Quotes to Help With a Breakup

A breakup is never easy, but it’s even harder when you need to help someone that is going through a breakup. It’s important to remember that your friend or someone special to you is going through an extremely difficult time, and it’s okay to be there for them even if they don’t always want you.

Sometimes the best way to help someone with a break-up is by doing nothing at all but If the person you want to help doesn’t want your sympathy and doesn’t seem interested in talking about what happened, don’t force it. Just be there for them in case they need it later on. Don’t be weary in reaching out.

But as a friend, it’s hard to watch someone you care about go through the pain of a breakup and you left them alone. It’s even more difficult if that person is one of your best friends. There are times when you may find yourself in the position of helping a friend through a breakup. Even though you don’t have their partner anymore, you still want to be there for them.

Helping someone out of a difficult situation can bring joy to your heart and to those you have helped. Why not help that special person in your life that is going through difficult times of breakup with these inspiring quotes to help with a breakup below?

The best way to get over someone is to find someone new. The worst thing you can do is stay in a relationship that causes you pain and heartbreak. Break up with the person who doesn’t support your dreams, or who has a negative impact on your life. Don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back from moving forward.

1. Breakups are hard, but also worth it. Don’t be afraid to break up. It is a process that takes time, but the end result is worth it.

2. Don’t be afraid to break up with someone you’re not feeling anymore. It’s a process that takes time, but the end result is worth it.

3. Never underestimate the power of breaking up. It’s a process, but it will only make you stronger.

4. When you choose to break up, the hard work begins. But remember that it’s a process that takes time and practice.

5. Breaking up is hard to do, but it’s worth it. Don’t be afraid to go it alone and make changes that you’re ready for.

6. Break-ups are hard, but remember that it’s okay to start over and figure out a way to make it work. It’s all about finding what you need in another person, whether it be their support, their heart or just the space to heal.

7. Breaking up is hard. It’s like hitting a reset button, letting go of all your old relationships and restarting with someone new. But it’s worth it to make room for something better.

8. Breakups suck. But they’re part of life and sometimes we have to go through them to get to the other side.

9. No matter how strong your relationship is, it can’t survive if you keep pushing it together like a Lego block, over and over again.

10. Don’t be afraid to break up with someone who doesn’t appreciate you for who you are and what you stand for.

11. Be the change you want to see in the world. Break up with someone who doesn’t appreciate you for who you are and what you stand for.

12. When you know, you know. When someone doesn’t appreciate you for who you are and what you stand for, it is time to break up.

13. Don’t wait. Don’t hesitate. Break up with someone who doesn’t love you for who you are and what you stand for—not just your looks or how much money you have in the bank. It’s worth it.

14. You need to be yourself, you need to be bold and you need to be brave. Break up with someone who doesn’t appreciate you for who you are.

15. You can’t go through life with someone who doesn’t appreciate you. Don’t settle for less. Be ready to break up.

16. It takes time to build something great. Invest your time and energy in those who are willing to grow with you. Remember, it’s always worth the wait.

17. You deserve someone who truly loves you for you. Don’t be afraid to break up with someone who does not appreciate the real you. It is a process that takes time, but the end result is worth it.

18. Don’t be afraid to break up with someone who doesn’t appreciate you for who you are and what you stand for. The end result is worth it!

19. It is important to be authentic, because whom you see in the mirror changes with time. Break up with someone who does not appreciate you for who you are and what you stand for.

20. Do not settle for someone who does not appreciate you for who you are and what you stand for. Break up with someone who does not appreciate the person you are today: never settle

21. Don’t be afraid to break up with someone who doesn’t appreciate you. It’s scary, but it will change your life for the better.

22. Be bold, be strong. Be self-assured and not afraid to say “no.” You deserve better than a relationship that doesn’t make you happy.

23. For those of you who are still waiting for someone who will appreciate you for the person you are and not just your body, take a step forward.

24. There will always be someone who doesn’t appreciate you for your strengths, but there will never be anyone who appreciates you for your weaknesses. Be strong and live a bold life

25. Slow and steady wins the race. Know that you are worth it, that you are enough just as you are. Let go of those who do not see that in you and learn to love yourself for who you are.

26. You are not defined by what other people think of you. You are not defined by how they treat you, or how they perceive you. You are defined by who you are and what you do.

27. You are more than the pain he caused you, more than the damage he did, more than the words he said to you.”

28. When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.”

29. You can’t change someone who doesn’t want to change.”

30. Don’t be afraid to be alone…it gives you a chance to find yourself without being influenced by anyone else.

31. If someone is not going to make you a priority in their life, then they do not deserve to be a priority of yours.

32. Never apologize for taking time for yourself; it is selfish to think that others will live perfectly fine without you for even one second.

