Quotes to Cheer Up Your Daughter

Sometimes, parents struggle a lot when raising their daughters, especially during their teenage years. At times, they just feel sad either as a result of hormonal imbalance during their puberty stage or an experience from bullying, abuse or just getting over a heartbreak, etc. and all these can be difficult periods for any parent.

So, getting the exact words to make them come out of that state could seem a lot difficult. But, you could give her a gentle push in the right direction and help her reach through the darkness and get into her heart where she will feel that support that she needs so desperately at this time and see her face brighten with that smile you have been looking for on her face.

However, cheering them up wouldn’t be difficult anymore with the interesting and encouraging quotes to cheer up my daughter that I have provided just for you.

Dear daughter, that you are going through tough times is what almost everyone goes through but it’s not the end of life. Everything happens for a reason and so put all that has happened behind you and move forward without looking back. You are a success in all you do no matter what it is you are facing.

1. See the positive in negative events and do not be weighed down by them because they are eye-openers. So, stay positive with all that happens around you, dear daughter. I love you.

2. Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. Focus on what you can do and make sure you get it right, this time. Success awaits you, my princess.

3. You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it. Move on, dear girl.

4. See all that is happening to you as an experience of trial and suffering through which your soul can be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

5. Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try. You are really the best, daughter. Never forget that.

6. Don’t hold yourself back. You don’t have to be perfect all the time. Just be yourself, my daughter.

7. When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. Bounce back and forget all the tears that have torn you apart. Pick your pieces and put them back together. A new beginning awaits you, my daughter.

8. This stage will pass too and it will become history just like others. I love you, girl.

9. It is not a crime to fail but it is a crime to stay down just because you have failed.

10. My darling daughter, I still cannot comprehend such love as I feel towards you. You are the sweetest child in the world and I can’t imagine living one day not seeing your smile, hug or hearing your voice. Brighten up, my dear.

11. Life is like a garden, your success depends on preparation so believe yourself that you will come out better next time.

12. ‘You are an amazing person. You are beautiful inside and out. You will accomplish great things. I know this because I am a witness to your great ability to love, heal and forgive.

13. One of your greatest strengths is to be able to forge ahead no matter what setbacks you might come across. So, my daughter, this should not be a problem.

14. Do not let anyone make you feel any less because they cannot see who you truly are. Lift yourself up and focus on all the wonderful things you already have.

15. There is no happiness without you. You are my sunshine and angel. You make me happy so smile and jump out of what it is you are passing through now.

16. You are on this earth to be happy, live your life and have so much fun, sweet daughter of my heart.

17. I know you are a smart, clever and witty girl and I admire your courage in trying to find yourself but this will only add up as an experience for you. Cheer up.

18. Time heals all wounds, darling. Trust me; I know this from experience. Be happy for what we had and always think about it because that is your happy place.

19. You deserve so much better than him. Don’t be sad about a decision you made because you thought it was the right thing to do, but be glad that you gave it a chance and gained some great memories from it. Life happens, dear.

20. Know that somebody will love you just the way you are and make your heart sing with joy soonest when that prince charming shows up at your doorsteps.

21. That your relationship ended is not the end of the world for you. It just shows that he was not right for you and made a way for your real partner to come into your life.

22. I know it hurts, but time will heal all your wounds. But remember not to be too sad about it because you gained some special memories that you can always look back on and smile. I love you, my sweet angel.

23. Somebody will come along who’ll love you exactly the way you are; someone who makes your heart sing just thinking about him so don’t brood over the past, dearie.

24. Time heals all wounds, darling. Trust me; I know this from experience and with time, you would know this fact. Be happy.

25. You will get someone who completes you in every way and you will soon forget your ex-husband ever existed. Mummy loves you.

26. I remembered how much life you carry and I compared it to your present state now which is the opposite of you. Take care of yourself, babe.

27. Stay strong my love. Your daddy loves you very much and he’s never too far away! I can tell you are hurting, but don’t let that man break your spirit.

28. Since the last episode of your crises, you have been depressed but I as your mother want to boldly tell you you will overcome.

29. I will always be there for you no matter what. This phase will pass too. You are the love of my life and the light in my world.

30. I am so proud that you have found out where the problem lies but you shouldn’t stay down because I know you are so good at what you do. Cheer up.

31. I’ve been running through scenarios in my mind every day. I’ve imagined us happy as can be with you sleeping on the couch beside us, so come back dear to your real self.

32. I always pray that the smiles on your face, cheers in your heart and hopes in your life never fade.

33. I wish that each and every day of your life be full of joy and positivity to make it a cheerful and blessed day.

34. You have the power to either make it an inspirational and beautiful life or make it a dull and boring one….. Make your choices with a happy heart!!!

35. Without hopes of a bright future, without happiness deep in your heart, without smiles on your face…. You cannot have a good today and a better tomorrow.

36. To my loving daughter, never give up in life because your cheery heart and positive hopes have the power to make even the most impossible thing, a possible one.

37. God has gifted you with the best of everything and you must respect it…. Because of challenges in life, don’t give up on the hopes of a better tomorrow.

38. Work today for a brighter, happier and better future…. Smile today to make it a better present…. Always stay cheerful and joyous my princess.

39. You are the world and also the reason for all our happiness… May you be blessed with happiness and smiles all your life.

40. This is your world, dear and you are so good at what you do. Make your own happiness, my dear.

41. Make all your days full of joy and positivity. Sending you all my warm wishes.

42. Make everything worth it as you suffer and make life suffer more than it makes you. I love you.

43. You are pretty awesome, never forget that, dear daughter.

44. It doesn’t matter what is bothering you; I will always be there just a phone call away to cheer you up. I love you so much.

45. I will forever chase your evil dreams away and make your life filled with sunshine and all the lovely things of life. Be happy!

46. Sometimes, you are the only one who can pick yourself up. So, do just that, dear.

47. Have some faith in yourself as I will bring bright colours to your tensed life.

48. Enjoy everything that makes life worth living for because life is worth every enjoyment. Take care of yourself.

49. If life is tough, take the bull by the horn and tighten your belt because you are made for the top. I love you.

50. God bless everything that you and you will be better than you ever are.

Hello, I am glad you read till the end and I am sure Your daughter would be glad to receive these quotes to cheer up your daughter from a loving parent like you. Please, do me a favour by leaving a comment in the comment section below, and don’t forget to share.

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