Quotes About Seeing Someone After a Long Time

The joy of meeting someone after a long time cannot be expressed in words. You have no idea how much you have been missing them all this while. It is the most wonderful of all feelings to see them again after a long time. I don’t know if it is an out of sight, out-of-mind thing, or what it is but one thing I know for sure is that it always feels so amazing to see someone you have not seen in a while.

Being away from people you care about for a long time can cause you to miss them more than usual. It seems like there is no way you could get tired of missing them because they are always stuck fresh on your mind especially when you are constantly thinking about them every single day.

Seeing an old friend, colleague, family member after a long time is a mixture of emotions. You are happy and excited that you get to see and catch up with your friend. But you also feel sad, because so much time has passed since you last saw each other.

Here are some quotes about seeing someone after a long time to help you express yourself better. Enjoy.

Seeing someone after a long time is like getting a glimpse of the older and younger self at the same time. Not only do you catch up on a lot of things but you also learn how well your friendship has stood the test of time.

1. Seeing someone after a long time is like the moment when you first met, but so much better, Because now you know how far you’ve come.

2. Meeting your best friend after a long time is like reliving the old memories with them, exactly the way they were.

3. When you meet a friend after a long time, the two of you start talking like nothing has changed.

4. That moment when you reconnect with someone from the past. It’s always so much better than the first meeting because now you know how far they’ve come and it’s usually a beautiful thing.

5. We’ve grown old, no words can say How much I’ve missed you So instead of these, I’ll just say It’s good to see you again.

6. Seeing someone after a long time is like meeting them for the first time all over again. You have no idea what to say, and your face starts sweating because of all the awkwardness. Then it passes and things are back to normal and it’s great.

7. When you meet someone after a long time, the first thing you want to know is what has changed, who has come into their life, and how their heart is doing.

8. The best part of seeing someone after a long time is that you never run out of things to talk about.

9. The second-best thing in life is meeting an old friend after a long, long time.

10. Seeing an old friend after years apart is like running into a member of your family you didn’t know existed. It’s like winning the lottery, but more personal.

11. Life is full of surprises, old friends come and go and so do new ones. Sometimes you meet an old friend with the right attitude to add a spark back into your life.

12. There’s something special about reconnecting with someone you haven’t seen in a long time. They’ve changed and so have you, and it might feel awkward at first, but once you start talking to them again, it feels like no time has passed at all.

13. It’s special when you reconnect with someone you haven’t seen in a while. You and they may have changed, and things might be a little awkward at first, but once the conversation starts flowing it’ll be like no time has passed at all.

14. It’s so great to catch up with someone you haven’t seen in ages. While they may change and so do you, it may feel uneasy at the beginning. Once you begin talking again it will feel like no time has passed.

15. When you connect with an old friend or someone you haven’t seen in a while, it’s like no time has passed at all.

16. Reuniting with a friend is like picking up right where you left off. When we visit them, you’ll feel at home immediately.

17. The best part about reconnecting with an old friend is when it’s time to say goodbye, you know you’re going to see them again.

18. Good friends are always worth reconnecting with, and seeing them after a long time makes it easy to laugh about how great it feels when you pick up right where you left off.

19. There is an unspoken ritual among friends who have not seen each other in a long time. They hug and briefly exchange news.

20. Seeing an old friend can feel like not a day has passed, and the best time you spent with old friends makes those good times easy to laugh about.

21. Nothing is better than seeing an old friend and making memories that will last a lifetime.

22. We may not have seen each other for long periods of time, but I’ll always be there for you when you need me most.

23. When you see a friend after a long time, and it’s just like time stood still and you just pick up where you left off, that is true friendship.

24. There is no better feeling than seeing an old friend after a long time and feeling that nothing has changed.

25. Meeting again after a long time is not the same as never parting.

26. It’s so good to reconnect with old friends. Time slips by but when we get together, it’s like we’re still in high school

27. Meeting someone after a long time is just like reading the last chapter of your favourite book again.

28. No matter how long you’re away from your best friend when you meet up again, it will be like you were never apart.

29. The best part about meeting up with friends from the past is hearing how much they’ve accomplished and how happy they are with their life.

30. Seeing a dear friend after a long time is like having the best piece of chocolate cake in the world. You feel warmth and comfort all over your body and soul.

31. It always feels good to see someone you have missed for so long. Even though the time is wrong and the place is not the same. It feels like home when you see them again. It always does.

32. It doesn’t matter how long we have been gone from our friends; they make us feel like we were never separated at all; they make us feel like it was just yesterday when we saw each other last.

33. To see a friend after a long time is like seeing the moon after a cloudy day.

34. When two people have been apart for a long time, they miss each other so much and when they meet again, even if it is just for one day, they will feel very happy.

35. The sight of old friends after a long absence is wonderful, like meeting the sun after clouds and storms.

36. When one meets an old friend again after many years, it is like looking at an old picture and finding it more beautiful than it was before.

37. A month feels like a second when you have been away from someone, but it feels like forever when you are waiting to see them again.

38. It’s so good to see you after such a long time. It’s great to finally see you after such a long time.

39. I miss you and I’m so glad to see you again after a long time. Seeing you is like a dream come true.

40. You’re the kind of person who only comes into my life once every so many years and I cherish that. I love you and I’m so happy that we’re back in contact after all these years.

41. You were always my favourite person, but when we didn’t talk for a while, it was like a nightmare. It’s great to see you again.