33. Get the courage to break up with someone who is not worth it.

34. Even if a relationship isn’t worth being in, it’s never too late to start over.

35. It’s okay to let go of a relationship that is not working for you. You deserve better.

36. It’s time to break up. Let go of the past, and move forward.

37. Don’t be afraid to let go of someone who doesn’t deserve you.

38. You deserve someone who makes you laugh and encourages your dreams, not someone who pushes you down.

39. Don’t let the one that got away be the one that kept you up at night. If it’s time to move on, it’s time to move on.

40. You’re stronger than a breakup. Keep moving forward—be the badass you were meant to be.

41. Some relationship ends. It’s painful, but it’s inevitable. You can choose to let yourself feel sad or you can choose to look forward.

42. When you’ve been a part of someone’s life for so long, it can be hard to tell if it’s time to move on. Let us help you figure it out!

43. The secret to a happy relationship isn’t happiness. It’s being able to let go of the things that aren’t working.

44. Just because things are bad doesn’t mean they can’t get better. You deserve happiness, and you deserve to be happy. Don’t settle for anything less than your best.

45. Don’t get stuck in a bad relationship. It’s not worth it.

46. Breaking up with a person that doesn’t deserve you is the hardest thing you will ever do. Don’t give up! Be strong and remember why you decided to break up in the first place.

47. Don’t be afraid to break up. It is a process that takes time, but the end result is worth it.

48. Breaking up is hard to do, but it’s not the end of the world. Try to remember that life is too short to be unhappy.

49. You deserve happiness, and you deserve to be happy. Don’t settle for anything less than your best. You can do better!

50. You deserve happiness, and you deserve to be happy. Don’t settle for anything less than your best.

51. Don’t settle for anything less than your best. You deserve happiness, and you deserve to be happy. Don’t settle for anything less than your best. You deserve happiness, and you deserve to be happy. Don’t settle for anything less than your best.

52. Don’t settle for less than your best. You deserve happiness, and you deserve to be happy. Don’t settle for anything less than your best

53. You deserve happiness and to be happy. You don’t need to settle for anything less than your best,

54. When things are bad, think about what you have. When things are good, think about what you want. If a situation doesn’t feel right, don’t be afraid to move on.

55. You can have anything you want if you’re willing to work for it. Just remember, if you get knocked down, with every failure comes success. Don’t give up. Embrace the pain and strength of adversity.

56. Unlike the sun and the moon, you can choose the direction of your life. Choose happiness, because it’s the only thing that will set you free.

57. There will always be things in life that we can’t control and so we need to decide what is most important. Life is about the journey, not just the destination.

58. It’s not easy breaking up with someone you love, but it’s necessary.

59. You can do better. It’s OK to move on from someone who doesn’t deserve it.

60. You deserve someone who will love you unconditionally. Don’t settle for anything less.

61. You deserve better. You can find someone who will love you for you, not what you’re “supposed to be”.

62. Don’t let the fear of hurting someone else keep you from making the right decision. Every relationship has its up and downs, but it’s up to you to make that choice together.

63. You are worth more than the risk of settling for less. Don’t let someone who is not a good fit into your life take you down with them.

64. When it comes to relationships, you have to be the change. Don’t keep going back for more of what’s not worth an ounce of happiness.

65. You deserve better. You have to make time for what you truly love.

66. Remember, the relationship you are in might be the one that defines whom you become.

67. You can always break up with someone who doesn’t deserve your love and energy.

68. Don’t wait for someone to walk away. Don’t wait for them to break up with you first. Just do it yourself.

69. Remember, breakups are hard. But they’re so worth it.

70. You deserve someone better. Let your man go, be happy, and don’t regret it later.

71. Break up with someone who makes you feel bad about yourself and make room for someone who will treat you with respect.

72. Breakups are hard, but they’re not impossible. Here are some tips on how to deal with it.

73. Don’t waste your time being with someone who doesn’t deserve you. Maximize the amount of good energy you share with those who want the best for you, and don’t settle for anything less.

74. Sometimes relationships are not meant to last. But if you’re going through a breakup, don’t worry: it happens to the best of us.

75. Sometimes you have to break the rules for your heart.

76. It’s never too late to make a change. You’re always worth more than what you settle for.

77. Sometimes it’s okay to be alone. Sometimes we all need time to figure out who we are and what’s important to us.

78. It’s okay to hang with your friends, date yourself or date someone who adds value to you. You deserve to be prioritized.

79. I’ve been there. It’s hard to walk away from a toxic relationship. But you are stronger than you think and I know you will make the right decision.

