In this chapter, the researcher discussed the findings based on the outcome of result of the five research questions. The educational implication of the findings were highlighted. It was based on the findings and educational implication that recommendations for further research were made.

            The researcher also highlighted on the limitations of this study and equally proffered some solutions to the educational implementation problems.

5.1       Discussion of the Findings  

            The responses or result of the research questions were guided by questionnaire one to four, as presented in table one.

            This table one indicates that power politics affected the head of schools implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system of education in Onicha Local Government Area. The heads and teachers of the whole schools visited concur that power politics is one of the implementation problems encountered by secondary school heads especially in the area in question.

            This affirmation can deduce from the general high percentage scores of all items in a table one. Meanwhile the heads and teachers pointed that political instability, political “godfatherism  and the influence of politicians in recruitment of teachers are detrimental to effective educational policy implementation.

            In table two which takes care of research question two; the items number five to eight were taken care of according to the result, the respondent are in agreement  that planning without accruable data is one of the implementation problems encountered by secondary school heads. This is evidenced by the high percentage and frequency scores of the responded in affirmation to the research question.

            Table three on research question here has items  nine to twelve. This table x-rays the heads of schools and teacher opinions that lack of adequate consultation of heads marred the secondary school heads effort in implementing the 6-3-3-4 system of education.

            This result underscores that some heads did not understand the policy, heads did not participate in educational planning as such then input and ideas were not sought. These made the head not to understand some of the  programmes aimed at actualization of the 6-3-3-4 system, like the continuous assessment policy.

            The research question four in table four with items number thirteen to sixteen, present the result of the same research question there, the result shows that the head and teachers are in support of the ideas that lack of human and material resources jeopardized head implementation of 6-3-3-4 system in Onicha Local Government Area. A cursory look into this table will reveal a high percentage scores in the number of respondents will agree with the idea.

            The heads generally accepted that lack of human and material resources was the major implementation problem encountered in the implementation of the former educational policy called 6-3-3-4 system.

            According to the findings, there were lack of trained teachers, lack of fund, lack of trained system managers and above all lack of learning materials.

            Lastly in table five, the research question was down loaded into specifies covering items seventeen to twenty. The general high percentage score of agreement here suggests that respondent  believe that financial indiscipline was another implementation problem encountered by the secondary school heads in Onicha Local Government Area.

            The respondent admit that commotion on the part of the heads, teacher, government was the bane of the implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system in Onicha Local Government Area.

5.2       The Educational Implications of the Study 

            This study will help in a no small measure to improve the standard of education in Nigeria. The study would also help to solve the problems that were encountered in the implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system of educational in Nigeria.

            Another educational implication is that it will serve as a guide to the implementation of the current 9-3-4 system of education in Nigeria. Moreso, it will be useful to future formulators of educational policies to be more accurate in policy formulation.

            Again it will serve as prolegomena to head in educational policy implementations. Finally It will also help to improve the effective and proper implementation of the current education policy in secondary schools in Onicha Local Government Area in Ebonyi State.

5.3       Recommendations         

            Following the discoveries so far made in the course of this study, the following recommendations were made.

v      For the 9-3-4 system which is the current policy not to suffer implementation problem that was the bane of the 6-3-3-4 system; all those involved in educational planning should take accurate statistical data before formulating policies.

v      Educational decision making should not be politicized, rather experts should be allowed to carry it no mater the area they come from 

v      Educational decision making should not be politicized rather expert  should be allowed to carry it out no matter the area they come from.

v    Recru
itment of teachers should be done purely on merit

v    There is the need to consult the teachers and heads before any policy is formulated, because they are those who work in the field

v    More teachers should be recruited into the secondary school in order that all the subjects be covered

v    Government should allocate adequate percentage of the annual budget to the education sector.

v    Adequate infrastructure should be provided in the secondary and primary schools like building school laboratories, workshop etc.

v    Teachers should be highly remunerated in order to motivate them into seriousness and to eschew corruption.

v    Regular seminars and workshop should be organized for heads on school management and administration.

v    Financial provisions made for education should be properly utilized and not directed into individual pockets

5.4       Limitations of the Study               

            This study was limited to finding the implementation problems of the 6-3-3-4 system encountered by heads of schools in Onicha Local Government Area in Ebonyi State.

            The fifteen public schools were covered and the respondents were only twenty, which include heads, teachers and non tutorial staff.

5.6       Suggestions for  Further studies

1.         A similar study should be carried out to discover the same situation in some institution like head teachers of primary school in Onicha Local Government Area.

2.         Research should also be carried on the effects of teachers programme on the implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system of education

            Finally research ought to be carried on the financial management of school heads in our local governments.

5.7       Summary  

            This study is centered on the implementation problems of 6-3-3-4 system encountered by secondary school heads in Onicha Local Government Area Ebonyi State.

            The researcher used questionnaire as the instrument for data collection. The questionnaire was administered on a population of fifteen (15) secondary schools and 200 heads and teachers in Onicha Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. The data collected from the tables reveal that 1364 or 34.10% strongly agreed with the constrains. 1442 or 36.05% respondents agree with these constraints, while 510 or 1275% strongly disagreed and 654 or 16.35% disagree.

    From these indications, it is strongly agreed and agreed that secondary school heads encountered a lot of problems in the implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system of education in Onicha Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.

5.8       Conclusion           

            This research work was carried out to find out the implementation problems of the 6-3-3-4 system encountered by the heads of schools in Onicha local government area. This study has some interesting revelations, that several factors which include politics, lack of proper planning, without accurate data. Lack of resources and personnel and corruption among others, were the major implementation problems encountered by the heads of secondary schools in Onicha Local Government Area.

            In this light, it is obvious that the failure of the 6-3-3-4 system is not because of the nature of the system but basically implementation problems.

            Now that the nation formulated a new policy called 9-3-4 system, it becomes imperative that adequate measures should be taken to ensure that the new system does not suffer the same implementation problems that befogged the then 6-3-3-4 system.

            If this suggestion is taken seriously the standard of Nigeria education will improve and heads will find it easier to implement the new system.


School (area) covered

1.         Ukawu secondary school Ukawu

2.         Oshiri community secondary school Oshiri

3.         Isu Secondary School Isu 

4.         Onicha Technical Secondary School Onicha

5.         Amoffia Secondary School Ukwau

6.         Comprehensive secondary school Ohoffia

7.         Ezeube secondary school Amankpuma

8.         Okuzzu comprehensive secondary school Okuzzu Ukawu

9.         Amaukpuma Community secondary school Ukawu

10.       Enuagu secondary school Onicha

11.       Comprehensive secondary school Oriegu Isu

12.       Community Secondary School Abaomege  

13.       Ishinkwo Community Secondary School Ishnkwu

14.       Amanator community secondary school Isu

15.       Agbabor Community secondary school Isu     


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