Quotes About Not Being Afraid to Love

Love is beautiful but it is also scary, especially when we’ve been hurt by the ones who swore to always make us happy. But you see, the strongest of people are those who have been hurt by love but yet, they are still courageous enough to open their hearts to love again.

So, if you can understand how we stay loving despite the challenges and heartbreak, if you are a hopeless romantic, and if you think love is the greatest thing ever, this post is for you. To not love is to not live and to live is to love.

It takes energy, strength and persistence to love someone, and the hurts in it are unavoidable. But since you have chosen the way of love, I have brought together a beautiful list of quotes about not being afraid to love just for you.

Love is the strength that makes you not give up on others. It is what makes you keep putting your heart out there even when situations around you, experiences you’ve had, are telling you to be afraid to love.

1. Don’t be afraid of love. Love is worth the risk.

2. Never close your heart to love. You never know when it might appear and fill your life with joy and peace.

3. Love is a good thing, it is not something to be feared. Be open always.

4. Love is everything people say it is, that’s why it is so controversial. It is worth fighting for, being brave for, and risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.

5. The path to true love never did run smooth. But thank goodness there are still people who walk that path.

6. Falling in love is like jumping off a tall building. Your brain tells you it is not safe, but your heart tells you, you can fly, and you fly.

7. Don’t be afraid to fall in love again. There is always an opportunity to grow and repair your mistakes.

8. You will never know real happiness until you have truly loved and you will never understand what pain is until you have lost it.

9. Don’t let fear stand in the way of love. Love is worth the risk, else everyone would be lonely and alone.

10. Love is not something to be feared, but something to be embraced.

11. Love is worth it. You are worthy of love, and love can give your life meaning.

12. At the end of the day, when you reflect on your life, you’ll be glad you took the chance. You’ll never regret loving someone with your whole heart.

13. Don’t be afraid to love with all of your heart. We live, we love and we laugh; that is our purpose.

14. The best feeling in the world is falling in love. You are willing to try new things and take risks. You can see a future when there didn’t seem to be one before.

15. Don’t give up on love. It’s worth the risk. Even the stars are calling out to you to join the love train.

16. Love is the most powerful emotion in the world. It moves mountains and changes lives. Love is something everyone should experience, not something to be scared of.

17. When you fall in love, your brain might be telling you that it is dangerous, but your heart sees nothing as impossible.

18. Don’t fear love. The love you give is returned. It’s an investment in yourself worth taking.

19. The reality is that love shouldn’t be feared, but rather embraced as it brings great benefits to your life.

20. If it seems scary, then it probably means you should do it. You need to trust yourself and go for it.

21. If you love someone, don’t be afraid of how it could hurt or end. Take that risk, fall hard and don’t look back. You both may just find something special.

22. The best things in life are not always the easiest. Love is something worth fighting for. Don’t ever be afraid to fall in love.

23. Falling in love is like conquering your fear. So, listen to your heart that’s telling you to leap.

24. Love is a big risk. Don’t be afraid to take it.

25. Are you looking for love? Don’t let love pass you by. Put yourself out there. You can find the one for you.

26. Fear is a natural response to something big and that’s worth it. That’s why we feel it when we fall in love; love is the biggest feeling in the universe. It endures forever.

27. Love is not just a good thing. It’s everything. Love is the only thing that makes life worth living. When you love someone, you feel alive and whole. When you’re loved by someone, you are special and valuable.

28. To love is to risk feeling pain. The more you love, the more you feel. True love is knowing, that no matter how far apart you may be, you’ll always be together.

29. It’s okay to be scared. Being afraid means you are doing something new and important. But don’t let that keep you from love.

30. Love has the power to transform your life and improve your relationships. It can help you accomplish things you never thought were possible.

31. You have the opportunity to fall in love. What are you waiting for?

32. It’s time to overcome your fears and discover the possibilities that can unfold before you. Love is a wonderful thing!

33. Let’s not be afraid of love; it’s the most powerful force we have.

34. Love is a wonderful thing! Not only is it a sign of how much you love someone, but it also keeps your heart beating strong and full of energy.

35. What is love? Well, it begins with a heart that’s full of energy but also full of fear, and a brain that refuses to accept it.

36 . You don’t need a reason to love; you just need courage. Love is an opportunity to live your best life, so seize it with everything you’ve got.

37 . Just like you can learn to fly an aeroplane, you can learn to fall in love. When you have the know-how, there will be no heights or depths that you cannot endure.

38. Don’t be afraid of love. It is the bravest thing you can do. Wherever your love takes you, it’s the joy of the journey that will get you through.

39. You’ll never know how easy love can be if you’re too scared it’ll hurt.

40. It’s okay to be afraid of love because, as you grow older and wiser, you realize a heartbreak isn’t the end of the world.

41. The scariest thing about falling in love is asking yourself if you’re ready to take the chance.

42. If you aren’t afraid of your heartbreaking, you should be. But better a broken heart than none at all.

43 . Life’s too short. I’m not afraid of loving even if it means losing in the end.

44. Don’t be afraid of love because you’ll miss out on the chance to experience true happiness.

45. Fearing love is like fearing life because love is life.

46 . Are you ready for love? Sometimes you have to just jump in and work it out as you go.

47. Love is a leap, don’t be afraid to fall. You’re going to fly.

48. You should never be afraid of loving too much. It’s the only thing that matters.

49. It’s okay to fall in love with the wrong person and make mistakes. The point is to not let fear scare you from finding your soulmate.

50. Don’t be afraid of being vulnerable. Love without limits.

Not being afraid of love is a very important tenet of life because people who are afraid of love usually end up living unfulfilled lives. So, I trust that this post will help you see that although love is scary, it is worth the risk. You can share these quotes with any of your fearful friends. Thanks.

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