80. If you have to, break up. It’s all right, it’s not the end of the world. Just make a change and find someone who gives you joy and makes your heart flutter!

81. If you feel trapped in a relationship, don’t let the fear stop you from doing what’s best for you.

82. You don’t have to break up with your ex just because you want more. You deserve more.

83. Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to let yourself be happy, even when it feels impossible. Remember that it’s ok to say no and not be in relationships that are draining you out.

84. Breakups are hard, but they’re necessary. You can’t half-ass your life. It’s time to be brave and make the right decisions for you, even if it’s hard.

85. The best way to end a relationship is not to begin one in the first place.

86. Life is too short to be with someone who makes you feel small.

87. It’s okay to say goodbye. It not only makes you stronger, but it helps the other person get into a better place too.

88. It’s time to stop hanging out on the fence, and start embracing what you deserve.

89. Don’t be afraid to break up with something that is not adding value to you.

90. It’s not easy to let go of someone who makes you feel worthless. But please remember that you are not alone and there are people out there for you. Find someone who makes you happy and who can add value to your life.

91. It’s time to admit that your relationship is not working and it’s time for you to move on.

92. You don’t need to wait for life to happen to make it happen. Don’t settle for less than a great life, even if it means leaving behind a relationship that doesn’t make you happy.

93. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to find love again. You deserve to be loved and appreciated. You deserve the best version of yourself—and that’s what you’ll find with us.

94. Sometimes it’s the hardest thing you have to do, but it’s worth it to find someone who makes your life happy and exciting.

95. You will learn from every relationship, even when it ends. Even if it’s a hard lesson to learn, try and be kind and remember that everyone goes through struggles and failures.

96. You don’t need to be a certain way to ‘nail’ something worthwhile or valuable in your life. The key is to just be who you are and take control over what you want out of life.

97. What you think about yourself is what you attract. Keep your mind focused on the positive, beautiful things that bring value to your life.

98. The hardest thing to do is let go of something that no longer brings you joy—even if you know it’s the right decision.

99. You have to know when it’s time to move on. You have to be okay with walking away from a relationship that is not working for you.

100. Sometimes, it’s hard to let go. There is a saying: “When one door closes, another opens.” You shouldn’t allow yourself to be stuck in a relationship that doesn’t bring you joy.

101. There are times in life when you have to make those tough decisions. But by keeping your eye on the bigger picture, you can find happiness in a way that makes sense for both of you.

102. You are enough. You are smart, funny and beautiful. You deserve to be happy. Break up with them!

103. Breaking up is hard to do, but it’s important to do. You deserve true happiness.

104. You are worth more than someone who does not care about you or who has hurt you before. Don’t stay because it’s easy, break up with someone who would rather see you unhappy than happy.

105. If you find yourself feeling stuck in a relationship that isn’t right for you, don’t give up. You can do it!

106. The hardest part of breaking up with someone is finding the courage to say it. But saying it isn’t enough. You need to follow through with your actions and make sure they mean what you said.

107. You deserve a relationship that gives you all the love, support, and happiness you need.

108. We are here to help you feel better. We want to know why you’re feeling the way you do.

109. It’s okay to be a little selfish in your relationships. It’s okay to not have to give everything you have in a relationship.

110. There’s always a reason why things don’t work out, but it doesn’t make it any less painful to end it.

111. I don’t want to be too hard on you, but you can’t keep living in a relationship that’s not worth it. You’ve got to do what’s best for you and get out while you still can.

112. Don’t let the good times go to waste. You deserve better than a relationship that’s hurting you.

113. It’s not easy to end a relationship that has gotten you nothing but pain. But if you want to move on, it’s time to leave.

114. Breakups are hard. I get it. But let this be your reminder to make the right decisions for you and your love life.

115. We all know that breakups are hard. But they’re the best thing that could happen to you. You’ll go through it faster and stronger when you know what to do.

116. You’re worth it. You deserve someone who loves you more than they love themselves.

117. You deserve better. You deserve someone who will love and respect you, as much as you do them. Not someone who will let you down, but someone who brings out the best in you.

118. You don’t need someone else to validate your existence. You’re enough on your own, and that’s a beautiful thing to remember when the love of your life walks out the door.

Sometimes all we need is a little space and time away from any relationship that is not good for us so we can see it clearly again and make better decisions based on our true desires rather than what we’ve been conditioned into believing we have no choice but to accept as reality just because it’s familiar and easy.

I hope you find these quotes to help with a breakup useful. Don’t hesitate to share with your friends and family; as always, I’d love to hear from you in the comment box below!

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