42. I’ve missed you so much. I’m glad to see you again. I’m so happy to see your face again.

43. It’s been so long since I last saw your face, heard your voice, and felt your embrace. I miss you, my sweetheart.

44. I miss your love and I’m so happy to be close to you again after such a long time.

45. It’s so nice to be reunited with an old friend after a long separation. And it’s really good to see you again!

46. I’m so glad to see you again after a long time. I miss you and I can’t wait to hear about your life. See you soon

47. I miss you and I’m so glad to see you again after a long time. It’s been a long time, but we still need to catch up.

48. We don’t see each other as often as we used to, but when we do we can talk like we’ve never spent a day apart.

49. Seeing you after such a long time felt like the best dream I’ve ever had come true.

50. I am happy to see you again after a long time. I am sure the reunion will be memorable.

The world is divided into two types of people. First, those who think seeing someone after a long time is awkward, and second, those who believe that it’s the best feeling in the world, the latter is the best because it makes you appreciate long memories and sweet moments.

51. To see each other again after so long, is like we never left at all. Time apart is just a test of how strong our love truly is.

52. It’s great to see you again after so many years. We have both changed, but the friendship has remained the same.

53. It’s nice seeing you after so long; it feels like we never stopped being friends.

54. Seeing you after a long time made me realize that no matter how far life takes us apart, our memories will always keep us close.

55. It was such a pleasure seeing you today. You look great and haven’t changed a bit. It seems like it was just yesterday we were all together.

56. Seeing you after a long time made me realize that no matter how far life takes us apart, our memories will always keep us close.

57. It was such a pleasure seeing you today. You look great and haven’t changed a bit. It seems like it was just yesterday we were all together.

58. What a surprise to see you! It has been so long since I last saw you; I hope your family is doing well. It was great catching up with you!

59. Seeing an old friend after a long time can make your day. Cheers to the good times ahead.

60. It was so nice to see you again! Time has not changed a thing! It feels like we saw each other yesterday!

61. The perfect reunion is one where we can catch up on everything and nothing all at once.

62. Seeing an old friend after a long time is like looking at a page in my life I had forgotten about. It makes me happy to know I lived it.

63. When you meet an old friend after a long time, you see they are not the same person you used to know.

64. I didn’t expect to see you again so soon, I could not sleep last night thinking of you and now you are here.

65. A sudden meeting with an old friend can be a great surprise. It is always a pleasure to see them again!

66. If you see someone after a long time, you have this odd sense of familiarity and appreciation. You understand them so much better than other people.

67. I think it’s really hard to see your friends after a long time and not be excited about it

68. When you see an old friend after a long time and realize you still have a lot to talk about.

69. Meeting an old friend after a long time and realizing that some things never change.

70. It is so nice to see you again. It has been too long since we have been together.

71. I am so glad that we will be able to spend some time together after all these years. It has been such a long time since we have seen each other.

72. It’s funny when you see someone after a long time, and they don’t look old at all. All of a sudden it feels like you took a tiny step back in time.

73. It is so nice to see you again. You look great! You are still as beautiful as ever!

74. When you meet an old friend after a long time, it’s hard to say who is more excited to see whom.

75. Meeting an old friend after a long time is not just exciting, but it also gives you a chance to talk about the good old days.

76. I am so happy to see you again! It is really nice to hear from you after such a long time!

77. It has been ages since I last saw you! I cannot believe that it has been so long since we last met.

78. It was so great to see you! It seemed like ages. I have had a great time. Let’s get together sometime soon.

79. It feels good to see you again. It’s been so long! I’m so happy to see you again! I’ve missed you!

80. Whenever I meet someone after a long time, I feel like we have a lot to talk about but at the same time, we have nothing to talk about.

81. When you see someone after a long time, they seem different from what you had imagined. There seemed to be an invisible thread connecting them with your memories

82. One of the best feelings in the world is when you hug someone you love after a very long time!

83. The reunion of old friends is like a double sun, shining with warmth and light.

84. When I see someone after a long time, I feel like seeing them all over again. It is always a pleasure to meet someone after a long time.

85. Even if we haven’t been in touch for some time, once you are in front of me, it just doesn’t matter. I am just glad to meet you again; let us make the most of this opportunity.

86. We haven’t seen each other for so long! It really is great to meet you again! You have no idea how much I have missed you!

87. You never realize how much you love someone until they are gone. But when they come back, nothing matters more than them.

88. It was very strange, seeing someone you know so well after a long time apart. You feel as if you know them, but then you don’t…not anymore.

89. It was so great to see you! I had a wonderful time. We must do this again soon. You’re always in my thoughts and prayers.

90. I am so glad we got together today! We must do this again soon.

91. A reunion with old friends is like a long-awaited rainbow that appears in the sky after a heavy downpour.

92. Being able to see an old friend after a long time is one of life’s greatest gifts.

93. Seeing an old friend after a long time apart is like opening a window and letting fresh air into a room that’s been closed up too long.

94. It’s been a while since we last met. I was so happy that we were able to meet again! I hope that you can find time again to spend with me.

95. Seeing an old friend after a long time is like seeing the sun after a long, gloomy, and rainy day.

96. Seeing you after a long time made me realize that the only way to live life is to live it happily and with those who make us smile.

97. I may not have realized it until now, but being with you and catching up with you is something that I missed so much in my life. Thank you for coming back into my life. Seeing you again made me happy.

98. It’s hard to see someone you used to know so well and realize how little they care about you now.

99. It is such a beautiful feeling when you see someone you love and care about after a very long time. Seeing them again brings back all those memories that you had forgotten and gives you a chance to make new ones.

100. Sometimes you have to meet someone again for the first time.

Most of the time, it can be great to see family and friends again after being apart. It’s said that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and if you love your partner then the distance does not matter.

Friends, family, and relationships are as close to us as our own skin. I hope these quotes about seeing someone after a long time reminded you how special these things are in your life.


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