Quotes About Moving on and Being Happy

It is very easy to get stuck in a rut when you are grieving. You may be grieving over the loss of a loved one, or a breakup, or even a job. The pain can be so intense that it becomes almost impossible to see beyond it. But you need to move on with your life.

You have been hurt. You have been betrayed. You are sad, angry and confused. But the time has come to move on and rebuild your life. It’s okay to feel happy again. It’s not easy, but it’s possible if you want it bad enough. You just have to believe in yourself, believe that you deserve to be happy, and believe that you are capable of being happy again. It takes time, but with enough determination and patience, you will get there!

You don’t have to be defined by your past experiences. You don’t have to hold onto the pain, the hurt, and the sadness that comes with it all. No matter how bad or good situations are, life will always continue to move on and will not ask permission from anybody. Hence, it’s wise to learn from the lessons of life and be better in your next move! Here are the best quotes about moving on and being happy that will encourage you in your journey to happiness.

When your happiness is dependent on someone and without that person, you cannot be fully said to be happy, then, you are not totally free. It signals the option of moving on and finding peace within yourself and being yourself.

1. The only way to truly move on from a breakup, is to do so. You need to take that first step and start the process of moving on and finding happiness.

2. Nobody can tell you when it’s enough. So don’t hang around on things that already happened. Express your happiness because being happy is crucial to your survival.

3. Nothing should be able to stop you on your way to success, not even your past disappointments. Move on with your life and be happy.

4. You must understand when to separate the lessons of the past from the hurt it brings to us. Move on and be happy.

5. There is nobody that succeeds with the burdens of yesterday. Move and be happy with your life.

6. Take life one step at a time. Don’t be held down by the failures of the past. Be happy as you move on.

7. When it seems life kicks you hard, rise again, move on and be happy.

8. You can never be the best if you keep facing the back because the race of life is never backwards but forward. So, move on and be happy.

9. It’s not easy to move on after a breakup. But you will feel better sooner or later if you’re happy with who you are and what you’ve done. You just have to keep going!

10. You want to leave a legacy that fulfils your potential? You want to be a happy person when you die? You want to live the meaning of life in one lifetime? Then, it’s time to move on and be happy.

11. There is a common misconception that the rich or celebrities are special or gifted in some way. The truth is, they are just like you. Some of them might be born into it, but most of them worked hard for it. They were not given anything.

12. It’s time to move on from the past. Being happy doesn’t mean ignoring reality, but moving forward with courage.

13. When you hit a rock in your life, then, it’s time to re-strategize and move on from the upset. The rich and famous are just like you and me. They worked hard to get where they are, they worked hard to continue to push forward and they will continue to work hard.

14. The happiest people on earth are just like you and me. They started with nothing and worked to achieve everything they have today. They leave aside the ugly things and move on with their lives. Be happy too.

15. Regardless of where you begin, what you need to do is the same: work hard and learn from your mistakes.

16. If you let it, every day can be the start of something incredible. Don’t postpone your goals until tomorrow. Make the effort to start enjoying life today.

17. Believe in yourself. You are capable of so much more than you think. Don’t put your goals off until tomorrow. Make the effort to take a step now, and get closer to what you want. Do not live in the regret of yesterday.

18. When you carry all the burdens of the past into your present, then, you will be too weary to take on the challenge of today. Don’t allow your dreams to become just that. Make the effort to take a step now and you will find yourself closer to what you want.

19. Being happy is the dosage of energy you need to face the battle of tomorrow. Get inspired by this quote. You can do anything you want if you believe in yourself. The hard work will pay off eventually.

20. The future is bright. You have what it takes to succeed. All you need to do is go out and get it. People tend to stumble over the same old excuses. When you’re trying to achieve your goals, tell yourself you can do it and make progress one small step at a time.

21. Move on. Do something new. Learn about who you are and what you want to be. Be happy and have a good time!

22. Let go of the past and embrace today. Move on, Live your life and be Happy!

23. Life is a gift, don’t waste it. Start something today. We live in an exciting age where your imagination can become reality. The only thing that stands between you and your wildest dreams in action.

