Quotes About Feeling Guilty for Hurting Someone

It’s natural to feel guilty when you’ve hurt someone. Guilt is an emotion that occurs when you think about the things you’ve done wrong. It can leave you with a bad feeling and make you feel like you’re a bad person.

Most people have some guilt, but some people have more than others. Some people find it hard to forgive themselves for their mistakes, which can make them feel worse.

The first step to working through your feelings of guilt is to accept that they’re normal and natural — not just for you but for everyone. When something bad happens and we’re responsible for it, we’re bound to feel bad about ourselves.

Also, take responsibility for your actions or words and then move on from there. You might be tempted to try apologizing again and again but by doing so, you allow yourself to become a victim of your own guilt rather than being able to move forward.

Having said that, here are some quotes about feeling guilty for hurting someone. Hopefully, they will help make things a little easier for you.

Feeling guilty about hurting someone is very normal. And in fact, it is necessary for your humanity. You should feel deep remorse and empathy for someone you hurt. It is the only way you can reach out to seek forgiveness.

1. Guilt is a terrible feeling especially when you’re the one who feels guilty because of something you did. We should all feel guilty for hurting one another because sometimes we just can’t help ourselves.

2. The worst thing you can do if you’re feeling guilty for hurting someone is to pretend like nothing happened. You can’t go back in time, but you can repair your relationship with the other person and learn from your mistake.

3. When you hurt someone you love, there’s nothing quite as humbling as feeling guilty. It’s okay to be human and make mistakes – but remember that the best way to show someone you care about them is by being there for them when they need you.

4. When you hurt someone you care about, it hurts you more than them. The feeling of guilt is incomparable.

5. You feel guilty for hurting someone – that’s normal. The best thing you can do is forgive yourself and move forward in a healthy way.

6. So many of us fall into the trap of feeling guilty after hurting someone. But guilt won’t help heal your wounds. Go ahead and feel bad, but then move on.

7. There’s nothing wrong with feeling guilty for hurting someone. The guilt is usually a good sign that you care about them.

8. We all need to feel guilty sometimes. Guilt can be a good thing if it signifies an attempt to change behaviour and better the world around us. It’s important to remember that guilt is not the same as shame.

9. Don’t feel guilty for hurting someone, because you are only human. We’re all capable of doing things that we regret. However, you can change the way you see things by taking responsibility for your words and actions. Always apologize and learn from your mistakes.

10. We all make mistakes, and if you’re feeling hurt because of one that you made, it’s okay. It’s a part of being human. Sometimes the best thing we can do is let it go and move on.

11. It’s okay to feel guilty about hurting someone. But don’t stay silent. Be brave and own up to it.

12. When you hurt someone, you feel bad—whether it’s intentional or not. You might even feel guilty about the pain you caused.

13. Don’t worry about who’s hurt and what they’ve done. Worry about yourself. Make sure you’re doing all you can to make sure you don’t hurt anyone else in the process. It’s better to be wrong and let them down than it is to be right and crush them.

14. It’s ok to feel guilty for hurting someone, it’s just that bad.

15. The best thing to do when you feel guilty for hurting someone is to make it up to them. Don’t brush it under the rug.

16. It’s easy to feel guilty for hurting someone, but guilt is not always the right feeling. It’s an emotion that leads us in the wrong direction.

17. It’s ok to feel guilty for hurting someone, it’s just that you shouldn’t let guilt hold you back.

18. You’re going to feel guilty for hurting someone, and that’s ok. What you do after is so much more important.

19. The best thing to do when you make a mistake that hurts someone is to own up to it. Don’t pretend it didn’t happen or try to make it go away by ignoring it.

20. You shouldn’t feel bad for feeling guilty. In fact, guilt is a sign that you care about the person and want them to be happy.

21. When you hurt someone, instead of wallowing in guilt, the best thing to do is apologize. It’s only right, and it’ll make you feel better too.

22. Feeling guilty for hurting someone is like feeling guilty for breathing. It’s not your fault, it’s just life. So let it be and move on.

23. We’re not perfect. We have flaws, and sometimes we hurt people. But we can change, learn and make amends. If you wish to see a change, show it through your actions, not just words.

24. Knowing that you hurt someone doesn’t feel good. It is really devastating, especially when they have done nothing to deserve it.

25. Guilt is one of the most common emotions that people have. We all have times in our lives when we wished we didn’t hurt someone as much as we did.

26. The only real sin is self-sabotage. Forgive yourself and move on.

27. No matter what mistakes we’ve made or what people we’ve hurt, the ability to feel remorse is a rare quality.

28. If you’re feeling guilty, don’t worry. Feeling guilty is a natural response to situations that make us feel bad.

29. It’s human to feel guilty for hurting someone and it isn’t wrong.

30. We all make mistakes. It’s a part of life and a way to learn from them. Don’t beat yourself up if you’ve hurt someone in your past that doesn’t deserve it.

