Quotes About Dad Being My Hero

Generally, our dads are expected to be our heroes considering the fatherly role played in the families. In most cases, these men take on all the responsibility of raising the family to ensure it fulfils its God-given purpose. To have a dad who is a hero is not an easy day-to-day task; it takes a whole lot of work and commitment to get this done.

If your dad happens to be one of such men wearing this cap, then express your joy and appreciation for the role he plays in your life using these quotes about dad being my hero.

My dad has always been my hero; he’s done so much for us and I can’t imagine life without him. I’m so lucky to have such a great and hardworking father in my life. Honestly, you are not just the best dad, you are my hero in shining armour.

1. I have a dad who makes me laugh and cares about me. He shows support for me in everything I do and is always there when I need help. He’s my hero and if you have a dad like that, you should be as lucky as I am!

2. I want to thank my dad for being my hero, letting me drive him crazy, and making me laugh every day of my life. Withstanding my excesses yet redirecting me toward the right path. You are indeed my hero, dad.

3. Dad is my hero. He’s funny, smart, and tough. He’s also a great dad. I would like to thank him for every thing he’s done, and all the times he never said a word.

4. My dad is my hero. He never gave up on my dreams and never stopped supporting me when I was down. I can’t even put into words how thankful I am for him.

5. My dad is my hero, strength, and biggest inspiration. He’s the best role model a person could ask for. He taught me many things about the world, and how to make it a better place.

6. When I faced the biggest challenge of my life, Dad was there for me. He’s the reason I have a voice and the drive to make it heard. Dad, you are my hero!

7. You taught me the most important lesson a father can teach his children. You’re always saying, “you are not alone in this world”—thank you for being my indispensable hero, dad!

8. Dad, you are the person who has been there for me through everything, your love and support have kept me going. I can’t imagine life without you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making it all possible. Thank you for being my hero, a hero that is better than many super heroes put together.

9. Dad is my hero because he always makes me feel like no matter what I do, he’ll always be there to help and guide me on the right path.

10. My dad is my hero. He does everything he can to keep me safe and make sure I’m happy. Thank you for being such a great guy!

11. My dad is my hero. He has never given up on me, despite the many challenges we have faced in our lives. He has always been there for me when I needed him most and remains so today. I love you, dad.

12. Dad has always been there for me and taught me the most important things in life. I can’t wait to always tell him how much he means to me and how much he helps me through. My hero is dad.

13. He’s always there to help and guide me; he inspires me to be the best person I can be, and always uplifts me when times get rough. You have always been my hero, you are my hero, and will ever be my hero.

14. My hero is my dad. He’s always there to listen and support me. He’s taught me so much about life and I wouldn’t be where I am today without him.

15. My dad’s the hero of my story. He’s a champion for what’s right and fights for what matters. I’ll always be thankful for all he does for me, my family and friends. Much more than all these, I am thankful to you for always being my hero.

16. I’m so grateful to have such a strong, loving dad—I can’t wait to grow up and be as good at being one. A hero you are and a hero you will always be.

17. My dad taught me that you’re never too old to tackle something new, which is why I love my job. Dad, you are my hero and my superhero you will always be to me.

18. My dad is my hero. He’s always been there for me and continues to be even when I don’t deserve it.

19. It’s true, my dad is my hero because he gave me all of his time, love, and attention. I’m forever grateful for all he taught me and the many lessons he still teaches me today.

20. My dad is my hero. He taught me how to be a good person, and that’s something I’ll always strive to be.

21. My dad is my hero because he taught me to be strong, brave, and never give up. He also helped me to stand up for what I believe in.

22. My dad is my hero. He taught me to work hard, fight for what I believe in, and always be a good person. He’s the reason I am where I am today.

23. There’s no greater feeling than seeing your dad be the hero you always knew he could be. Being a shield from the arrows of life, loving you without a second thought. The hero that beats every other superhero I have ever known.

24. If you’ve never believed in superheroes, my dad will convince you if I only introduce you to him.

25. Ever since I set foot in this world, my dad has carried me, and still does. My hero dad, you are stronger than any other hero.

26. You name it: a mechanic, a plumber, a landscaper, etc. Tell me now how much more heroic my father can become! You are my hero, dad.

27. My heroic dad usually shows up to save the day, whenever I find myself devastated. He assures me that I’m never alone and understands me better than anybody else. You are my hero dad

28. When I was growing up, I never had to look for a role model, because my hero dad has always been my one and only role model. You are the best dad ever. I love you, dad. You are my hero!

29. Superman couldn’t do what my heroic father does for my family for a day. He would run out of gas. My heroic father makes all the difference in the family. You are my hero, dad.

30. At the end of the day, my dad is my hero. He’s always there to pick up the pieces, when I mess up and he’s always been there to lift me when I’ve needed it.

31. My dad is my hero. He’s always been a great man, helping me build my character and showing me how to be the best person I can be.

32. There’s a lot of pressure to be the best daughter — but there’s no one who can make me happier than my dad. He’s my hero.

33. There’s a lot I’m grateful for; I’m so blessed to have a dad like you. Thank you dad! You are my hero.

34. I am my father’s son. He has been my hero and my greatest teacher, and I am the greatest version of myself because of him. My hero is my dad.

35. Dads are the ones who have always known how to live in the moment and make everything better. He is my hero and my special one.

36. They say the world is a better place because of you. I know it’s true because I’m a much better person with you by my side. Dad, you are my hero!

37. There is no greater joy than to see your child grow into the wonderful person they are today. I never take you for granted, dad. Thank you for always being my hero!

38. You are the best thing about having a dad. Thank you for being my hero and always being there when I need you!

39. Dad, thank you so much for everything you do. You are my hero and always there when I need you.

40. Thank you for everything you do and sacrifice for us. Thank you for being my hero. You’re my hero and always will be.

41. Thank you dad for being my hero. I’m so lucky to have a dad like you, who shows me how important it is to make the world a better place.

42. My dad is my hero, and I know that doesn’t mean much to you, but it means a lot to me. I love him more than anything! Thank you for always being my hero.

43. My gratitude cannot be adequately expressed. You are the best dad and I’m so thankful to have you in my life. You have done all to ensure the best of life for me. Thank you for always being my hero, dad!

44. When your dad is a superhero, you don’t care if he can fly. Because he’s your hero, and that’s all that matters. Thank you for always being my hero, dad.

45. We can’t do this without you. Thank you for all your support, encouragement, and hard work! You are the best dad, my hero, and special one. Thank you for always being my hero.

46. My dad is my hero because he was there for me, even when I was weak. My dad is my hero and I’m honored to be his daughter.

47. My dad is my hero. He’s always taught me to be strong, smart, and most importantly, kind. I won’t be able to do half of what I do without my dad’s love. He is truly my hero.

48. My dad is my hero. He’s always been there when I needed him the most. He’s the one person who truly loves me for me and makes me feel like I can do anything in this world.

49. My dad is the strongest person I know. He’s been there for me through everything and helped me get to where I am today, and I wouldn’t be who I am without him. He is the hero in my story.

50. I want to be the best daughter I can be. You taught me everything I know, and you’ve always been a hero to me, and I’ll never stop being grateful for that. Thank you for always being there for me against the villains’ of my time. You are the real hero.

Hope this collection of quotes about dad being my hero inspired you to feel more elated and blessed to have such a dad who is a hero in shining armour. Please share your opinions on these quotes about dad being my hero in the comments box below. Thank you for reading, and before you leave, please forward them to your loved ones.

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