24. When it comes to moving on, don’t let yourself be held back by the past. Be happy every day, because if you’re not happy today, you’re going to be even happier tomorrow!

25. We all have the ability to be happy if we just choose not to let other people’s opinions determine how we feel about ourselves. We don’t need anyone else telling us what makes us happy because what makes us happy may not make us happy or vice versa.

26. When you’re moving on, you need to know that life will go on and all your friends will be around.

27. Moving on is not about giving up or forgetting the past, it’s about learning from it and making the best of whatever comes next. Take life one day at a time, take no worries to heart and smile because tomorrow is another day that you can make it better. Go do what makes you happy.

28. You should go do what makes you happy. There is only one way to be happy. Moving forward.

29. Life is short. If you are not happy, then do what makes you happy. Either make your days count or don’t even bother going to work every day. Life is short, enjoy it. Move on from your past and be happy.

30. The happiest person in the world is the one who is doing something they love. It’s time to let go of the past and embrace a brighter future.

31. Take chances, be kind, do what makes you happy and stay positive. Stop dwelling on the events of the past, and move on. What’s the point of living if you’re not doing what you love? It’s a question that faces us all at one point or another- especially when we’re walking through moments of uncertainty.

32. Life is a journey that you should enjoy. Live it to the fullest, surround yourself with people who love and care for you, laugh as often and as much as you can and make sure to live each day as it comes. Besides that, try to be happy with what you’re doing, because after all – life is what you make of it.

33. Life is too short to do something you don’t love. So spend your life doing things that excite you. You don’t want to be the person who wonders ‘what if’. So make sure the things you do are the things that you love and that make you happy.

34. Don’t pass up on your dreams. Don’t get left behind. Make sure that the things you do are the things that you love and that make you happy. Don’t let life pass you by, do what you love and live your life.

35. You are not what you do, you are who you are. So find something that excites you, and never stop on the way to achieving your dreams. Life is short. Don’t spend it doing something you hate.

36. Don’t let the limits of your imagination be the limits of your life story. Take the time to do what you always dreamed of but never tried. People spend a lot of time daydreaming. Don’t let that become your life.

37. Set your sights to the future. Focus on the things you want, not the things you’re leaving behind. There are new opportunities waiting to be discovered in this city. You’re just beginning, waiting for a fresh start is no longer an option.

38. Do more. Travel further. Discover better. Create more. We’ll help you find your wings and soar through life. To find a future, look to the stars.

39. The start of a new year is the perfect time to look forward to what the future holds. Now that you’ve made some new resolutions and set some goals, it’s time to put them into action. This year, commit yourself to take the next step in your dream, whatever that may be.

40. Another day, another dollar. The hustle doesn’t stop. And it never will. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned veteran, Grind delivers the tools and advice you need to win in business and in life.

41. Moving on is not easy. But if you want to continue living, you will have to. The past can be a drag, so let it go. Your life is yours to live! If you want something you’ve never had, then you have to do something you’ve never done.

42. Never give up even if it breaks your heart. There are many reasons to move on. But don’t forget the reasons that made you stay.

43. Never give up, no matter how hard life gets. Even if it breaks your heart to move on. You may find a lot of reasons to move on but never forget the reasons that made you stay in the first place.

44. Learn to let go and move on. Just because a person is gone, doesn’t mean they have stopped loving you. Be happy that you’ve learned not to dwell on the past.

45. Find motivation to overcome obstacles and move forward. Stay motivated and inspired to overcome obstacles and move forward. Whether it is a new year or a fresh start, we will inspire you to succeed.

46. Whatever you’re going through, remember to keep your chin up and your mind strong. Every success story begins with a vision and hard work. Show your resilience by taking the first step to achieving your goals and finding your passion.

