’s okay to be tired and not give up. We’re never too old for a nap.

62. If you’re tired but not giving up, that’s a sign that you’re on track. Keep going.

63. Being tired but not giving up is a way of life. You’re not going to be able to run fast and far, but if you keep moving forward, you’ll get there.

64. The next time you’re tired but not giving up, think about this: Being tired isn’t a reason to give up. It’s just a sign that you need rest.

65. You feel tired, but you never give up. It’s always tomorrow that’s going to feel better.

66. Tired but not giving up. You are strong enough to start again, You are beautiful beyond measure, Your value is priceless.

67. As you get older, it’s important to remember there is a huge difference between being tired and giving up.

68. Don’t give up. Even if you’re tired and feel like quitting, push harder or you’ll regret it later on. Keep going because that’s the only way you can get there in the first place.

69. Being tired but not giving up is how we grow. So be encouraged and keep pushing through your hard times.

70. Tired but not giving up. That’s how you stay motivated when you’re working towards a goal, especially when you have no idea how it will turn out.

71. When you push all the way towards your biggest dreams, you will always be tired but never give up.

72. It’s okay to be tired, but you won’t get anywhere if you give up. You can only be tired and still keep going.

73. Nothing is more challenging than keeping on when you’re tired, nothing is harder than wearing down but never giving up.

74. No matter how tired you may feel, you still have the power to keep moving forward. You are stronger than your feelings of exhaustion

75. There are times when you just can’t be bothered. But that’s okay because it’s been said before: You’re not a quitter, you’re just tired.

76. Tired but not giving up. That’s the best way to win. When you see the world as it is, but feel like it could be better, that’s when you find true strength

77. When you’re tired but not giving up. That’s when you know you’ve made it. True power can only be found by turning your attention toward a positive, inspiring change on the horizon. Don’t give up on yourself and your dreams.

78. When you work hard and still feel tired, just remember that being a little bit weary is a good thing. You can do anything if you’re determined enough.

79. At times when you’re tired, it’s easy to give up, but you have to fight your way through. It’s not easy, but it’ll be worth it in the end

80. With the right mindset, you can conquer any challenge. Being tired but not giving up is the first step towards being a champion.

81. Being tired but not giving up is another way of saying we can do anything we put our minds to.

82. No matter what happens, keep going. Always look at the positive side of things. Being tired but not giving up, is the sign of someone who has their mind at rest.

83. We all feel tired sometimes, but it’s the feeling that counts. We won’t give up until we’ve tried everything.

84. We all get tired and worn out sometimes. But that’s just part of being human. We can’t give up and stop trying, no matter how tired we feel.

85. We are all tired, but so is the world. Today is just another day to rise above and make a difference in this world.

86. I’m tired, but I’m not giving up. Keep going! That’s what I tell myself every day. The best thing is to push through when you’re tired but remember not to give up.

87. No matter how tired you are, don’t let that stop you. You’ve got to keep on going no matter what. Work harder, be happier and live longer!

88. Don’t let your lack of energy keep you from achieving your goals. It’s time to start moving again. You can be tired but don’t give up. We’re all in this together. Don’t quit on yourself.

89. You’re never too tired to work hard and achieve your goals. Don’t give up. Keep pushing, keep working hard and never stop believing in yourself.

90. I’m tired but I’m not giving up. Let’s keep going strong and get better every day.

91. I’m tired but I’m not giving up. You can’t win if you don’t try. And that means working to keep your mind focused, even when it’s tiring.

92. Just get up, keep going and don’t give up. Hard work pays off. We’re still working hard and we’re not giving up.

93. Don’t let the day’s work overwhelm you. Go ahead and take a break, walk outside and appreciate the fresh air but never give up.

94. No matter how tired you are, just keep on going. Don’t give up. You’ve come so far and the only way you’re going to get better is if you keep pushing past your limits.

95. You have to be willing to push yourself when you feel like giving up, but if you keep going then it’s all worth it.

96. I’m tired, but I’m not giving up. I have the resilience and strength to get through the next few days.

97. You might be tired, but don’t give up. Hang in there. You have to keep pushing. There’s no shame in wanting a break, but if it’s been too long, then it’s time to push through and work even harder.

98. You’re allowed to get tired. You’re allowed to take breaks! But don’t let the side effects of fatigue stop you from doing what you love.

99. It’s hard to stay awake when you’re tired, but it’s so much harder to stay asleep when there’s something you want to do. You can be tired but don’t give up.

100. I know the road is long, but I am tired yet. I’m not giving up. I’m taking a break so I can get back to my health and fitness goals!

The truth is, we’ve all been there. We’ve all wanted to give up on our goals, dreams, and ambitions at some point. But the answer isn’t found in giving up, it’s found in pushing through the pain and discomfort of not being where you want to be yet. So quit giving up; just keep going.

I hope the quotes about being tired but not giving up inspire you and someone out there.

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