Recreational Property Development In Owerri Imo State

Recreational Property Development In Owerri Imo State. 


Owerri is a fast growing city and its growth is largely attributed to the role it assumed after the Nigerian civil war as the commercial nerve (activities) centre of Imo State. The study gives an insight on the nature and condition of the recreational properties in Owerri.

The global economic meltdown and its resulting problems have not contributed in a small measure in making real property management and development a difficult task.

The project work is aimed at looking at the various classes of recreational properties its condition and its availability in Owerri. In order to get adequate data needed for this work the following methods were adopted questionnaires, interview and personal observation.

Data collected from both secondary and primary sources were analyzed through the use of percentage distribution and degrees to facilitate the comparison of the various responses from the respondents.

Reasonable recommendations were made towards improvement of recreational facilities and its property management in Owerri.


Title page                                                         i

Approval page                                                ii

Dedication                                                      iii

Acknowledgment                                           iv

Abstract                                                            v

Table of contents                                            vi

Chapter One


1.1 Background of the study                                    1

1.2 Statement of the study                                       3

1.3 Aim and objective of the study                         4

1.4 Scope of the study                                               5

1.5 Limitation of the study                                      5

1.6 Definitions of terms                                            7

Chapter Two

Literature Review

2.2 Meaning of property                                                             8

2.3 Concept of recreational property development              9

2.4 Development of recreational property in Owerri          10

2.5 Recreational property development determinant         12

2.6 Recreational facilities in Owerri                                        12

2.7 Population and recreational facilities                               14


3.1 research methodology                                            15

3.2 Sources of data                                                        15

3.3 Method/techniques of data collection               16

3.4 Sampling method                                                   16

3.5 Area of the study                                                     17

3.6 Research design                                                       17

3.7 Population of the study                                           17

3.8 Method of data presentation and analysis          18

Chapter Four

4.1 Data presentation and analysis                               19

4.2 Analysis on response questionnaire                      19

4.3 Population                                                                  20

Chapter Five

5.1 Summary of findings                               24

5.2 Conclusion                                                25

5.3 Recommendation                                    26




Background of the Study

The Nigerian government, in her quest to diversity, her mono economy, which is heavily dependent on petroleum export, has made efforts to take some measures in promoting  development of recreational properties/ facilities, the various professional vocations engaged by Nigeria of old from the bedrock of our common socio cultural norms.

Men and women who are in such vocations were gathered and restricted to their  place of work daily and having only occasional breaks hourly per day or in minutes as the case may be. They are also allowed little holiday on days marked out for public holiday and also day’s for religious festivals.

They also had limited re creational activities as they had little or no time left having satisfied the mandatory requirement of work and some personal and domestic chores.

Most of the traditional leisure times and activities such as playing of games, wresting, storytelling and social visitation to place indoors or in locations closer to homes some of the social activities like child naming ceremony, laying to rest of an aged person, weddings and various town festival gave opportunities for singing, dreaming and dancing which were in essence entertainment of recreational states.

Due to the mono economy of the country the socio- cultural life style of the people demands for modern version of entertainment recreation and its development.

Factors that encourage these are; Nigeria is on the threshold of agro- industrial break through. The economy is industrially oriented therefore the need for leisure and recreation becomes inevitable amongst the inhabitants.

Recreation as recognized is one of the parameter in which human development is based. Recreation has been provided to contribute to physical mental and psychological development of   mankind and as such fastens social integration Abiri (1985).


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