47. Every success story begins with a vision and hard work. With the help of goal setting, you can focus on what’s important to you and achieve your dreams faster. Take the first step to finding your passion. The road to success is paved with persistence, dedication and passion.

48. Are you ready for your story? Let’s get started. Choose today to start making your dreams come true. Work hard, work hard, work hard. Be happy and joyful always.

49. Where are we going? The future, that’s where. And guess what? We’re all going to be there. We’re headed there right now and so should you. The future is coming… and there’s no way to stop it. Are you ready for the next wave of change?

50. Do you want to be in the future? Do you want to reach your destination? Look around you. Everything is changing; everything is fast-paced. Change is inevitable. Imagination is the key to survival.

51. No matter what happens in your life, there’s space in the future. So, walk and full up the space leaving the past behind. There is no time to waste.

52. Now is the right time to start. Don’t let fear stop you. The future is now, and all of your dreams are possible. You are invited to chase your creativity and work alongside the biggest names in fashion, design, and entertainment.

53. When you feel like everything is falling apart and there is nothing that can be done, remember that EVERYTHING CHANGES. All change has a reason, and to make the best of it, you can learn from it.

54. Change happens, whether you like it or not. Take a look around and you’ll see changes in technology, industries, and even the way we live today. You are your own masterpiece. Chase your dreams and be the artist of your life. Move on with your life and be happy.

55. It’s time to think about your future and what you’ll be doing when you get there. Don’t worry, it’s not that far away. How will you be ready when we get there? That’s the question we all need answered. Everyone has to answer that question. It’s time you thought about it too.

56. It’s never too late to move on. Are you ready for what is coming? You should be. Don’t wait for the market to peak and crash before you decide to get something in place. Before it’s too late. It’s easy to start something now, If you’re not sure how to do it, we can help. Today.

57. The past is congested. The future has room for everyone. How do you prepare yourself for the road ahead? It’s a question we never want to ask ourselves, but our lives depend on it. It’s time to get ready because when it happens, you’ll need to be ready.

58. You may not have succeeded in the past, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do that in the future. Move on and be happy. Be ready for when the change comes. To be ready, you need to learn. Keep learning, and keep asking the question “how”.

59. You can’t get ready for tomorrow if you don’t plan for it today. Where are you going in life? If you’re not there yet, you can still get there. I’m a living example of that. Remember, the potential is boundless. Don’t rob yourself of a better future.

60. You can’t live forever in the past and you have to move on. You’ve done everything you can to make it work, but now it’s time to move on and be happy.

61. Don’t dwell on the past. Don’t be afraid to leave the past behind, focus on the future.

62. The past is in the past. It cannot be changed, and dwelling on it is not going to make your future any better. Furthermore, not living your life in the past means that you are more likely to take risks and live life to the fullest.

63. You can live a lot longer if you don’t give up. Life is not a dress rehearsal. You get one shot so make things happen. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

64. You may say the grass is greener on the other side, but it’s only so you can water it. Happiness is an attitude, find yours.

65. Always pursue your dreams. Never quit on yourself. Every failure, obstacle and heartache builds strength, resilience, and determination to never give up and always move forward.

66. Adapt or die, those are your choices. Find happiness wherever you go. We all want to be happy in our life. Find happiness whenever you go in your life. Thousands of people have found happiness when they decided to move on.

67. It doesn’t matter where you are right now. Find the happiness that got away, and live wherever you are with a positive outlook on life. With a positive attitude and a good sense of humour, you will find the happiness that got away.

68. It doesn’t matter where you are right now. Take a moment to realize all the wonderful things in your life and find happiness despite your situation. Even when things get tough, success is only one decision away.

69. Whatever you’re going through in life, our minimalist escape pods can help. They can be used to relax and calm down, or to give you the fresh perspective you need on any situation.

70. The secret to happiness is not what you have in your life right now, but how you choose to live in this moment.

71. Although life can be demanding, don’t let it get you down. Smile and envision your life as a colourful tapestry of experiences.

72. Be the ultimate source of your motivation. Be committed to making positive changes in your life and achieving your goals.