31. We all make mistakes and hurt people. But how we feel afterwards is an indication of who we are.

32. Everyone makes mistakes in life. Don’t be so hard on yourself if you’ve hurt someone and they didn’t deserve it.

33. Even if it was an innocent mistake, sometimes we still feel guilty for what we’ve done.

34. Sometimes there’s no way to make it up to someone, and you just have to accept the fact that you’ve damaged that relationship and move on.

35. We all stumble sometimes. We make mistakes. We hurt people even when we don’t mean to. But you are not your mistakes – and you can choose how much you let them define you.

36. When you see someone you love suffering because of you, it can be incredibly difficult to feel anything other than pain. The guilt is unimaginable. However, understanding that the world is not a place where everyone can be happy all of the time is crucial to moving forward in life.

37. It’s not your fault that you made a mistake. It’s not your fault that you were never taught how to forgive. And it’s not your fault that you are feeling guilty about not forgiving yourself. But the time has come for you to stop punishing yourself and start forgiving yourself instead.

38. I am feeling guilty for hurting you, but I am struggling to forgive myself.

39. Feeling guilty is an incredibly common feeling. Since we are all human, guilt affects everyone at some point in their life.

40. You feel guilty because you hurt someone; it is normal. But don’t let it overwhelm you.

41. I am so guilty of hurting others. I’m so sorry if I made you cry, but it’s just that I care so much. You’re my family and my life.

42. You’ve done your best. You’ve tried to live a good life. You mean well, and as hard as it is to forgive yourself sometimes, you’ll just have to learn how.

43. We all make mistakes. Don’t be hard on yourself for hurting someone you care about.

44. You’ve got to feel guilty for hurting someone else, but you can’t feel guilty for feeling hurt.‎

45. When you feel guilty for hurting someone, know that it’s not their fault, but your own. You need to learn to forgive and move on.

46. I was once guilty of hurting someone and it took me a long time to understand that I had hurt them because I was trying to be strong. But now I know I don’t need to – not to people who love me.

47. We all do things that hurt people and we can’t help it. But if you let them know how sorry you are, they will forgive you.

48. We all have moments where we hurt others. Life is complicated and it’s no secret that the world isn’t perfect, but we can still do the right thing and make amends.

49. We all make mistakes. We all hurt people. But it’s never too late to apologize, learn from it and try to be a better person.

50. You can never get it back … but you can learn from it to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

51. We all make mistakes. We all hurt people. But it’s never too late to apologize, learn from it and try to be a better person.

52. When you feel guilty for hurting someone, you are lying to yourself. Don’t do it. We’re all on this journey together.

53. A lot of people feel guilty for hurting other people, but this is the wrong way to think. It’s okay to be selfish sometimes. But when you hurt someone it’s important to let them know why and what you did wrong.

54. Feeling guilty for hurting someone is never the answer. Feeling bad about hurting someone won’t make things better but feeling bad about how you are treating them well.

55. It’s easy to feel guilty for hurting someone. It’s much harder to build a relationship that works through tough times.

56. Guilt is an emotion that we experience when we feel bad about hurting someone. If you feel guilty for hurting someone, it means you care about them a lot and that you don’t want to hurt their feelings.

57. You should feel guilty for hurting someone who trusted you; it is normal and expected.

58. No matter how hard you try to help someone, it’s never enough. And sometimes, the guilt is overwhelming.

59. Feeling guilty for hurting someone, or telling them how you feel is like a jar of mayo – it’s fine if it’s on your sandwich, but don’t put it on your salad.

60. Don’t feel guilty for hurting someone if you need to stand up for yourself.

61. Feeling guilty for doing something that someone else didn’t want you to do may seem like a small thing but it’s actually a huge problem that can cause a lot of problems.

62. If you hurt someone, you have to live with that. We make mistakes and can learn from our mistakes. If you feel bad about anything, apologize and move on.

63. It’s normal to feel like you can’t forgive yourself for hurting someone. The best thing to do is forgive yourself and move on in a healthy way.

64. It’s easy to feel guilty for hurting someone when you know it’s your responsibility. It’s much more difficult to make an honest effort toward repair and looking after the other person.

65. If you accuse yourself of hurting someone, then you feel guilty. But don’t stay there, forgive yourself and move forward in a positive way.

66. The most important thing you can do is forgive yourself. If you only forgive others and not yourself, it’s like saying you don’t deserve to be forgiven.

67. When you hurt somebody you love, it’s easy to feel guilty. But when you don’t do something to keep them safe, sometimes your guilt feels like a burden and weighs you down.