73. Whatever you do, wherever you go, always look on the bright side of life. Move on with your life and be happy.

74. Today you will be happy. That is a fact. The way you choose to view your circumstances is entirely up to you.

75. Do not let the past define you, decide who you are going to be from this moment forward.

76. Do not let the past rule your life. Look to your future, make it yours. Decide who you are going to be from this moment on.

77. Don’t let the negative past experiences in your life determine who you become. Decide that from this day forward, you will be capable, effective and more successful than you ever dreamed possible.

78. One thing is certain — you can’t live your life worrying about the past. You have to move on, be positive, and make the best decisions you can today.

79. You are the creator of your own future. You are born with unlimited potential and the ability to make dreams come true, but only if you live up to your full potential.

80. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. If you are not happy and you know it, then move away.

81. If you are happy and you know it, then stand up, raise your arms above your head, and clap your hands.

82. Imagine a life of freedom, flexibility, and purpose. Imagine a life where you are the captain of your own ship.

83. If you’re happy, then it’s important that you push forward. Find what makes you happy, and chase after it!

84. You just need to take action and put some key strategies into play.

85. They worked for what they have and will continue to work for what they have achieved and will achieve again. So, work hard and keep moving on in happiness.

86. They worked hard for everything they have and will continue to work hard to stay at the top. They move on with their lives and try to be happy all the time.

87. Just because they become rich, do not think that everything is handed to them on a silver plate. They earned everything by working harder than anyone else and by staying true to their beliefs.

88. You can achieve your goals if you believe in yourself. Start taking action towards your goals, and you will get closer to where you want to be.

89. We’re all capable of achieving great things. Start now by visualizing the finished product, then set goals, take action, and start making progress towards your goal!

90. The future is an open space for all possibilities, and the world needs innovators to chase their dreams. Let’s get started.

91. The world needs innovation more than ever before, and we encourage young minds to pursue their dreams and make the impossible a reality.

92. Imagination allows us to see beyond what is and step into new, uncharted space. There is no upper limit on innovation, there will always be space for the next big thing. Let’s go out and create.

93. Think of moving on as progress. It means you’re moving forward while everyone else is stuck in the same old routine. Let what happened go; move forward with your plans, dreams, and goals. Be happy with yourself.

94. It’s time to begin a new chapter. With joy, you should be moving forward leaving the past behind. This means everything to you! Don’t live with regrets. Instead, you’re moving on and living life to the fullest. And there’s no better time than right now to make your dreams come true.

95. Happiness is key to moving forward. You have the choice to live in regret or choose to move on, explore opportunities, and enjoy a more fulfilling life. This is the best time to make your dreams come true.

96. This is the time to make your dreams come true. Sometimes it can be hard to move on. Life is very short, time is flying and you have to work faster.

97. Being happy is not a condition; it’s a necessity to every life. Life is short. Time is flying. Don’t waste it being miserable and sad instead of working on the things that you love to do. Life is short, so make the most of it. Be bold. Be courageous. Don’t be afraid to experience new things.

98. So what’s the most important moment of your life? Today? Or right now? The present! Start working on your goals NOW. It is never too late to do what you want, where you want and with whom you want to make a change in your life. Be happy.

99. As long as you are breathing, it’s not too late to do what you want. The breath in our lives is not for sadness, but rather, happiness. Express it. Yes, it will be hard. Yes, you’ll have to work for it. But that’s the whole point – because success, achievement and happiness never come easy.

100. As long as you are breathing, it’s not too late to do what you want. Some say dreams are just a waste of time. But they’re wrong. So get out there and fulfil your dreams. As long as you keep trying and don’t give up. You can achieve anything you want. Stay happy and keep moving.

Moving on and being happy is not easy, you have to really fight for it. Aside from that, you have to realize that life still goes on no matter what you feel.

There are many things in life that we need to experience first before we can move on and these quotes about moving on and being happy are always here for you when in need of something relatable.

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