68. When I hurt someone, I feel guilty. When I make a mistake, I feel bad. But when I apologize and do what is best for everyone involved, it seems effortless.

69. Guilt is a form of fear. So when you feel guilty, remind yourself that feeling guilty only means you’re afraid you’ve hurt someone unintentionally. And once you realize that, then everything will be fine.

70. You can’t apologize for being a human and making a mistake but you should apologize for hurting someone.

71. Hurting someone can be so hard, we worry about how we would feel if someone were to hurt us. But that doesn’t mean we have to hurt others as well.

72. Guilt is a trap that we all have to deal with. Sometimes the guilt trip will get us down, but if you look at it from a different perspective it can actually be a good thing because it’s teaching us and helping us grow.

73. It’s ok to feel guilty for hurting someone, it’s just that guilt is the result of an action you took.

74. It’s ok to feel sad or guilty because if you keep yourself from feeling those emotions, it can be just as destructive as the pain that makes you feel them.

75. It’s ok to feel guilty, we all do. It’s bad to keep ourselves away from people that we care about because we hurt them. We should not do that either.

76. It’s perfectly normal to feel guilty when you realize that you’ve hurt someone. Throwing your arms around them and telling them how sorry you are is an excellent way to help make it up to them.

77. We all hurt people, intentionally or not. But sometimes we don’t realize how much our actions hurt others until we feel guilty about it. That’s why guilt can be a good thing.

78. Guilt comes with the territory. Whether it’s a death, a breakup, or a misspent youth – we all have regrets.

79. It feels like a hole in your heart when you realise that you’ve hurt someone. But it’s important to face it. Even though you can’t undo what you did, you have to be the bigger person and make amends. There is no way around it. So make sure you apologise and seek forgiveness.

80. Sometimes, we stuff our guilt too deeply down to feel it. That’s OK. We all do it sometimes. The more important question is what are you going to do about it?

81. Don’t push the guilt away just hope it goes away.

82. I hate hurting people. I hate making mistakes. I just hate apologizing and making excuses to everyone involved.

83. Feeling guilty means you don’t want to hurt someone. So when you feel guilty, remind yourself that it’s because you care about others. And that means everything is fine.

84. You’re only feeling guilty because you care. When someone means a lot to you and they get hurt, your own guilt is a painful reminder of how much you care about them.

85. Guilt is the feeling that you’ve let someone down. So instead of feeling guilty all the time, just pick up the phone and call them.

86. We can never undo the harm that was done to another person. But we can make it right, if possible.

87. There’s a time and place for everything. When you hurt someone, take into account that they may be in pain over the whole situation and give them time to heal.

88. Guilt is a unique experience. It feels like your heart is being ripped out, and then put back and re-secured in some other place.

89. Guilt is a waste of time and energy. It’s not productive, doesn’t help anyone, and it doesn’t get us anywhere.

90. When you hurt someone, a part of you dies. Take care of yourself first.

91. Are you guilty of hurting others? Or do you beat yourself up for making mistakes, because you feel like no one else does? Maybe it’s time to stop feeling guilty, and start being honest with yourself and with others.

92. I’m sorry for the way I hurt you but I hope you can forgive me.

93. I’m sorry I hurt you, even though there’s nothing I can do now to take back what has happened. In fact, I can’t stop thinking about it. I know you must be feeling awful right now, but know that it hurts me too.

94. There’s nothing wrong with feeling guilty. It’s important to remember that it’s not your fault, and you aren’t alone in feeling guilty.

95. We all make mistakes and hurt people. It’s part of being human, so let us make amends and move on when it happens.

96. It’s not your fault that you made a mistake, and it’s not your fault that you were never taught how to forgive. It will take time, but there’s no need to feel guilty about that.

97. I feel guilty that I hurt someone who was in need.

98. We’re not perfect, we have flaws and sometimes we hurt people. But if you wish to see a change, show it through your actions, not just words.

99. In the past we’ve made some serious mistakes. Sometimes, we’ve hurt or offended people without realizing it.

100. I don’t want to feel guilty when I hurt someone’s feelings.

101. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. It makes me sad when I do that.

102. I hate it when my actions cause pain to the people I care about.

103. How do you feel when you hurt someone, who just wants to be happy? We think it’s a little bit of guilt.

105. We’ve made mistakes before. It’s no secret. Sometimes we make mistakes and don’t even realize it. Sometimes, we hurt or offend people without realizing it.

106. The truth is that, no matter how hard we try, it’s impossible to not hurt someone. We can’t change this reality.

107. We know we don’t always get it right. Sometimes, we’ve hurt or offended people without even realizing it. We should show remorse and apologize.

Now that we have shown you some quotes about feeling guilty for hurting someone, let us know how you deal with guilt after hurting someone. Leave a comment below.

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